2023-07-31 10:05:13 -05:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
def dry_run?
! ! ENV [ " DRY_RUN " ]
def test_mode?
class PlannedTag
attr_reader :name , :message
def initialize ( name : , message : )
@name = name
@message = message
class PlannedCommit
attr_reader :version , :tags , :ref
def initialize ( version : , tags : [ ] )
@version = version
@tags = tags
def perform!
write_version ( @version )
git " add " , " lib/version.rb "
git " commit " , " -m " , " Bump version to v #{ @version } "
@ref = git ( " rev-parse " , " HEAD " ) . strip
def read_version_rb
File . read ( " lib/version.rb " )
def parse_current_version
version = read_version_rb [ / STRING = "(.*)" / , 1 ]
raise " Unable to parse current version " if version . nil?
puts " Parsed current version: #{ version . inspect } "
def write_version ( version )
File . write ( " lib/version.rb " , read_version_rb . sub ( / STRING = ".*" / , " STRING = \" #{ version } \" " ) )
def git ( * args , allow_failure : false , silent : false )
puts " > git #{ args . inspect } " unless silent
stdout , stderr , status = Open3 . capture3 ( { " LEFTHOOK " = > " 0 " } , " git " , * args )
if ! status . success? && ! allow_failure
raise " Command failed: git #{ args . inspect } \n #{ stdout . indent ( 2 ) } \n #{ stderr . indent ( 2 ) } "
def ref_exists? ( ref )
git " rev-parse " , " --verify " , ref
rescue StandardError
def confirm ( msg )
loop do
print " #{ msg } (yes/no)... "
break if test_mode?
response = $stdin . gets . strip
case response . downcase
when " no "
raise " Aborted "
when " yes "
puts " unknown response: #{ response } "
def make_commits ( commits : , branch : , base : )
raise " You have other staged changes. Aborting. " if ! git ( " diff " , " --cached " ) . empty?
git " branch " , " -D " , branch if ref_exists? ( branch )
git " checkout " , " -b " , branch
commits . each ( & :perform! )
git ( " push " , " -f " , " --set-upstream " , " origin " , branch )
make_pr (
base : base ,
branch : branch ,
title :
" Version bump #{ " s " if commits . length > 1 } for #{ base } : #{ commits . map { | c | " v #{ c . version } " } . join ( " , " ) } " ,
def make_pr ( base : , branch : , title : )
params = { expand : 1 , title : title , body : << ~ MD }
> :warning : This PR should not be merged via the GitHub web interface
> It should only be merged ( via fast - forward ) using the associated ` bin/rake version_bump:* ` task .
if ! test_mode?
system (
" open " ,
" https://github.com/discourse/discourse/compare/ #{ base } ... #{ branch } ? #{ params . to_query } " ,
exception : true ,
puts " Do not merge the PR via the GitHub web interface. Get it approved, then come back here to continue. "
def fastforward ( base : , branch : )
if dry_run?
puts " [DRY RUN] Skipping fastforward of #{ base } "
confirm " Ready to merge? This will fast-forward #{ base } to #{ branch } "
git " push " , " origin " , " #{ branch } : #{ base } "
rescue = > e
raise << ~ MSG
Error occured during fastforward . Maybe another commit was added to ` #{ base } ` since the PR was created , or maybe the PR wasn ' t approved .
Don ' t worry , this is not unusual . To update the branch and try again , rerun this script again . The existing PR and approval will be reused .
puts " Merge successful "
def stage_tags ( commits )
puts " Staging tags locally... "
commits . each do | commit |
commit . tags . each { | tag | git " tag " , " -f " , " -a " , tag . name , " -m " , tag . message , commit . ref }
def push_tags ( commits )
tag_names = commits . flat_map { | commit | commit . tags . map ( & :name ) }
if dry_run?
