Florent 2a491182e4
Channel sync (#5135)
* Add external channel URL for channel update / creation (#754)

* Disallow synchronisation if user has no video quota (#754)

* More constraints serverside (#754)

* Disable sync if server configuration does not allow HTTP import (#754)

* Working version synchronizing videos with a job (#754)

TODO: refactoring, too much code duplication

* More logs and try/catch (#754)

* Fix eslint error (#754)

* WIP: support synchronization time change (#754)

* New frontend #754

* WIP: Create sync front (#754)

* Enhance UI, sync creation form (#754)

* Warning message when HTTP upload is disallowed

* More consistent names (#754)

* Binding Front with API (#754)

* Add a /me API (#754)

* Improve list UI (#754)

* Implement creation and deletion routes (#754)

* Lint (#754)

* Lint again (#754)

* WIP: UI for triggering import existing videos (#754)

* Implement jobs for syncing and importing channels

* Don't sync videos before sync creation + avoid concurrency issue (#754)

* Cleanup (#754)

* Cleanup: OpenAPI + API rework (#754)

* Remove dead code (#754)

* Eslint (#754)

* Revert the mess with whitespaces in constants.ts (#754)

* Some fixes after rebase (#754)

* Several fixes after PR remarks (#754)

* Front + API: Rename video-channels-sync to video-channel-syncs (#754)

* Allow enabling channel sync through UI (#754)

* getChannelInfo (#754)

* Minor fixes: openapi + model + sql (#754)

* Simplified API validators (#754)

* Rename MChannelSync to MChannelSyncChannel (#754)

* Add command for VideoChannelSync (#754)

* Use synchronization.enabled config (#754)

* Check parameters test + some fixes (#754)

* Fix conflict mistake (#754)

* Restrict access to video channel sync list API (#754)

* Start adding unit test for synchronization (#754)

* Continue testing (#754)

* Tests finished + convertion of job to scheduler (#754)

* Add lastSyncAt field (#754)

* Fix externalRemoteUrl sort + creation date not well formatted (#754)

* Small fix (#754)

* Factorize addYoutubeDLImport and buildVideo (#754)

* Check duplicates on channel not on users (#754)

* factorize thumbnail generation (#754)

* Fetch error should return status 400 (#754)

* Separate video-channel-import and video-channel-sync-latest (#754)

* Bump DB migration version after rebase (#754)

* Prettier states in UI table (#754)

* Add DefaultScope in VideoChannelSyncModel (#754)

* Fix audit logs (#754)

* Ensure user can upload when importing channel + minor fixes (#754)

* Mark synchronization as failed on exception + typos (#754)

* Change REST API for importing videos into channel (#754)

* Add option for fully synchronize a chnanel (#754)

* Return a whole sync object on creation to avoid tricks in Front (#754)

* Various remarks (#754)

* Single quotes by default (#754)

* Rename synchronization to video_channel_synchronization

* Add check.latest_videos_count and max_per_user options (#754)

* Better channel rendering in list #754

* Allow sorting with channel name and state (#754)

* Add missing tests for channel imports (#754)

