2013-12-15 19:46:46 -06:00
User . reset_column_information
Topic . reset_column_information
Post . reset_column_information
2014-01-23 15:42:03 -06:00
if Topic . where ( 'id NOT IN (SELECT topic_id from categories where topic_id is not null)' ) . count == 0 && ! Rails . env . test?
2014-02-03 20:21:43 -06:00
puts " Seeding welcome topics "
2014-02-27 16:38:01 -06:00
staff = Category . where ( id : SiteSetting . staff_category_id ) . first
2013-12-15 19:46:46 -06:00
welcome = File . read ( Rails . root + 'docs/ADMIN-QUICK-START-GUIDE.md' )
2014-04-16 02:13:52 -05:00
PostCreator . create ( Discourse . system_user , raw : welcome , title : " READ ME FIRST: Admin Quick Start Guide " , skip_validations : true , category : staff ? staff . name : nil )
2014-02-27 16:38:01 -06:00
PostCreator . create ( Discourse . system_user , raw : I18n . t ( 'assets_topic_body' ) , title : " Assets for the forum design " , skip_validations : true , category : staff ? staff . name : nil )
2014-02-03 20:21:43 -06:00
welcome = File . read ( Rails . root + 'docs/WELCOME-TO-DISCOURSE.md' )
2014-02-24 13:27:21 -06:00
post = PostCreator . create ( Discourse . system_user , raw : welcome , title : " Welcome to Discourse " , skip_validations : true )
2014-05-05 09:47:52 -05:00
post . topic . update_pinned ( true , true )
2013-12-15 19:46:46 -06:00