puts " [DRY RUN] Skipping pushing tags to origin ( #{ tag_names . join ( " , " ) } ) "
confirm " Ready to push tags #{ tag_names . join ( " , " ) } to origin? "
tag_names . each { | tag_name | git " push " , " -f " , " origin " , " refs/tags/ #{ tag_name } " }
def with_clean_worktree ( origin_branch )
origin_url = git ( " remote " , " get-url " , " origin " ) . strip
if ! test_mode? && ! origin_url . include? ( " discourse/discourse " )
raise " Expected 'origin' remote to point to discourse/discourse (got #{ origin_url } ) "
git " fetch " , " origin " , origin_branch
path = " #{ Rails . root } /tmp/version-bump-worktree- #{ SecureRandom . hex } "
FileUtils . mkdir_p ( path )
git " worktree " , " add " , path , " origin/ #{ origin_branch } "
Dir . chdir ( path ) { yield } # rubocop:disable Discourse/NoChdir
puts " Cleaning up temporary worktree... "
git " worktree " , " remove " , " --force " , path , silent : true , allow_failure : true
FileUtils . rm_rf ( path )
desc " Stage commits for a beta version bump (e.g. beta1.dev -> beta1 -> beta2.dev). A PR will be created for approval, then the script will prompt to perform the release "
task " version_bump:beta " do
branch = " version_bump/beta "
base = " main "
with_clean_worktree ( base ) do
current_version = parse_current_version
commits =
if current_version . start_with? ( " 3.1 " )
# Legacy strategy - no `-dev` suffix
next_version = current_version . sub ( / beta( \ d+) / ) { " beta #{ $1 . to_i + 1 } " }
PlannedCommit . new (
version : next_version ,
tags : [
PlannedTag . new ( name : " beta " , message : " latest beta release " ) ,
PlannedTag . new ( name : " latest-release " , message : " latest release " ) ,
PlannedTag . new ( name : " v #{ next_version } " , message : " version #{ next_version } " ) ,
] ,
) ,
raise " Expected current version to end in -dev " if ! current_version . end_with? ( " -dev " )
beta_release_version = current_version . sub ( " -dev " , " " )
next_dev_version = current_version . sub ( / beta( \ d+) / ) { " beta #{ $1 . to_i + 1 } " }
PlannedCommit . new (
version : beta_release_version ,
tags : [
PlannedTag . new ( name : " beta " , message : " latest beta release " ) ,
PlannedTag . new ( name : " latest-release " , message : " latest release " ) ,
PlannedTag . new (
name : " v #{ beta_release_version } " ,
message : " version #{ beta_release_version } " ,
) ,
] ,
) ,
PlannedCommit . new ( version : next_dev_version ) ,
make_commits ( commits : commits , branch : branch , base : base )
fastforward ( base : base , branch : branch )
stage_tags ( commits )
push_tags ( commits )
puts " Done! "
desc " Stage commits for minor stable version bump (e.g. 3.1.1 -> 3.1.2). A PR will be created for approval, then the script will prompt to perform the release "
task " version_bump:minor_stable " do
base = " stable "
branch = " version_bump/stable "
with_clean_worktree ( base ) do
current_version = parse_current_version
if current_version !~ / ^( \ d+) \ .( \ d+) \ .( \ d+)$ /
raise " Expected current stable version to be in the form X.Y.Z. It was #{ current_version } "
new_version = current_version . sub ( / \ .( \ d+) \ z / ) { " . #{ $1 . to_i + 1 } " }
commits = [
PlannedCommit . new (
version : new_version ,
tags : [ PlannedTag . new ( name : " v #{ new_version } " , message : " version #{ new_version } " ) ] ,
) ,
make_commits ( commits : commits , branch : branch , base : base )
fastforward ( base : base , branch : branch )
stage_tags ( commits )
push_tags ( commits )
puts " Done! "
desc " Stage commits for a major version bump (e.g. 3.1.0.beta6-dev -> 3.1.0.beta6 -> 3.1.0 -> 3.2.0.beta1-dev). A PR will be created for approval, then the script will merge to `main`. Should be passed a version number for the next stable version (e.g. 3.2.0) "
task " version_bump:major_stable_prepare " , [ :next_major_version_number ] do | t , args |
unless args [ :next_major_version_number ] =~ / \ A \ d+ \ . \ d+ \ . \ d+ \ z /
raise " Expected next_major_version number to be in the form X.Y.Z "
base = " main "
branch = " version_bump/beta "
with_clean_worktree ( base ) do
current_version = parse_current_version
# special case for moving away from the 'legacy' release system where we don't use the `-dev` suffix
is_31_release = args [ :next_major_version_number ] == " 3.2.0 "
if ! current_version . end_with? ( " -dev " ) && ! is_31_release
raise " Expected current version to end in -dev "
beta_release_version =
if is_31_release
# The 3.1.0 beta series didn't use the -dev suffix
current_version . sub ( / beta( \ d+) / ) { " beta #{ $1 . to_i + 1 } " }
current_version . sub ( " -dev " , " " )
next_dev_version = args [ :next_major_version_number ] + " .beta1-dev "
final_beta_release =
PlannedCommit . new (
version : beta_release_version ,
tags : [
PlannedTag . new ( name : " beta " , message : " latest beta release " ) ,
PlannedTag . new ( name : " latest-release " , message : " latest release " ) ,
PlannedTag . new (
name : " v #{ beta_release_version } " ,
message : " version #{ beta_release_version } " ,
) ,
] ,
commits = [ final_beta_release , PlannedCommit . new ( version : next_dev_version ) ]
make_commits ( commits : commits , branch : branch , base : base )
fastforward ( base : base , branch : branch )
stage_tags ( commits )
push_tags ( commits )
puts << ~ MSG
The #{base} branch is now ready for a stable release.
