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synced 2025-01-24 04:36:25 -06:00
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245 lines
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# v1.1 beta
import csv
import io
import ipaddress
import json
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
import multiprocessing
from ispConfig import fqOrCAKE, upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps, upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps, \
defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps, defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps, interfaceA, interfaceB, enableActualShellCommands, \
def shell(command):
if enableActualShellCommands:
if runShellCommandsAsSudo:
command = 'sudo ' + command
commands = command.split(' ')
proc = subprocess.Popen(commands, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for line in io.TextIOWrapper(proc.stdout, encoding="utf-8"): # or another encoding
def clearPriorSettings(interfaceA, interfaceB):
if enableActualShellCommands:
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceA)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceB)
def refreshShapers():
tcpOverheadFactor = 1.09
# Load Devices
devices = []
with open('Shaper.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
deviceID, ParentNode, mac, hostname,ipv4, ipv6, downloadMin, uploadMin, downloadMax, uploadMax = row
ipv4 = ipv4.strip()
ipv6 = ipv6.strip()
if ParentNode == "":
ParentNode = "none"
ParentNode = ParentNode.strip()
thisDevice = {
"id": deviceID,
"mac": mac,
"ParentNode": ParentNode,
"hostname": hostname,
"ipv4": ipv4,
"ipv6": ipv6,
"downloadMin": round(int(downloadMin)*tcpOverheadFactor),
"uploadMin": round(int(uploadMin)*tcpOverheadFactor),
"downloadMax": round(int(downloadMax)*tcpOverheadFactor),
"uploadMax": round(int(uploadMax)*tcpOverheadFactor),
"qdisc": '',
#Load network heirarchy
with open('network.json', 'r') as j:
network = json.loads(j.read())
#Find the bandwidth minimums for each node by combining mimimums of devices lower in that node's heirarchy
def findBandwidthMins(data, depth):
tabs = ' ' * depth
minDownload = 0
minUpload = 0
for elem in data:
for device in devices:
if elem == device['ParentNode']:
minDownload += device['downloadMin']
minUpload += device['uploadMin']
if 'children' in data[elem]:
minDL, minUL = findBandwidthMins(data[elem]['children'], depth+1)
minDownload += minDL
minUpload += minUL
data[elem]['downloadBandwidthMbpsMin'] = minDownload
data[elem]['uploadBandwidthMbpsMin'] = minUpload
return minDownload, minUpload
minDownload, minUpload = findBandwidthMins(network, 0)
#Clear Prior Settings
clearPriorSettings(interfaceA, interfaceB)
# Find queues and CPU cores available. Use min between those two as queuesAvailable
queuesAvailable = 0
path = '/sys/class/net/' + interfaceA + '/queues/'
directory_contents = os.listdir(path)
for item in directory_contents:
if "tx-" in str(item):
queuesAvailable += 1
print("NIC queues:\t" + str(queuesAvailable))
cpuCount = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
print("CPU cores:\t" + str(cpuCount))
queuesAvailable = min(queuesAvailable,cpuCount)
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/bin/xps_setup.sh -d ' + interfaceA + ' --default --disable')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/bin/xps_setup.sh -d ' + interfaceB + ' --default --disable')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/xdp_iphash_to_cpu --dev ' + interfaceA + ' --lan')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/xdp_iphash_to_cpu --dev ' + interfaceB + ' --wan')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/xdp_iphash_to_cpu_cmdline --clear')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/tc_classify --dev-egress ' + interfaceA)
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/tc_classify --dev-egress ' + interfaceB)
# Create MQ qdisc for each interface
thisInterface = interfaceA
shell('tc qdisc replace dev ' + thisInterface + ' root handle 7FFF: mq')
for queue in range(queuesAvailable):
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 7FFF:' + hex(queue+1) + ' handle ' + hex(queue+1) + ': htb default 2')
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ': classid ' + hex(queue+1) + ':1 htb rate '+ str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ':1 ' + fqOrCAKE)
# Default class - traffic gets passed through this limiter with lower priority if not otherwise classified by the Shaper.csv
# Only 1/4 of defaultClassCapacity is guarenteed (to prevent hitting ceiling of upstream), for the most part it serves as an "up to" ceiling.
# Default class can use up to defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps when that bandwidth isn't used by known hosts.
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ':1 classid ' + hex(queue+1) + ':2 htb rate ' + str(defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps/4) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(defaultClassCapacityDownloadMbps) + 'mbit prio 5')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ':2 ' + fqOrCAKE)
thisInterface = interfaceB
shell('tc qdisc replace dev ' + thisInterface + ' root handle 7FFF: mq')
for queue in range(queuesAvailable):
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent 7FFF:' + hex(queue+1) + ' handle ' + hex(queue+1) + ': htb default 2')
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ': classid ' + hex(queue+1) + ':1 htb rate '+ str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ':1 ' + fqOrCAKE)
# Default class - traffic gets passed through this limiter with lower priority if not otherwise classified by the Shaper.csv.
# Only 1/4 of defaultClassCapacity is guarenteed (to prevent hitting ceiling of upstream), for the most part it serves as an "up to" ceiling.
