2014-01-23 21:34:29 -06:00
# Install development dependencies on Mac OS X using Homebrew (http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew)
# add this repo to Homebrew's sources
2015-08-11 12:13:07 -05:00
tap 'homebrew/dupes'
2014-01-23 21:34:29 -06:00
# install the gcc compiler required for ruby
2015-08-11 12:13:07 -05:00
brew 'apple-gcc42'
2014-01-23 21:34:29 -06:00
# you probably already have git installed; ensure that it is the latest version
2015-08-11 12:13:07 -05:00
brew 'git'
2014-01-23 21:34:29 -06:00
# install the PostgreSQL database
2015-08-11 12:13:07 -05:00
brew 'postgresql'
2014-01-23 21:34:29 -06:00
# install the Redis datastore
2015-08-11 12:13:07 -05:00
brew 'redis'
2014-01-23 21:34:29 -06:00
# install headless Javascript testing library
2015-08-11 12:13:07 -05:00
brew 'phantomjs'