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import { values } from 'lodash'
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize'
import { addMethodsToModel, getSort } from '../utils'
import { AccountFollowAttributes, AccountFollowInstance, AccountFollowMethods } from './account-follow-interface'
import { FOLLOW_STATES } from '../../initializers/constants'
let AccountFollow: Sequelize.Model<AccountFollowInstance, AccountFollowAttributes>
let loadByAccountAndTarget: AccountFollowMethods.LoadByAccountAndTarget
let listFollowingForApi: AccountFollowMethods.ListFollowingForApi
let listFollowersForApi: AccountFollowMethods.ListFollowersForApi
let listAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi: AccountFollowMethods.ListAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi
let listAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi: AccountFollowMethods.ListAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi
let listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls: AccountFollowMethods.ListAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls
let toFormattedJSON: AccountFollowMethods.ToFormattedJSON
export default function (sequelize: Sequelize.Sequelize, DataTypes: Sequelize.DataTypes) {
AccountFollow = sequelize.define<AccountFollowInstance, AccountFollowAttributes>('AccountFollow',
state: {
type: DataTypes.ENUM(values(FOLLOW_STATES)),
allowNull: false
indexes: [
fields: [ 'accountId' ]
fields: [ 'targetAccountId' ]
fields: [ 'accountId', 'targetAccountId' ],
unique: true
const classMethods = [
const instanceMethods = [
addMethodsToModel(AccountFollow, classMethods, instanceMethods)
return AccountFollow
// ------------------------------ STATICS ------------------------------
function associate (models) {
AccountFollow.belongsTo(models.Account, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'accountId',
allowNull: false
as: 'AccountFollower',
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
AccountFollow.belongsTo(models.Account, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'targetAccountId',
allowNull: false
as: 'AccountFollowing',
onDelete: 'CASCADE'
toFormattedJSON = function (this: AccountFollowInstance) {
const follower = this.AccountFollower.toFormattedJSON()
const following = this.AccountFollowing.toFormattedJSON()
const json = {
id: this.id,
state: this.state,
createdAt: this.createdAt,
updatedAt: this.updatedAt
return json
loadByAccountAndTarget = function (accountId: number, targetAccountId: number, t?: Sequelize.Transaction) {
const query = {
where: {
include: [
model: AccountFollow[ 'sequelize' ].models.Account,
required: true,
as: 'AccountFollower'
model: AccountFollow['sequelize'].models.Account,
required: true,
as: 'AccountFollowing'
transaction: t
return AccountFollow.findOne(query)
listFollowingForApi = function (id: number, start: number, count: number, sort: string) {
const query = {
distinct: true,
offset: start,
limit: count,
order: [ getSort(sort) ],
include: [
model: AccountFollow[ 'sequelize' ].models.Account,
required: true,
as: 'AccountFollower',
where: {
model: AccountFollow['sequelize'].models.Account,
as: 'AccountFollowing',
required: true,
include: [ AccountFollow['sequelize'].models.Server ]
return AccountFollow.findAndCountAll(query).then(({ rows, count }) => {
return {
data: rows,
total: count
listFollowersForApi = function (id: number, start: number, count: number, sort: string) {
const query = {
distinct: true,
offset: start,
limit: count,
order: [ getSort(sort) ],
include: [
model: AccountFollow[ 'sequelize' ].models.Account,
required: true,
as: 'AccountFollower',
include: [ AccountFollow['sequelize'].models.Server ]
model: AccountFollow['sequelize'].models.Account,
as: 'AccountFollowing',
required: true,
where: {
return AccountFollow.findAndCountAll(query).then(({ rows, count }) => {
return {
data: rows,
total: count
listAcceptedFollowerUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction, start?: number, count?: number) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('followers', accountIds, t, start, count)
listAcceptedFollowerSharedInboxUrls = function (accountIds: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('followers', accountIds, t, undefined, undefined, 'sharedInboxUrl')
listAcceptedFollowingUrlsForApi = function (accountIds: number[], t: Sequelize.Transaction, start?: number, count?: number) {
return createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery('following', accountIds, t, start, count)
// ------------------------------ UTILS ------------------------------
async function createListAcceptedFollowForApiQuery (
type: 'followers' | 'following',
accountIds: number[],
t: Sequelize.Transaction,
start?: number,
count?: number,
columnUrl = 'url'
) {
let firstJoin: string
let secondJoin: string
if (type === 'followers') {
firstJoin = 'targetAccountId'
secondJoin = 'accountId'
} else {
firstJoin = 'accountId'
secondJoin = 'targetAccountId'
const selections = [ '"Follows"."' + columnUrl + '" AS "url"', 'COUNT(*) AS "total"' ]
const tasks: Promise<any>[] = []
for (const selection of selections) {
let query = 'SELECT ' + selection + ' FROM "Accounts" ' +
'INNER JOIN "AccountFollows" ON "AccountFollows"."' + firstJoin + '" = "Accounts"."id" ' +
'INNER JOIN "Accounts" AS "Follows" ON "AccountFollows"."' + secondJoin + '" = "Follows"."id" ' +
'WHERE "Accounts"."id" = ANY ($accountIds) AND "AccountFollows"."state" = \'accepted\' '
if (count !== undefined) query += 'LIMIT ' + count
if (start !== undefined) query += ' OFFSET ' + start
const options = {
bind: { accountIds },
type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,
transaction: t
tasks.push(AccountFollow['sequelize'].query(query, options))
const [ followers, [ { total } ]] = await Promise.all(tasks)
const urls: string[] = followers.map(f => f.url)
return {
data: urls,
total: parseInt(total, 10)