Now run this command to merge the release into the stable branch :
bin / rake " version_bump:major_stable_merge[v #{ beta_release_version } ] "
desc << ~ DESC
Stage the merge of a stable version bump into the stable branch .
A PR will be created for approval , then the script will merge to ` stable ` .
Should be passed the ref of the beta release which should be promoted to stable
( output from the version_bump : major_stable_prepare rake task )
e . g . :
bin / rake " version_bump:major_stable_merge[v3.1.0.beta12] "
task " version_bump:major_stable_merge " , [ :version_bump_ref ] do | t , args |
merge_ref = args [ :version_bump_ref ]
raise " Must pass version_bump_ref " unless merge_ref . present?
git " fetch " , " origin " , merge_ref
raise " Unknown version_bump_ref: #{ merge_ref . inspect } " unless ref_exists? ( merge_ref )
base = " stable "
branch = " version_bump/stable "
with_clean_worktree ( base ) do
git " branch " , " -D " , branch if ref_exists? ( branch )
git " checkout " , " -b " , branch
git " merge " , " --no-commit " , merge_ref , allow_failure : true
2024-01-30 12:41:15 -06:00
out , status =
Open3 . capture2e " git diff --binary #{ merge_ref } | patch -p1 -R --no-backup-if-mismatch "
2023-07-31 10:05:13 -05:00
raise " Error applying diff \n #{ out } } " unless status . success?
git " add " , " . "
merged_version = parse_current_version
git " commit " , " -m " , " Merge v #{ merged_version } into #{ base } "
diff_to_base = git ( " diff " , merge_ref ) . strip
raise " There are diffs remaining to #{ merge_ref } " unless diff_to_base . empty?
stable_release_version = merged_version . sub ( / \ .beta \ d+ \ z / , " " )
stable_release_commit =
PlannedCommit . new (
version : stable_release_version ,
tags : [
PlannedTag . new (
name : " v #{ stable_release_version } " ,
message : " version #{ stable_release_version } " ,
) ,
] ,
stable_release_commit . perform!
git ( " push " , " -f " , " --set-upstream " , " origin " , branch )
make_pr ( base : base , branch : branch , title : " Merge v #{ merged_version } into #{ base } " )
fastforward ( base : base , branch : branch )
stage_tags ( [ stable_release_commit ] )
push_tags ( [ stable_release_commit ] )
desc << ~ DESC
squash - merge many security fixes into a single branch for review / merge .
Pass a list of comma - separated branches in the SECURITY_FIX_REFS env var , including the remote name .
Pass the name of the destination branch as the argument of the rake task .
e . g .
SECURITY_FIX_REFS = 'privatemirror/mybranch1,privatemirror/mybranch2' bin / rake " version_bump:stage_security_fixes[main] "
task " version_bump:stage_security_fixes " , [ :base ] do | t , args |
base = args [ :base ]
raise " Unknown base: #{ base . inspect } " unless %w[ stable main ] . include? ( base )
2023-12-06 16:25:00 -06:00
fix_refs = ENV [ " SECURITY_FIX_REFS " ] & . split ( " , " ) & . map ( & :strip )
2023-07-31 10:05:13 -05:00
raise " No branches specified in SECURITY_FIX_REFS env " if fix_refs . nil? || fix_refs . empty?
fix_refs . each do | ref |
if ! ref . include? ( " / " )
raise " Ref #{ ref } did not specify an origin. Please specify the origin, e.g. privatemirror/mybranch "
puts " Staging security fixes for #{ base } branch: #{ fix_refs . inspect } "
branch = " security/ #{ base } -security-fixes "
with_clean_worktree ( base ) do
git " branch " , " -D " , branch if ref_exists? ( branch )
git " checkout " , " -b " , branch
fix_refs . each do | ref |
origin , origin_branch = ref . split ( " / " , 2 )
git " fetch " , origin , origin_branch
first_commit_on_branch = git ( " log " , " --format=%H " , " origin/ #{ base } .. #{ ref } " ) . lines . last . strip
2023-09-12 12:00:42 -05:00
git " cherry-pick " , " #{ first_commit_on_branch } ^.. #{ ref } "
2023-07-31 10:05:13 -05:00
puts " Finished merging commits into a locally-staged #{ branch } branch. Git log is: "
puts git ( " log " , " origin/ #{ base } .. #{ branch } " )
confirm " Check the log above. Ready to push this branch to the origin and create a PR? "
git ( " push " , " -f " , " --set-upstream " , " origin " , branch )
make_pr ( base : base , branch : branch , title : " Security fixes for #{ base } " )
fastforward ( base : base , branch : branch )