2022-02-20 14:44:25 +02:00
boringproxy-client.service update to reflect v0.9 changes 2022-02-20 14:40:56 +02:00
boringproxy-server.service update to reflect v0.9 changes 2022-02-20 14:40:56 +02:00 Update 2022-02-20 14:44:25 +02:00

Installing Service

A service is a program that runs in the background outside the interactive control of system users. Services can also be automatically started on boot.

The systemd service instructions were written for Linux


Install boringproxy

The folling steps assume that boringproxy is already installed. If you haven't installed the server, follow installation instructions in the documentation.

Boringproxy needs to be installed in /usr/local/bin/boringproxy for the default service file to work. If you want to use another path, this can be changed in the service file.

Remember to allow binding to ports 80 and 443 for non root users using setcap:

setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep /usr/local/bin/boringproxy

Create boringproxy user & group

The service will be run as user boringproxy. Running the service as root is not recommended.

Add user boringproxy

useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/boringproxy/ -m boringproxy;

Add group boringproxy

groupadd boringproxy;

Add user boringproxy to group boringproxy

usermod -a -G boringproxy boringproxy

Create SSH folder for user. BoringProxy assumes the folder already exists. If it does not exist, the program will fail to add tunnels.

mkdir /home/boringproxy/.ssh
chown boringproxy:boringproxy /home/boringproxy/.ssh


Installing the service on a boringproxy server

Download service file

Copy service file from GitHub


Edit service file to include your setup information

Working Directory

Default working directory is /home/boringproxy/, you can change this in the service file to another directory.

The default directory will be created as part of the user add command. If you choose another directory make sure it exists

Boringproxy executable file path

Default location for your boringproxy executable file is /usr/local/bin/boringproxy, you can change this in the service file to another path.

Move file from the downloaded directory to /usr/local/bin/boringproxy

mv ./boringproxy /usr/local/bin/boringproxy


Edit the service file and change to your admin-domain (the main domain configured in DNS).

Install service file to systemd

Copy service file to /etc/systemd/system/

mv ./boringproxy-server.service /etc/systemd/system/

Reload the service files to include the new service.

systemctl daemon-reload

Manual start (once off only)

When boringproxy start for the first time, it requires a manual input of your email address. This email address will be used when registering Certificates with Let's Encrypt.

By stating the server manually, you can enter the required information and ensure the server is starting correctly under the new user.

To start the server, you will need to change the current directory to your WorkingDirectory (as indicated in your service file) and then run the ExecStart command (as indicated in your service file). If you made changes to the default WorkingDirectory or boringproxy executable file path, change the command below accordingly.

If no changes were made to the default paths, change the admin-domain in the command below to your admin-domain and enter your email address when prompted

runuser -l boringproxy -c 'cd /home/boringproxy; /usr/local/bin/boringproxy server -admin-domain'

If your server was successfully started, close the running process and start it again using the service.

Since the process was started as a different user, you will have to kill the foreground process (Ctrl + C) as well as close the process started as user boringproxy.

To kill all running processes for user boringproxy, use the command below:

pkill -u boringproxy

To check if boringproxy is still running, you can look if a process is listening on port 443 using:

netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep 443

If nothing is returned, no process is currently using port 443. Alternatively you will receive a result like:

tcp6 0 0 :::443 ::: LISTEN 9461/boringproxy

Service commands

After the above steps are completed, you can execute the service by using the commands below.

Start your service

systemctl start boringproxy-server.service

To check the status of your service

systemctl status boringproxy-server.service

To enable your service on every reboot

systemctl enable boringproxy-server.service

To disable your service on every reboot

systemctl disable boringproxy-server.service


Installing the service on a boringproxy client

Download service file

Copy service file from GitHub


Edit service file to include your setup information

Working Directory

Default working directory is /home/boringproxy/, you can change this in the service file to another directory.

The default directory will be created as part of the user add command. If you choose another directory make sure it exists

Boringproxy executable file path

Default location for your boringproxy executable file is /usr/local/bin/boringproxy, you can change this in the service file to another path.

Move file from the downloaded directory to /usr/local/bin/boringproxy

mv ./boringproxy /usr/local/bin/boringproxy


Edit the service file and change the following:

  • to your admin-domain
  • your-bp-server-token to your user token
  • your-email-address your email address to register with Let's Encrypt

Install service file to systemd

Copy service file to /etc/systemd/system/ You can change your-server-name to any name you want to identify the server. This is useful when connecting your client device to multiple servers using different client services.

mv ./boringproxy-client.service /etc/systemd/system/boringproxy-client.service

Reload the service files to include the new service.

systemctl daemon-reload

Service commands

After the above steps are completed, you can execute the service by using the commands below.

Start your service

systemctl start boringproxy-client.service

To check the status of your service

systemctl status boringproxy-client.service

To enable your service on every reboot

systemctl enable boringproxy-client.service

To disable your service on every reboot

systemctl disable boringproxy-client.service