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# Copyright (C) 2020 Robert Chacón
# This file is part of LibreQoS.
# LibreQoS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LibreQoS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LibreQoS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# _ _ _ ___ ____
# | | (_) |__ _ __ ___ / _ \ ___/ ___|
# | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \ | | |/ _ \___ \
# | |___| | |_) | | | __/ |_| | (_) |__) |
# |_____|_|_.__/|_| \___|\__\_\\___/____/
# v.0.4-alpha
import random
import os
import subprocess
import time
from datetime import date
from UNMS_Integration import pullUNMSCustomers
from ispConfig import fqOrCAKE, pipeBandwidthCapacityMbps, interfaceA, interfaceB, enableActualShellCommands, runShellCommandsAsSudo, importFromUNMS
def shell(inputCommand):
if enableActualShellCommands:
if runShellCommandsAsSudo:
inputCommand = 'sudo ' + inputCommand
inputCommandSplit = inputCommand.split(' ')
result = subprocess.run(inputCommandSplit, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
def clearPriorSettings(interfaceA, interfaceB):
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceA)
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceA + ' root')
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB)
shell('tc filter delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' root')
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceB)
shell('tc qdisc delete dev ' + interfaceB + ' root')
def getHashList():
twoDigitHash = []
letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']
for i in range(10):
for x in range(26):
twoDigitHash.append(str(i) + letters[x])
return twoDigitHash
def createTestClientsPool(slash16, quantity):
if quantity<65534:
tempList = []
counterC = 0
counterD = 1
mainCounter = 0
while mainCounter < quantity:
if counterD <= 255:
ipAddr = slash16.replace('X.X', '') + str(counterC) + '.' + str(counterD)
tempList.append((ipAddr, 100, 15))
counterD += 1
counterC += 1
counterD = 1
mainCounter += 1
return tempList
raise Exception
clientsList = []
#Add arbitrary number of test clients in /16 subnet
#clientsList = createTestClientsPool('100.64.X.X', 5)
#Add specific test clients
#clientsList.append((100, ''))
#Bring in clients from UCRM if enabled
if importFromUNMS:
tempList = pullUNMSCustomers()
for cust in tempList:
downloadSpeed = cust['downloadSpeed']
uploadSpeed = cust['uploadSpeed']
for ipAddr in cust['deviceIPs']:
if '/' in ipAddr:
ipAddr = ipAddr.split('/')[0]
#Use UCRM plan speed values to place into corresponding plan defined here in LibreQoS
clientsList.append((ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed))
#Categorize Clients By IPv4 /16
listOfSlash16SubnetsInvolved = []
clientsListWithSubnet = []
for customer in clientsList:
ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed = customer
dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4 = ipAddr.split('.')
slash16 = dec1 + '.' + dec2 + '.0.0'
if slash16 not in listOfSlash16SubnetsInvolved:
clientsListWithSubnet.append((ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed, slash16, dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4))
#Clear Prior Configs
clearPriorSettings(interfaceA, interfaceB)
parentIDFirstPart = 1
srcOrDst = 'dst'
classIDCounter = 101
hashIDCounter = parentIDFirstPart + 1
shell('tc qdisc replace dev ' + interfaceA + ' root handle ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': htb default 1')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': classid ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':1 htb rate '+ str(pipeBandwidthCapacityMbps) + 'mbit')
for slash16 in listOfSlash16SubnetsInvolved:
thisSlash16Dec1 = slash16.split('.')[0]
thisSlash16Dec2 = slash16.split('.')[1]
groupedCustomers = []
for i in range(255):
tempList = []
for customer in clientsListWithSubnet:
ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed, slash16, dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4 = customer
if (dec1 == thisSlash16Dec1) and (dec2 == thisSlash16Dec2) and (dec4 == str(i)):
if len(tempList) > 0:
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 u32')
