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synced 2025-02-09 19:35:34 -06:00
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# Copyright (C) 2020 Robert Chacón
# This file is part of LibreQoS.
# LibreQoS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LibreQoS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LibreQoS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# _ _ _ ___ ____
# | | (_) |__ _ __ ___ / _ \ ___/ ___|
# | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \ | | |/ _ \___ \
# | |___| | |_) | | | __/ |_| | (_) |__) |
# |_____|_|_.__/|_| \___|\__\_\\___/____/
# v.0.81-stable
import random
import logging
import os
import io
import json
import csv
import subprocess
from subprocess import PIPE
import ipaddress
from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv6Address
import time
from datetime import date, datetime
from ispConfig import fqOrCAKE, upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps, upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps, defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps, defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps, interfaceA, interfaceB, enableActualShellCommands, runShellCommandsAsSudo
import collections
def shell(command):
if enableActualShellCommands:
if runShellCommandsAsSudo:
command = 'sudo ' + command
commands = command.split(' ')
proc = subprocess.Popen(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): # or another encoding
def clearPriorSettings(interfaceA, interfaceB):
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceA)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceB)
if runShellCommandsAsSudo:
def refreshShapers():
devices = []
accessPointDownloadMbps = {}
accessPointUploadMbps = {}
filterHandleCounter = 101
#Load Access Points
with open('AccessPoints.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
AP, download, upload = row
accessPointDownloadMbps[AP] = int(download)
accessPointUploadMbps[AP] = int(upload)
#Load Devices
with open('Shaper.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
deviceID, AP, mac, hostname,ipv4, ipv6, downloadMin, uploadMin, downloadMax, uploadMax = row
ipv4 = ipv4.strip()
ipv6 = ipv6.strip()
if AP == "":
AP = "none"
thisDevice = {
"id": deviceID,
"mac": mac,
"AP": AP,
"hostname": hostname,
"ipv4": ipv4,
"ipv6": ipv6,
"downloadMin": int(downloadMin),
"uploadMin": int(uploadMin),
"downloadMax": int(downloadMax),
"uploadMax": int(uploadMax),
"qdiscSrc": '',
"qdiscDst": '',
# If an AP is specified for a device in Shaper.csv, but AP is not listed in AccessPoints.csv, raise exception
if (AP != "none") and (AP not in accessPointDownloadMbps):
raise ValueError('AP ' + AP + ' not listed in AccessPoints.csv')
# If no AP is specified for a device in Shaper.csv, it is placed under this 'default' AP shaper, set to bandwidth max at edge
accessPointDownloadMbps['none'] = upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps
accessPointUploadMbps['none'] = upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps
#Sort into bins by AP
result = collections.defaultdict(list)
for d in devices:
devicesByAP = list(result.values())
#Clear Prior Configs
clearPriorSettings(interfaceA, interfaceB)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent 1: u32')
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent 2: u32')
ipv4FiltersSrc = []
ipv4FiltersDst = []
ipv6FiltersSrc = []
ipv6FiltersDst = []
parentIDFirstPart = 1
srcOrDst = 'dst'
thisInterface = interfaceA
classIDcounter = 3
shell('tc qdisc replace dev ' + thisInterface + ' root handle 1: htb default 2 r2q 1514')
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate '+ str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1:1 ' + fqOrCAKE)
#Default class - traffic gets passed through this limiter if not otherwise classified by the Shaper.csv
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1:1 classid 1:2 htb rate ' + str(defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit prio 5')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1:2 ' + fqOrCAKE)
#Create HTBs by AP
for AP in devicesByAP:
currentAPname = AP[0]['AP']
thisAPdownload = accessPointDownloadMbps[currentAPname]
thisAPupload = accessPointUploadMbps[currentAPname]
thisHTBrate = thisAPdownload
#HTBs for each AP
thisHTBclassID = '1:' + str(classIDcounter)
# Guarentee AP gets at least 1/2 of its radio capacity, allow up to its max radio capacity when network not at peak load
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1:1 classid ' + str(classIDcounter) + ' htb rate '+ str(round(thisHTBrate/2)) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(round(thisHTBrate)) + 'mbit prio 3')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1:' + str(classIDcounter) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
classIDcounter += 1
for device in AP:
#QDiscs for each AP
speedcap = 0
downloadMin = device['downloadMin']
downloadMax = device['downloadMax']
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + thisHTBclassID + ' classid ' + str(classIDcounter) + ' htb rate '+ str(downloadMin) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(downloadMax) + 'mbit prio 3')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 1:' + str(classIDcounter) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
if device['ipv4']:
parentString = '1:'
flowIDstring = '1:' + str(classIDcounter)
ipv4FiltersDst.append((device['ipv4'], parentString, flowIDstring))
if device['ipv6']:
parentString = '1:'
flowIDstring = '1:' + str(classIDcounter)
ipv6FiltersDst.append((device['ipv6'], parentString, flowIDstring))
deviceQDiscID = '1:' + str(classIDcounter)
device['qdiscDst'] = '1:' + str(classIDcounter)
classIDcounter += 1
parentIDFirstPart = 2
srcOrDst = 'src'
thisInterface = interfaceB
