2013-02-05 13:16:51 -06:00
require 'site_setting_extension'
class SiteSetting < ActiveRecord :: Base
extend SiteSettingExtension
validates_presence_of :name
validates_presence_of :data_type
attr_accessible :description , :name , :value , :data_type
# settings available in javascript under Discourse.SiteSettings
client_setting ( :title , " Discourse " )
client_setting ( :logo_url , '/assets/logo.png' )
client_setting ( :logo_small_url , '' )
client_setting ( :traditional_markdown_linebreaks , false )
client_setting ( :popup_delay , 1500 )
client_setting ( :top_menu , 'popular|new|unread|favorited|categories' )
client_setting ( :post_menu , 'like|edit|flag|delete|share|bookmark|reply' )
client_setting ( :max_length_show_reply , 1500 )
client_setting ( :track_external_right_clicks , false )
client_setting ( :must_approve_users , false )
client_setting ( :ga_tracking_code , " " )
client_setting ( :new_topics_rollup , 1 )
client_setting ( :enable_long_polling , true )
client_setting ( :polling_interval , 3000 )
client_setting ( :anon_polling_interval , 30000 )
client_setting ( :min_post_length , Rails . env . test? ? 5 : 20 )
client_setting ( :max_post_length , 16000 )
client_setting ( :min_topic_title_length , 5 )
client_setting ( :max_topic_title_length , 255 )
client_setting ( :flush_timings_secs , 5 )
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2013-02-05 13:16:51 -06:00
# settings only available server side
setting ( :auto_track_topics_after , 60000 )
setting ( :long_polling_interval , 15000 )
setting ( :flags_required_to_hide_post , 3 )
setting ( :cooldown_minutes_after_hiding_posts , 10 )
2013-02-05 23:22:11 -06:00
# used mainly for dev, force hostname for Discourse.base_url
# You would usually use multisite for this
setting ( :force_hostname , '' )
2013-02-05 13:16:51 -06:00
setting ( :port , Rails . env . development? ? 3000 : '' )
setting ( :enable_private_messages , true )
setting ( :use_ssl , false )
setting ( :secret_token )
setting ( :restrict_access , false )
setting ( :access_password )
setting ( :queue_jobs , ! Rails . env . test? )
setting ( :crawl_images , ! Rails . env . test? )
setting ( :enable_imgur , false )
setting ( :imgur_api_key , '' )
setting ( :imgur_endpoint , " http://api.imgur.com/2/upload.json " )
setting ( :max_image_width , 690 )
setting ( :category_featured_topics , 6 )
setting ( :topics_per_page , 30 )
setting ( :posts_per_page , 20 )
setting ( :invite_expiry_days , 14 )
setting ( :active_user_rate_limit_secs , 60 )
setting ( :previous_visit_timeout_hours , 1 )
setting ( :favicon_url , '/assets/favicon.ico' )
setting ( :ninja_edit_window , 5 . minutes . to_i )
setting ( :post_undo_action_window_mins , 10 )
setting ( :system_username , '' )
setting ( :max_mentions_per_post , 5 )
setting ( :uncategorized_name , 'uncategorized' )
setting ( :unique_posts_mins , Rails . env . test? ? 0 : 5 )
# Rate Limits
setting ( :rate_limit_create_topic , 5 )
setting ( :rate_limit_create_post , 5 )
setting ( :max_topics_per_day , 20 )
setting ( :max_private_messages_per_day , 20 )
2013-02-06 02:32:46 -06:00
setting ( :max_likes_per_day , 30 )
2013-02-05 13:16:51 -06:00
setting ( :max_bookmarks_per_day , 20 )
setting ( :max_flags_per_day , 20 )
setting ( :max_edits_per_day , 30 )
setting ( :max_favorites_per_day , 20 )
setting ( :email_time_window_mins , 5 )
# How many characters we can import into a onebox
setting ( :onebox_max_chars , 5000 )
setting ( :suggested_topics , 5 )
setting ( :allow_duplicate_topic_titles , false )
setting ( :post_excerpt_maxlength , 300 )
setting ( :post_onebox_maxlength , 500 )
setting ( :best_of_score_threshold , 15 )
setting ( :best_of_posts_required , 50 )
setting ( :best_of_likes_required , 1 )
setting ( :category_post_template ,
" [Replace this first paragraph with a short description of your new category. Try to keep it below 200 characters.] \n \n Use this space below for a longer description, as well as to establish any rules or discussion! " )
# we need to think of a way to force users to enter certain settings, this is a minimal config thing
setting ( :notification_email , 'info@discourse.org' )
setting ( :send_welcome_message , true )
setting ( :twitter_consumer_key , '' )
setting ( :twitter_consumer_secret , '' )
setting ( :facebook_app_id , '' )
setting ( :facebook_app_secret , '' )
setting ( :enforce_global_nicknames , true )
setting ( :discourse_org_access_key , '' )
setting ( :enable_s3_uploads , false )
setting ( :s3_upload_bucket , '' )
setting ( :default_trust_level , 0 )
setting ( :default_invitee_trust_level , 1 )
# Import/Export settings
setting ( :allow_import , false )
# Trust related
setting ( :basic_requires_topics_entered , 5 )
setting ( :basic_requires_read_posts , 100 )
setting ( :basic_requires_time_spent_mins , 30 )
def self . call_mothership?
self . enforce_global_nicknames? and self . discourse_org_access_key . present?