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 handle ' + str(hashIDCounter) + ': u32 divisor 256')
thirdDigitCounter = 0
handleIDSecond = 1
while thirdDigitCounter <= 255:
if len(groupedCustomers) > 0:
currentCustomerList = groupedCustomers.pop()
tempHashList = getHashList()
for cust in currentCustomerList:
ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed, slash16, dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4 = cust
twoDigitHashString = hex(int(dec4)).replace('0x','')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':1 classid ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':' + str(classIDCounter) + ' htb rate '+ str(downloadSpeed) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(downloadSpeed) + 'mbit prio 3')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':' + str(classIDCounter) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 u32 ht ' + str(hashIDCounter) + ':' + twoDigitHashString + ' match ip ' + srcOrDst + ' ' + ipAddr + ' flowid ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':' + str(classIDCounter))
classIDCounter += 1
thirdDigitCounter += 1
if (srcOrDst == 'dst'):
startPointForHash = '16' #Position of dst-address in IP header
elif (srcOrDst == 'src'):
startPointForHash = '12' #Position of src-address in IP header
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceA + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 u32 ht 800:: match ip ' + srcOrDst + ' '+ thisSlash16Dec1 + '.' + thisSlash16Dec2 + '.0.0/16 hashkey mask 0x000000ff at ' + startPointForHash + ' link ' + str(hashIDCounter) + ':')
hashIDCounter += 1
parentIDFirstPart = hashIDCounter + 1
hashIDCounter = parentIDFirstPart + 1
srcOrDst = 'src'
shell('tc qdisc replace dev ' + interfaceB + ' root handle ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': htb default 1')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': classid ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':1 htb rate '+ str(pipeBandwidthCapacityMbps) + 'mbit')
for slash16 in listOfSlash16SubnetsInvolved:
thisSlash16Dec1 = slash16.split('.')[0]
thisSlash16Dec2 = slash16.split('.')[1]
groupedCustomers = []
for i in range(255):
tempList = []
for customer in clientsListWithSubnet:
ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed, slash16, dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4 = customer
if (dec1 == thisSlash16Dec1) and (dec2 == thisSlash16Dec2) and (dec4 == str(i)):
if len(tempList) > 0:
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 u32')
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 handle ' + str(hashIDCounter) + ': u32 divisor 256')
thirdDigitCounter = 0
handleIDSecond = 1
while thirdDigitCounter <= 255:
if len(groupedCustomers) > 0:
currentCustomerList = groupedCustomers.pop()
tempHashList = getHashList()
for cust in currentCustomerList:
ipAddr, downloadSpeed, uploadSpeed, slash16, dec1, dec2, dec3, dec4 = cust
twoDigitHashString = hex(int(dec4)).replace('0x','')
shell('tc class add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':1 classid ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':' + str(classIDCounter) + ' htb rate '+ str(uploadSpeed) + 'mbit ceil '+ str(uploadSpeed) + 'mbit prio 3')
shell('tc qdisc add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':' + str(classIDCounter) + ' ' + fqOrCAKE)
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 u32 ht ' + str(hashIDCounter) + ':' + twoDigitHashString + ' match ip ' + srcOrDst + ' ' + ipAddr + ' flowid ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ':' + str(classIDCounter))
classIDCounter += 1
thirdDigitCounter += 1
if (srcOrDst == 'dst'):
startPointForHash = '16' #Position of dst-address in IP header
elif (srcOrDst == 'src'):
startPointForHash = '12' #Position of src-address in IP header
shell('tc filter add dev ' + interfaceB + ' parent ' + str(parentIDFirstPart) + ': prio 5 u32 ht 800:: match ip ' + srcOrDst + ' '+ thisSlash16Dec1 + '.' + thisSlash16Dec2 + '.0.0/16 hashkey mask 0x000000ff at ' + startPointForHash + ' link ' + str(hashIDCounter) + ':')
hashIDCounter += 1
today = date.today()
d1 = today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
print("Successful run completed at ", d1)
print("Program complete")