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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:32 -06:00
263 lines
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263 lines
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import requests
import os
import csv
import ipaddress
from ispConfig import UISPbaseURL, uispAuthToken, shapeRouterOrStation, allowedSubnets, ignoreSubnets, excludeSites, findIPv6usingMikrotik, bandwidthOverheadFactor, exceptionCPEs
import shutil
import json
if findIPv6usingMikrotik == True:
from mikrotikFindIPv6 import pullMikrotikIPv6
knownRouterModels = ['ACB-AC', 'ACB-ISP']
knownAPmodels = ['LTU-Rocket', 'RP-5AC', 'RP-5AC-Gen2', 'LAP-GPS', 'Wave-AP']
def isInAllowedSubnets(inputIP):
isAllowed = False
if '/' in inputIP:
inputIP = inputIP.split('/')[0]
for subnet in allowedSubnets:
if (ipaddress.ip_address(inputIP) in ipaddress.ip_network(subnet)):
isAllowed = True
return isAllowed
def createTree(sites,accessPoints,bandwidthDL,bandwidthUL,siteParentDict,siteIDtoName,sitesWithParents,currentNode):
currentNodeName = list(currentNode.items())[0][0]
childrenList = []
for site in sites:
thisOnesParent = siteIDtoName[site['identification']['parent']['id']]
if thisOnesParent == currentNodeName:
thisOnesParent = None
aps = []
for ap in accessPoints:
thisOnesParent = ap['device']['site']['name']
if thisOnesParent == currentNodeName:
if ap['device']['model'] in knownAPmodels:
apDict = {}
for ap in aps:
maxDL = min(bandwidthDL[ap],bandwidthDL[currentNodeName])
maxUL = min(bandwidthUL[ap],bandwidthUL[currentNodeName])
apStruct = {
ap :
"downloadBandwidthMbps": maxDL,
"uploadBandwidthMbps": maxUL,
apDictNew = apDict | apStruct
apDict = apDictNew
if bool(apDict):
currentNode[currentNodeName]['children'] = apDict
counter = 0
tempChildren = {}
for child in childrenList:
name = siteIDtoName[child]
maxDL = min(bandwidthDL[name],bandwidthDL[currentNodeName])
maxUL = min(bandwidthUL[name],bandwidthUL[currentNodeName])
childStruct = {
name :
"downloadBandwidthMbps": maxDL,
"uploadBandwidthMbps": maxUL,
childStruct = createTree(sites,accessPoints,bandwidthDL,bandwidthUL,siteParentDict,siteIDtoName,sitesWithParents,childStruct)
tempChildren = tempChildren | childStruct
counter += 1
if tempChildren != {}:
if 'children' in currentNode[currentNodeName]:
currentNode[currentNodeName]['children'] = currentNode[currentNodeName]['children'] | tempChildren
currentNode[currentNodeName]['children'] = tempChildren
return currentNode
def createNetworkJSON():
if os.path.isfile("network.json"):
print("network.json already exists. Leaving in place.")
print("Generating network.json")
bandwidthDL = {}
bandwidthUL = {}
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/sites?type=site"
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
sites = r.json()
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/devices/aps/profiles"
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
apProfiles = r.json()
listOfTopLevelParentNodes = []
if os.path.isfile("integrationUISPbandwidths.csv"):
with open('integrationUISPbandwidths.csv') as csv_file:
csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
for row in csv_reader:
name, download, upload = row
download = int(download)
upload = int(upload)
bandwidthDL[name] = download
bandwidthUL[name] = upload
for ap in apProfiles:
name = ap['device']['name']
model = ap['device']['model']
apID = ap['device']['id']
if model in knownAPmodels:
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/devices/airmaxes/" + apID + '?withStations=false'
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
thisAPairmax = r.json()
downloadCap = int(round(thisAPairmax['overview']['downlinkCapacity']/1000000))
uploadCap = int(round(thisAPairmax['overview']['uplinkCapacity']/1000000))
# If operator already included bandwidth definitions for this ParentNode, do not overwrite what they set
if name not in listOfTopLevelParentNodes:
print("Found " + name)
bandwidthDL[name] = downloadCap
bandwidthUL[name] = uploadCap
for site in sites:
name = site['identification']['name']
if name not in excludeSites:
# If operator already included bandwidth definitions for this ParentNode, do not overwrite what they set
if name not in listOfTopLevelParentNodes:
print("Found " + name)
bandwidthDL[name] = 1000
bandwidthUL[name] = 1000
with open('integrationUISPbandwidths.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
wr = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
wr.writerow(['ParentNode', 'Download Mbps', 'Upload Mbps'])
for device in listOfTopLevelParentNodes:
entry = (device, bandwidthDL[device], bandwidthUL[device])
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/devices?role=ap"
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