classIDcounter = 3
shell('tc qdisc replace dev ' + thisInterface + ' root handle 2: htb default 2 r2q 1514')
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2: classid 2:1 htb rate '+ str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2:1 ' + fqOrCAKE)
#Default class - traffic gets passed through this limiter if not otherwise classified by the Shaper.csv
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2:1 classid 2:2 htb rate ' + str(defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit prio 5')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2:2 ' + fqOrCAKE)
#Create HTBs by AP
for AP in devicesByAP:
currentAPname = AP[0]['AP']
thisAPdownload = accessPointDownloadMbps[currentAPname]
thisAPupload = accessPointUploadMbps[currentAPname]
thisHTBrate = thisAPupload
#HTBs for each AP
thisHTBclassID = '2:' + str(classIDcounter)
# Guarentee AP gets at least 1/2 of its radio capacity, allow up to its max radio capacity when network not at peak load
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2:1 classid ' + str(classIDcounter) + ' htb rate '+ str(round(thisHTBrate/2)) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(round(thisHTBrate)) + 'mbit prio 3')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2:' + str(classIDcounter) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
classIDcounter += 1
for device in AP:
#QDiscs for each AP
speedcap = 0
uploadMin = device['uploadMin']
uploadMax = device['uploadMax']
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + thisHTBclassID + ' classid ' + str(classIDcounter) + ' htb rate '+ str(uploadMin) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(uploadMax) + 'mbit prio 3')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 2:' + str(classIDcounter) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
if device['ipv4']:
parentString = '2:'
flowIDstring = '2:' + str(classIDcounter)
ipv4FiltersSrc.append((device['ipv4'], parentString, flowIDstring))
if device['ipv6']:
parentString = '2:'
flowIDstring = '2:' + str(classIDcounter)
ipv6FiltersSrc.append((device['ipv6'], parentString, flowIDstring))
device['qdiscSrc'] = '2:' + str(classIDcounter)
classIDcounter += 1
#IPv4 Hash Filters
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent 1: protocol all u32')
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent 2: protocol all u32')
interface = interfaceA
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' parent 1: protocol ip handle 3: u32 divisor 256')
for i in range (256):
hexID = str(hex(i)).replace('0x','')
for ipv4Filter in ipv4FiltersDst:
ipv4, parent, classid = ipv4Filter
if '/' in ipv4:
ipv4 = ipv4.split('/')[0]
if (ipv4.split('.', 3)[3]) == str(i):
filterHandle = hex(filterHandleCounter)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' handle ' + filterHandle + ' protocol ip parent 1: u32 ht 3:' + hexID + ': match ip dst ' + ipv4 + ' flowid ' + classid)
filterHandleCounter += 1
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' protocol ip parent 1: u32 ht 800: match ip dst hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 16 link 3:')
interface = interfaceB
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' parent 2: protocol ip handle 4: u32 divisor 256')
for i in range (256):
hexID = str(hex(i)).replace('0x','')
for ipv4Filter in ipv4FiltersSrc:
ipv4, parent, classid = ipv4Filter
if '/' in ipv4:
ipv4 = ipv4.split('/')[0]
if (ipv4.split('.', 3)[3]) == str(i):
filterHandle = hex(filterHandleCounter)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' handle ' + filterHandle + ' protocol ip parent 2: u32 ht 4:' + hexID + ': match ip src ' + ipv4 + ' flowid ' + classid)
filterHandleCounter += 1
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' protocol ip parent 2: u32 ht 800: match ip src hashkey mask 0x000000ff at 12 link 4:')
#IPv6 Hash Filters
interface = interfaceA
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' parent 1: handle 5: protocol ipv6 u32 divisor 256')
for ipv6Filter in ipv6FiltersDst:
ipv6, parent, classid = ipv6Filter
withoutCIDR = ipv6.split('/')[0]
third = str(IPv6Address(withoutCIDR).exploded).split(':',5)[3]
usefulPart = third[:2]
hexID = usefulPart
filterHandle = hex(filterHandleCounter)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' handle ' + filterHandle + ' protocol ipv6 parent 1: u32 ht 5:' + hexID + ': match ip6 dst ' + ipv6 + ' flowid ' + classid)
filterHandleCounter += 1
filterHandle = hex(filterHandleCounter)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' protocol ipv6 parent 1: u32 ht 800:: match ip6 dst ::/0 hashkey mask 0x0000ff00 at 28 link 5:')
filterHandleCounter += 1
interface = interfaceB
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' parent 2: handle 6: protocol ipv6 u32 divisor 256')
for ipv6Filter in ipv6FiltersSrc:
ipv6, parent, classid = ipv6Filter
withoutCIDR = ipv6.split('/')[0]
third = str(IPv6Address(withoutCIDR).exploded).split(':',5)[3]
usefulPart = third[:2]
hexID = usefulPart
filterHandle = hex(filterHandleCounter)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' handle ' + filterHandle + ' protocol ipv6 parent 2: u32 ht 6:' + hexID + ': match ip6 src ' + ipv6 + ' flowid ' + classid)
filterHandleCounter += 1
filterHandle = hex(filterHandleCounter)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interface + ' protocol ipv6 parent 2: u32 ht 800:: match ip6 src ::/0 hashkey mask 0x0000ff00 at 12 link 6:')
filterHandleCounter += 1
#Save devices to file to allow for statistics runs
with open('devices.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(devices, outfile)
currentTimeString = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
print("Successful run completed on " + currentTimeString)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Program complete")