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synced 2024-12-01 21:09:17 -06:00
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132 lines
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import { isTestInstance } from '@server/helpers/core-utils'
import { logger, loggerTagsFactory } from '@server/helpers/logger'
import { VIEW_LIFETIME } from '@server/initializers/constants'
import { VideoModel } from '@server/models/video/video'
import { MVideo } from '@server/types/models'
import { PeerTubeSocket } from './peertube-socket'
import { Redis } from './redis'
const lTags = loggerTagsFactory('views')
export class VideoViews {
// Values are Date().getTime()
private readonly viewersPerVideo = new Map<number, number[]>()
private static instance: VideoViews
private constructor () {
init () {
setInterval(() => this.cleanViewers(), VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEWER)
async processView (options: {
video: MVideo
ip: string | null
viewerExpires?: Date
}) {
const { video, ip, viewerExpires } = options
logger.debug('Processing view for %s and ip %s.', video.url, ip, lTags())
let success = await this.addView(video, ip)
if (video.isLive) {
const successViewer = await this.addViewer(video, ip, viewerExpires)
success ||= successViewer
return success
getViewers (video: MVideo) {
const viewers = this.viewersPerVideo.get(video.id)
if (!viewers) return 0
return viewers.length
buildViewerExpireTime () {
return new Date().getTime() + VIEW_LIFETIME.VIEWER
private async addView (video: MVideo, ip: string | null) {
const promises: Promise<any>[] = []
if (ip !== null) {
const viewExists = await Redis.Instance.doesVideoIPViewExist(ip, video.uuid)
if (viewExists) return false
promises.push(Redis.Instance.setIPVideoView(ip, video.uuid))
if (video.isOwned()) {
await Promise.all(promises)
return true
private async addViewer (video: MVideo, ip: string | null, viewerExpires?: Date) {
if (ip !== null) {
const viewExists = await Redis.Instance.doesVideoIPViewerExist(ip, video.uuid)
if (viewExists) return false
await Redis.Instance.setIPVideoViewer(ip, video.uuid)
let watchers = this.viewersPerVideo.get(video.id)
if (!watchers) {
watchers = []
this.viewersPerVideo.set(video.id, watchers)
const expiration = viewerExpires
? viewerExpires.getTime()
: this.buildViewerExpireTime()
await this.notifyClients(video.id, watchers.length)
return true
private async cleanViewers () {
if (!isTestInstance()) logger.info('Cleaning video viewers.', lTags())
for (const videoId of this.viewersPerVideo.keys()) {
const notBefore = new Date().getTime()
const viewers = this.viewersPerVideo.get(videoId)
// Only keep not expired viewers
const newViewers = viewers.filter(w => w > notBefore)
if (newViewers.length === 0) this.viewersPerVideo.delete(videoId)
else this.viewersPerVideo.set(videoId, newViewers)
await this.notifyClients(videoId, newViewers.length)
private async notifyClients (videoId: string | number, viewersLength: number) {
const video = await VideoModel.loadImmutableAttributes(videoId)
if (!video) return
PeerTubeSocket.Instance.sendVideoViewsUpdate(video, viewersLength)
logger.debug('Live video views update for %s is %d.', video.url, viewersLength, lTags())
static get Instance () {
return this.instance || (this.instance = new this())