accessPoints = r.json()
siteIDtoName = {}
siteParentDict = {}
sitesWithParents = []
topLevelSites = []
for site in sites:
siteIDtoName[site['id']] = site['identification']['name']
siteParentDict[site['id']] = site['identification']['parent']['id']
siteParentDict[site['id']] = None
if site['identification']['name'] not in excludeSites:
tLname = siteIDtoName[topLevelSites.pop()]
topLevelNode = {
tLname :
"downloadBandwidthMbps": bandwidthDL[tLname],
"uploadBandwidthMbps": bandwidthUL[tLname],
tree = createTree(sites,apProfiles, bandwidthDL, bandwidthUL, siteParentDict,siteIDtoName,sitesWithParents,topLevelNode)
with open('network.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(tree, f, indent=4)
def createShaper():
print("Creating ShapedDevices.csv")
devicesToImport = []
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/sites?type=site"
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
sites = r.json()
siteIDtoName = {}
for site in sites:
siteIDtoName[site['id']] = site['identification']['name']
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/sites?type=client&ucrm=true&ucrmDetails=true"
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
clientSites = r.json()
url = UISPbaseURL + "/nms/api/v2.1/devices"
headers = {'accept':'application/json', 'x-auth-token': uispAuthToken}
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
allDevices = r.json()
ipv4ToIPv6 = {}
if findIPv6usingMikrotik:
ipv4ToIPv6 = pullMikrotikIPv6()
for uispClientSite in clientSites:
#if (uispClientSite['identification']['status'] == 'active') and (uispClientSite['identification']['suspended'] == False):
if (uispClientSite['identification']['suspended'] == False):
foundCPEforThisClientSite = False
if (uispClientSite['qos']['downloadSpeed']) and (uispClientSite['qos']['uploadSpeed']):
downloadSpeedMbps = int(round(uispClientSite['qos']['downloadSpeed']/1000000))
uploadSpeedMbps = int(round(uispClientSite['qos']['uploadSpeed']/1000000))
address = uispClientSite['description']['address']
uispClientSiteID = uispClientSite['id']
UCRMclientID = uispClientSite['ucrm']['client']['id']
siteName = uispClientSite['identification']['name']
AP = 'none'
thisSiteDevices = []
#Look for station devices, use those to find AP name
for device in allDevices:
if device['identification']['site'] != None:
if device['identification']['site']['id'] == uispClientSite['id']:
deviceName = device['identification']['name']
deviceRole = device['identification']['role']
deviceModel = device['identification']['model']
deviceModelName = device['identification']['modelName']
if (deviceRole == 'station'):
if device['attributes']['apDevice']:
AP = device['attributes']['apDevice']['name']
#Look for router devices, use those as shaped CPE
for device in allDevices:
if device['identification']['site'] != None:
if device['identification']['site']['id'] == uispClientSite['id']:
deviceModel = device['identification']['model']
deviceName = device['identification']['name']
deviceRole = device['identification']['role']
if device['identification']['mac']:
deviceMAC = device['identification']['mac'].upper()
deviceMAC = ''
if (deviceRole == 'router') or (deviceModel in knownRouterModels):
ipv4 = device['ipAddress']
if '/' in ipv4:
ipv4 = ipv4.split("/")[0]
ipv6 = ''
if ipv4 in ipv4ToIPv6.keys():
ipv6 = ipv4ToIPv6[ipv4]
if isInAllowedSubnets(ipv4):
deviceModel = device['identification']['model']
deviceModelName = device['identification']['modelName']
maxSpeedDown = round(bandwidthOverheadFactor*downloadSpeedMbps)
maxSpeedUp = round(bandwidthOverheadFactor*uploadSpeedMbps)
minSpeedDown = min(round(maxSpeedDown*.98),maxSpeedDown)
minSpeedUp = min(round(maxSpeedUp*.98),maxSpeedUp)
#Customers directly connected to Sites
if deviceName in exceptionCPEs.keys():
AP = exceptionCPEs[deviceName]
if AP == 'none':
AP = siteIDtoName[uispClientSite['identification']['parent']['id']]
AP = 'none'
devicesToImport.append((uispClientSiteID, address, '', deviceName, AP, deviceMAC, ipv4, ipv6, str(minSpeedDown), str(minSpeedUp), str(maxSpeedDown),str(maxSpeedUp),''))
foundCPEforThisClientSite = True
print("Failed to import devices from " + uispClientSite['description']['address'] + ". Missing QoS.")
if foundCPEforThisClientSite != True:
print("Failed to import devices for " + uispClientSite['description']['address'])
with open('ShapedDevices.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
wr = csv.writer(csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
wr.writerow(['Circuit ID', 'Circuit Name', 'Device ID', 'Device Name', 'Parent Node', 'MAC', 'IPv4', 'IPv6', 'Download Min', 'Upload Min', 'Download Max', 'Upload Max', 'Comment'])
for device in devicesToImport:
def importFromUISP():
if __name__ == '__main__':