2019-04-29 19:27:42 -05:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
2022-07-27 21:27:38 -05:00
RSpec.describe Jobs::BulkInvite do
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
describe "#execute" do
2019-05-06 22:12:20 -05:00
fab!(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
fab!(:admin) { Fabricate(:admin) }
fab!(:group1) { Fabricate(:group, name: "group1") }
fab!(:group2) { Fabricate(:group, name: "group2") }
2019-10-07 17:37:07 -05:00
fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) }
2019-10-30 01:08:47 -05:00
let(:staged_user) { Fabricate(:user, staged: true, active: false) }
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
let(:email) { "test@discourse.org" }
2022-10-04 10:41:06 -05:00
let(:invites) do
{ email: user.email },
{ email: staged_user.email },
{ email: "test2@discourse.org" },
{ email: "test@discourse.org", groups: "GROUP1;group2", topic_id: topic.id },
{ email: "invalid" },
2014-06-25 13:35:11 -05:00
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
it "raises an error when the invites array is missing" do
2019-06-04 09:49:46 -05:00
expect { Jobs::BulkInvite.new.execute(current_user_id: user.id) }.to raise_error(
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
2014-06-25 13:35:11 -05:00
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
it "raises an error when current_user_id is not valid" do
expect { Jobs::BulkInvite.new.execute(invites: invites) }.to raise_error(
2019-05-06 04:09:47 -05:00
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
2023-01-09 05:18:21 -06:00
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
it "creates the right invites" do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: invites)
2014-06-26 10:16:53 -05:00
2019-10-30 01:08:47 -05:00
expect(Invite.exists?(email: staged_user.email)).to eq(true)
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(Invite.exists?(email: "test2@discourse.org")).to eq(true)
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
2019-10-30 01:08:47 -05:00
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq(email)
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(invite.invited_groups.pluck(:group_id)).to contain_exactly(group1.id, group2.id)
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
expect(invite.topic_invites.pluck(:topic_id)).to contain_exactly(topic.id)
2022-10-04 10:41:06 -05:00
post = Post.last
expect(post.raw).to include("3 invites")
expect(post.raw).to include("1 skipped")
expect(post.raw).to include("0 warning")
expect(post.raw).to include("1 error")
2014-06-25 13:35:11 -05:00
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
it "does not create invited groups for automatic groups" do
group2.update!(automatic: true)
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: invites)
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq(email)
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(invite.invited_groups.pluck(:group_id)).to contain_exactly(group1.id)
2022-10-04 10:41:06 -05:00
post = Post.last
expect(post.raw).to include("1 warning")
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
it "does not create invited groups record if the user can not manage the group" do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: user.id, invites: invites)
invite = Invite.last
expect(invite.email).to eq(email)
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(invite.invited_groups.pluck(:group_id)).to contain_exactly(group1.id)
2019-04-15 08:13:53 -05:00
2019-04-15 08:26:03 -05:00
it "adds existing users to valid groups" do
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
existing_user = Fabricate(:user, email: "test@discourse.org")
2019-04-15 08:26:03 -05:00
group2.update!(automatic: true)
expect do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: invites)
2019-10-30 01:08:47 -05:00
end.to change { Invite.count }.by(2)
2019-04-15 08:26:03 -05:00
2019-10-30 01:08:47 -05:00
expect(Invite.exists?(email: staged_user.email)).to eq(true)
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(Invite.exists?(email: "test2@discourse.org")).to eq(true)
2019-04-15 08:26:03 -05:00
expect(existing_user.reload.groups).to eq([group1])
2014-06-25 13:35:11 -05:00
2021-05-20 20:43:47 -05:00
it "can create staged users and prepopulate user fields" do
2021-03-31 05:42:53 -05:00
user_field = Fabricate(:user_field, name: "Location")
2021-03-31 11:19:57 -05:00
user_field_color = Fabricate(:user_field, field_type: "dropdown", name: "Color")
user_field_color.user_field_options.create!(value: "Red")
user_field_color.user_field_options.create!(value: "Green")
user_field_color.user_field_options.create!(value: "Blue")
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
current_user_id: admin.id,
invites: [
{ email: "test@discourse.org" }, # new user without user fields
2021-03-31 11:19:57 -05:00
{ email: user.email, location: "value 1", color: "blue" }, # existing user with user fields
{ email: staged_user.email, location: "value 2", color: "redd" }, # existing staged user with user fields
2021-03-31 05:42:53 -05:00
{ email: "test2@discourse.org", location: "value 3" }, # new staged user with user fields
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(Invite.count).to eq(3)
expect(User.where(staged: true).find_by_email("test@discourse.org")).to eq(nil)
expect(user.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("value 1")
2021-03-31 11:19:57 -05:00
expect(user.user_fields[user_field_color.id.to_s]).to eq("Blue")
2022-05-16 08:21:33 -05:00
expect(staged_user.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("value 2")
2021-03-31 11:19:57 -05:00
expect(staged_user.user_fields[user_field_color.id.to_s]).to eq(nil)
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
new_staged_user = User.where(staged: true).find_by_email("test2@discourse.org")
expect(new_staged_user.user_fields[user_field.id.to_s]).to eq("value 3")
2022-07-27 11:14:14 -05:00
context "when there are more than 200 invites" do
2019-07-19 00:59:12 -05:00
let(:bulk_invites) { [] }
before { 202.times { |i| bulk_invites << { email: "test_#{i}@discourse.org" } } }
it "rate limits email sending" do
described_class.new.execute(current_user_id: admin.id, invites: bulk_invites)
invite = Invite.last
2021-03-29 06:03:19 -05:00
expect(invite.email).to eq("test_201@discourse.org")
2019-07-19 00:59:12 -05:00
expect(invite.emailed_status).to eq(Invite.emailed_status_types[:bulk_pending])
expect(Jobs::ProcessBulkInviteEmails.jobs.size).to eq(1)
2014-06-25 13:35:11 -05:00