* Prefer using a parent job for channel sync

* Styling

* Client styling

Co-authored-by: Chocobozzz <>
2022-08-10 09:53:39 +02:00

317 lines
8.7 KiB

import { literal, Op, OrderItem, Sequelize } from 'sequelize'
import validator from 'validator'
type SortType = { sortModel: string, sortValue: string }
// Translate for example "-name" to [ [ 'name', 'DESC' ], [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ]
function getSort (value: string, lastSort: OrderItem = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
let finalField: string | ReturnType<typeof Sequelize.col>
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'match') { // Search
finalField = Sequelize.col('similarity')
} else {
finalField = field
return [ [ finalField, direction ], lastSort ]
function getAdminUsersSort (value: string): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
let finalField: string | ReturnType<typeof Sequelize.col>
if (field === 'videoQuotaUsed') { // Users list
finalField = Sequelize.col('videoQuotaUsed')
} else {
finalField = field
const nullPolicy = direction === 'ASC'
// FIXME: typings
return [ [ finalField as any, direction, nullPolicy ], [ 'id', 'ASC' ] ]
function getPlaylistSort (value: string, lastSort: OrderItem = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'name') {
return [ [ 'displayName', direction ], lastSort ]
return getSort(value, lastSort)
function getCommentSort (value: string, lastSort: OrderItem = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
if (field === 'totalReplies') {
return [
[ Sequelize.literal('"totalReplies"'), direction ],
return getSort(value, lastSort)
function getVideoSort (value: string, lastSort: OrderItem = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'trending') { // Sort by aggregation
return [
[ Sequelize.fn('COALESCE', Sequelize.fn('SUM', Sequelize.col('VideoViews.views')), '0'), direction ],
[ Sequelize.col('VideoModel.views'), direction ],
} else if (field === 'publishedAt') {
return [
[ 'ScheduleVideoUpdate', 'updateAt', direction + ' NULLS LAST' ],
[ Sequelize.col('VideoModel.publishedAt'), direction ],
let finalField: string | ReturnType<typeof Sequelize.col>
// Alias
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'match') { // Search
finalField = Sequelize.col('similarity')
} else {
finalField = field
const firstSort: OrderItem = typeof finalField === 'string'
? finalField.split('.').concat([ direction ]) as OrderItem
: [ finalField, direction ]
return [ firstSort, lastSort ]
function getBlacklistSort (model: any, value: string, lastSort: OrderItem = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]): OrderItem[] {
const [ firstSort ] = getSort(value)
if (model) return [ [ literal(`"${model}.${firstSort[0]}" ${firstSort[1]}`) ], lastSort ] as OrderItem[]
return [ firstSort, lastSort ]
function getInstanceFollowsSort (value: string, lastSort: OrderItem = [ 'id', 'ASC' ]): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
if (field === 'redundancyAllowed') {
return [
[ 'ActorFollowing.Server.redundancyAllowed', direction ],
return getSort(value, lastSort)
function getChannelSyncSort (value: string): OrderItem[] {
const { direction, field } = buildDirectionAndField(value)
if (field.toLowerCase() === 'videochannel') {
return [
[ literal('""'), direction ]
return [ [ field, direction ] ]
function isOutdated (model: { createdAt: Date, updatedAt: Date }, refreshInterval: number) {
if (!model.createdAt || !model.updatedAt) {
throw new Error('Miss createdAt & updatedAt attributes to model')
const now =
const createdAtTime = model.createdAt.getTime()
const updatedAtTime = model.updatedAt.getTime()
return (now - createdAtTime) > refreshInterval && (now - updatedAtTime) > refreshInterval
function throwIfNotValid (value: any, validator: (value: any) => boolean, fieldName = 'value', nullable = false) {
if (nullable && (value === null || value === undefined)) return
if (validator(value) === false) {
throw new Error(`"${value}" is not a valid ${fieldName}.`)
function buildTrigramSearchIndex (indexName: string, attribute: string) {
return {
name: indexName,
// FIXME: gin_trgm_ops is not taken into account in Sequelize 6, so adding it ourselves in the literal function
fields: [ Sequelize.literal('lower(immutable_unaccent(' + attribute + ')) gin_trgm_ops') as any ],
using: 'gin',
operator: 'gin_trgm_ops'
function createSimilarityAttribute (col: string, value: string) {
return Sequelize.fn(
function buildBlockedAccountSQL (blockerIds: number[]) {
const blockerIdsString = blockerIds.join(', ')
return 'SELECT "targetAccountId" AS "id" FROM "accountBlocklist" WHERE "accountId" IN (' + blockerIdsString + ')' +
' UNION ' +
'SELECT "account"."id" AS "id" FROM account INNER JOIN "actor" ON account."actorId" = ' +
'INNER JOIN "serverBlocklist" ON "actor"."serverId" = "serverBlocklist"."targetServerId" ' +
'WHERE "serverBlocklist"."accountId" IN (' + blockerIdsString + ')'
function buildBlockedAccountSQLOptimized (columnNameJoin: string, blockerIds: number[]) {
const blockerIdsString = blockerIds.join(', ')
return [
` SELECT 1 FROM "accountBlocklist" ` +
` WHERE "targetAccountId" = ${columnNameJoin} ` +
` AND "accountId" IN (${blockerIdsString})` +
` SELECT 1 FROM "account" ` +
` INNER JOIN "actor" ON account."actorId" = ` +
` INNER JOIN "serverBlocklist" ON "actor"."serverId" = "serverBlocklist"."targetServerId" ` +
` WHERE "account"."id" = ${columnNameJoin} ` +
` AND "serverBlocklist"."accountId" IN (${blockerIdsString})` +
function buildServerIdsFollowedBy (actorId: any) {
const actorIdNumber = parseInt(actorId + '', 10)
return '(' +
'SELECT "actor"."serverId" FROM "actorFollow" ' +
'INNER JOIN "actor" ON = "actorFollow"."targetActorId" ' +
'WHERE "actorFollow"."actorId" = ' + actorIdNumber +
function buildWhereIdOrUUID (id: number | string) {
return validator.isInt('' + id) ? { id } : { uuid: id }
function parseAggregateResult (result: any) {
if (!result) return 0
const total = parseInt(result + '', 10)
if (isNaN(total)) return 0
return total
function parseRowCountResult (result: any) {
if (result.length !== 0) return result[0].total
return 0
function createSafeIn (sequelize: Sequelize, stringArr: (string | number)[]) {
return => {
return t === null
? null
: sequelize.escape('' + t)
}).join(', ')
function buildLocalAccountIdsIn () {
return literal(
'(SELECT "account"."id" FROM "account" INNER JOIN "actor" ON "actor"."id" = "account"."actorId" AND "actor"."serverId" IS NULL)'
function buildLocalActorIdsIn () {
return literal(
'(SELECT "actor"."id" FROM "actor" WHERE "actor"."serverId" IS NULL)'
function buildDirectionAndField (value: string) {
let field: string
let direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC'
if (value.substring(0, 1) === '-') {
direction = 'DESC'
field = value.substring(1)
} else {
direction = 'ASC'
field = value
return { direction, field }
function searchAttribute (sourceField?: string, targetField?: string) {
if (!sourceField) return {}
return {
[targetField]: {
// FIXME: ts error
[Op.iLike as any]: `%${sourceField}%`
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
export {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function searchTrigramNormalizeValue (value: string) {
return Sequelize.fn('lower', Sequelize.fn('immutable_unaccent', value))
function searchTrigramNormalizeCol (col: string) {
return Sequelize.fn('lower', Sequelize.fn('immutable_unaccent', Sequelize.col(col)))