# Default class can use up to defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps when that bandwidth isn't used by known hosts.
shell('tc class add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ':1 classid ' + hex(queue+1) + ':2 htb rate ' + str(defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps/4) + 'mbit ceil ' + str(defaultClassCapacityUploadMbps) + 'mbit prio 5')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + thisInterface + ' parent ' + hex(queue+1) + ':2 ' + fqOrCAKE)
#Parse network.json. For each tier, create corresponding HTB and leaf classes
devicesShaped = []
parentNodes = []
def traverseNetwork(data, depth, major, minor, queue, parentClassID, parentMaxDL, parentMaxUL):
tabs = ' ' * depth
for elem in data:
print(tabs + elem)
elemClassID = hex(major) + ':' + hex(minor)
#Cap based on this node's max bandwidth, or parent node's max bandwidth, whichever is lower
elemDownloadMax = min(data[elem]['downloadBandwidthMbps'],parentMaxDL)
elemUploadMax = min(data[elem]['uploadBandwidthMbps'],parentMaxUL)
#Based on calculations done in findBandwidthMins(), determine optimal HTB rates (mins) and ceils (maxs)
#The max calculation is to avoid 0 values, and the min calculation is to ensure rate is not higher than ceil
elemDownloadMin = round(elemDownloadMax*.95)
elemUploadMin = round(elemUploadMax*.95)
print(tabs + "Download: " + str(elemDownloadMin) + " to " + str(elemDownloadMax) + " Mbps")
print(tabs + "Upload: " + str(elemUploadMin) + " to " + str(elemUploadMax) + " Mbps")
print(tabs, end='')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + parentClassID + ' classid ' + hex(minor) + ' htb rate '+ str(round(elemDownloadMin)) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(round(elemDownloadMax)) + 'mbit prio 3')
print(tabs, end='')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + parentClassID + ' classid ' + hex(minor) + ' htb rate '+ str(round(elemUploadMin)) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(round(elemUploadMax)) + 'mbit prio 3')
thisParentNode = {
"parentNodeName": elem,
"classID": elemClassID,
"downloadMax": elemDownloadMax,
"uploadMax": elemUploadMax,
minor += 1
for device in devices:
#If a device from Shaper.csv lists this elem as its Parent Node, attach it as a leaf to this elem HTB
if elem == device['ParentNode']:
maxDownload = min(device['downloadMax'],elemDownloadMax)
maxUpload = min(device['uploadMax'],elemUploadMax)
minDownload = min(device['downloadMin'],maxDownload)
minUpload = min(device['uploadMin'],maxUpload)
print(tabs + ' ' + device['hostname'])
print(tabs + ' ' + "Download: " + str(minDownload) + " to " + str(maxDownload) + " Mbps")
print(tabs + ' ' + "Upload: " + str(minUpload) + " to " + str(maxUpload) + " Mbps")
print(tabs + ' ', end='')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + elemClassID + ' classid ' + hex(minor) + ' htb rate '+ str(minDownload) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(maxDownload) + 'mbit prio 3')
print(tabs + ' ', end='')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + hex(major) + ':' + hex(minor) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
print(tabs + ' ', end='')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + elemClassID + ' classid ' + hex(minor) + ' htb rate '+ str(minUpload) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(maxUpload) + 'mbit prio 3')
print(tabs + ' ', end='')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + hex(major) + ':' + hex(minor) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
if device['ipv4']:
parentString = hex(major) + ':'
flowIDstring = hex(major) + ':' + hex(minor)
if '/' in device['ipv4']:
hosts = list(ipaddress.ip_network(device['ipv4']).hosts())
for host in hosts:
print(tabs + ' ', end='')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/xdp_iphash_to_cpu_cmdline --add --ip ' + str(host) + ' --cpu ' + hex(queue-1) + ' --classid ' + flowIDstring)
print(tabs + ' ', end='')
shell('./xdp-cpumap-tc/src/xdp_iphash_to_cpu_cmdline --add --ip ' + device['ipv4'] + ' --cpu ' + hex(queue-1) + ' --classid ' + flowIDstring)
device['qdisc'] = flowIDstring
if device['hostname'] not in devicesShaped:
minor += 1
#Recursive call this function for children nodes attached to this node
if 'children' in data[elem]:
#We need to keep tabs on the minor counter, because we can't have repeating class IDs. Here, we bring back the minor counter from the recursive function
minor = traverseNetwork(data[elem]['children'], depth+1, major, minor+1, queue, elemClassID, elemDownloadMax, elemUploadMax)
#If top level node, increment to next queue / cpu core
if depth == 0:
if queue >= queuesAvailable:
queue = 1
major = queue
queue += 1
major += 1
return minor
#Here is the actual call to the recursive traverseNetwork() function. finalMinor is not used.
finalMinor = traverseNetwork(network, 0, major=1, minor=3, queue=1, parentClassID="1:1", parentMaxDL=upstreamBandwidthCapacityDownloadMbps, parentMaxUL=upstreamBandwidthCapacityUploadMbps)
for device in devices:
if device['hostname'] not in devicesShaped:
print('Device ' + device['hostname'] + ' was not shaped. Please check to ensure its parent Node is listed in network.json.')
#Save for stats
with open('statsByDevice.json', 'w') as infile:
json.dump(devices, infile)
with open('statsByParentNode.json', 'w') as infile:
json.dump(parentNodes, infile)
# Done
currentTimeString = datetime.now().strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
print("Successful run completed on " + currentTimeString)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Program complete")