FIX: Hack around Chrome bug for playing videos in fullscreen

This commit is contained in:
Robin Ward 2016-10-31 11:27:07 -04:00
parent 7a08d1a11b
commit afdede0e2e
3 changed files with 188 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
import { withPluginApi } from 'discourse/lib/plugin-api';
const returnFalse = () => false;
export default {
name: "apply-lazyYT",
initialize() {
withPluginApi('0.1', api => {
api.decorateCooked($elem => $('.lazyYT', $elem).lazyYT({
onPlay(e, $el) {
// don't cloak posts that have playing videos in them
const postId = parseInt($el.closest('article').data('post-id'));
if (postId) {
api.decorateCooked($elem => {
// We use this because watching videos fullscreen in Chrome was super buggy
// otherwise. Thanks to arrendek from q23 for the technique.
$elem.iframeTracker({ blurCallback: () => {
$(document).on("scroll.discourse-youtube", returnFalse);
window.setTimeout(() => $(document).off('scroll.discourse-youtube', returnFalse), 1500);
$('.lazyYT', $elem).lazyYT({
onPlay(e, $el) {
// don't cloak posts that have playing videos in them
const postId = parseInt($el.closest('article').data('post-id'));
if (postId) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
* jQuery iframe click tracking plugin
* @author Vincent Paré (
* @copyright © 2013-2015 Vincent Paré
* @license
* @version 1.1.0
// Tracking handler manager
$.fn.iframeTracker = function(handler){
var target = this.get();
if (handler === null || handler === false) {
} else if (typeof handler == "object") {
$.iframeTracker.track(target, handler);
} else {
throw new Error("Wrong handler type (must be an object, or null|false to untrack)");
// Iframe tracker common object
$.iframeTracker = {
// State
focusRetriever: null, // Element used for restoring focus on window (element)
focusRetrieved: false, // Says if the focus was retrived on the current page (bool)
handlersList: [], // Store a list of every trakers (created by calling $(selector).iframeTracker...)
isIE8AndOlder: false, // true for Internet Explorer 8 and older
// Init (called once on document ready)
init: function(){
// Determine browser version (IE8-) ($.browser.msie is deprecated since jQuery 1.9)
try {
if ($.browser.msie == true && $.browser.version < 9) {
this.isIE8AndOlder = true;
} catch(ex) {
try {
var matches = navigator.userAgent.match(/(msie) ([\w.]+)/i);
if (matches[2] < 9) {
this.isIE8AndOlder = true;
} catch(ex2) {}
// Listening window blur
// Focus retriever (get the focus back to the page, on mouse move)
$('body').append('<div style="position:fixed; top:0; left:0; overflow:hidden;"><input style="position:absolute; left:-300px;" type="text" value="" id="focus_retriever" readonly="true" /></div>');
this.focusRetriever = $('#focus_retriever');
this.focusRetrieved = false;
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.tagName == 'IFRAME') {
$.iframeTracker.focusRetrieved = true;
// Special processing to make it work with my old friend IE8 (and older) ;)
if (this.isIE8AndOlder) {
// Blur doesn't works correctly on IE8-, so we need to trigger it manually
// Keep focus on window (fix bug IE8-, focusable elements)
$('body').click(function(e){ $(window).focus(); });
$('form').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); });
// Same thing for "post-DOMready" created forms (issue #6)
try {
$('body').on('click', 'form', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); });
} catch(ex) {
console.log("[iframeTracker] Please update jQuery to 1.7 or newer. (exception: " + ex.message + ")");
// Add tracker to target using handler (bind boundary listener + register handler)
// target: Array of target elements (native DOM elements)
// handler: User handler object
track: function(target, handler){
// Adding target elements references into handler = target;
// Storing the new handler into handler list
// Binding boundary listener
.bind('mouseover', {handler: handler}, $.iframeTracker.mouseoverListener)
.bind('mouseout', {handler: handler}, $.iframeTracker.mouseoutListener);
// Remove tracking on target elements
// target: Array of target elements (native DOM elements)
untrack: function(target){
if (typeof Array.prototype.filter != "function") {
console.log("Your browser doesn't support Array filter, untrack disabled");
// Unbinding boundary listener
.unbind('mouseover', $.iframeTracker.mouseoverListener)
.unbind('mouseout', $.iframeTracker.mouseoutListener);
// Handler garbage collector
var nullFilter = function(value){
return value === null ? false : true;
for (var i in this.handlersList) {
// Prune target
for (var j in this.handlersList[i].target) {
if ($.inArray(this.handlersList[i].target[j], target) !== -1) {
this.handlersList[i].target[j] = null;
this.handlersList[i].target = this.handlersList[i].target.filter(nullFilter);
// Delete handler if unused
if (this.handlersList[i].target.length == 0) {
this.handlersList[i] = null;
this.handlersList = this.handlersList.filter(nullFilter);
// Target mouseover event listener
mouseoverListener: function(e){ = true;
try {;} catch(ex) {}
// Target mouseout event listener
mouseoutListener: function(e){ = false;
try {;} catch(ex) {}
// Calls blurCallback for every handler with over=true on window blur
windowLoseFocus: function(event){
for (var i in this.handlersList) {
if (this.handlersList[i].over == true) {
try {this.handlersList[i].blurCallback();} catch(ex) {}
// Init the iframeTracker on document ready

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
# javascript
register_asset "javascripts/lazyYT.js"
register_asset "javascripts/jquery.iframetracker.js"
# stylesheet
register_asset "stylesheets/lazyYT.css"