mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:32 -06:00
FIX: scrolling was off sometimes
Also changed "Jump To Post" to go to the post index in the stream rather than the post number
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,13 +18,15 @@ RawHandlebars.helpers['get'] = function(context, options) {
var firstContext = options.contexts[0];
var val = firstContext[context];
if (context.indexOf('controller') === 0) {
context = context.replace(/^controller\./, '');
if (context.indexOf('controller.') === 0) {
context = context.slice(context.indexOf('.') + 1);
if (val && val.isDescriptor) { return Em.get(firstContext, context); }
val = val === undefined ? Em.get(firstContext, context): val;
return val;
if (val && val.isDescriptor) {
return Em.get(firstContext, context);
return val === undefined ? Em.get(firstContext, context) : val;
// adds compatability so this works with stringParams
@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
const scrollTop = $body.scrollTop();
// This hack is for when swapping out many cloaked views at once
// when using keyboard navigation. It could suddenly move the
// scroll
// when using keyboard navigation. It could suddenly move the scroll
if (this.prevHeight === height && scrollTop !== this.prevScrollTop) {
@ -80,7 +79,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
const postsWrapperTop = $('.posts-wrapper').offset().top;
const $posts = this.$('.onscreen-post, .cloaked-post');
const viewportTop = windowTop - slack;
const topView = findTopView($posts, viewportTop, postsWrapperTop, 0, $posts.length-1);
const topView = findTopView($posts, viewportTop, postsWrapperTop, 0, $posts.length - 1);
let windowBottom = windowTop + windowHeight;
let viewportBottom = windowBottom + slack;
@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
let percent = null;
const offset = offsetCalculator();
const topCheck = Math.ceil(windowTop + offset);
const topCheck = Math.ceil(windowTop + offset + 5);
// uncomment to debug the eyeline
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
$('body').prepend('<div class="debug-eyeline"></div>');
$eyeline = $('.debug-eyeline');
$eyeline.css({ height: '1px', width: '100%', backgroundColor: 'blue', position: 'absolute', top: `${topCheck}px` });
$eyeline.css({ height: '5px', width: '100%', backgroundColor: 'blue', position: 'absolute', top: `${topCheck}px`, zIndex: 999999 });
let allAbove = true;
@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
if (!$post) { break; }
const viewTop = $post.offset().top;
const postHeight = $post.height();
const postHeight = $post.outerHeight(true);
const viewBottom = Math.ceil(viewTop + postHeight);
allAbove = allAbove && (viewTop < topCheck);
@ -170,7 +169,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
this.sendAction('topVisibleChanged', { post: first, refresh: topRefresh });
const last = posts.objectAt(onscreen[onscreen.length-1]);
const last = posts.objectAt(onscreen[onscreen.length - 1]);
if (this._bottomVisible !== last) {
this._bottomVisible = last;
this.sendAction('bottomVisibleChanged', { post: last, refresh });
@ -184,7 +183,7 @@ export default MountWidget.extend({
if (percent !== null) {
if (percent > 1.0) { percent = 1.0; }
percent = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, percent));
if (changedPost || (this._currentPercent !== percent)) {
this._currentPercent = percent;
@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend(ModalFunctionality, {
actions: {
jump() {
let where = parseInt(this.get('postNumber'));
if (where < 1) { where = 1; }
const max = this.get('topic.postStream.filteredPostsCount');
if (where > max) { where = max; }
const max = this.get("topic.postStream.filteredPostsCount");
const where = Math.min(max, Math.max(1, parseInt(this.get("postNumber"))));
@ -452,17 +452,17 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend(BufferedContent, {
jumpToIndex(index) {
this._jumpToPostId(this.get('model.postStream.stream')[index - 1]);
jumpToPostPrompt() {
const postText = prompt(I18n.t('topic.progress.jump_prompt_long'));
if (postText === null) { return; }
const postNumber = parseInt(postText, 10);
if (postNumber === 0) { return; }
const postIndex = parseInt(postText, 10);
if (postIndex === 0) { return; }
jumpToPost(postNumber) {
@ -755,6 +755,12 @@ export default Ember.Controller.extend(BufferedContent, {
_jumpToIndex(index) {
const stream = this.get("model.postStream.stream");
index = Math.max(1, Math.min(stream.length, index));
this._jumpToPostId(stream[index - 1]);
_jumpToPostId(postId) {
if (!postId) {
Ember.Logger.warn("jump-post code broken - requested an index outside the stream array");
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import DiscourseURL from 'discourse/lib/url';
import Composer from 'discourse/models/composer';
import { scrollTopFor } from 'discourse/lib/offset-calculator';
import { minimumOffset } from 'discourse/lib/offset-calculator';
const bindings = {
'!': {postAction: 'showFlags'},
@ -318,10 +318,10 @@ export default {
const $selected = ($articles.filter('.selected').length !== 0)
? $articles.filter('.selected')
: $articles.filter('[data-islastviewedtopic=true]');
let index = $articles.index($selected);
if ($selected.length !== 0) { //boundries check
// loop is not allowed
if ($selected.length !== 0) {
if (direction === -1 && index === 0) { return; }
if (direction === 1 && index === ($articles.length - 1) ) { return; }
@ -349,14 +349,12 @@ export default {
const $article = $articles.eq(index + direction);
if ($article.length > 0) {
if ($article.is('.topic-post')) {
$('a.tabLoc', $article).focus();
} else {
this._scrollList($article, direction);
@ -364,8 +362,7 @@ export default {
_scrollToPost($article) {
const pos = $article.offset();
$(window).scrollTop($article.offset().top - minimumOffset());
_scrollList($article) {
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import { scrollTopFor } from 'discourse/lib/offset-calculator';
import { minimumOffset } from "discourse/lib/offset-calculator";
// Dear traveller, you are entering a zone where we are at war with the browser
// the browser is insisting on positioning scrollTop per the location it was in
// the past, we are insisting on it being where we want it to be
// The hack is just to keep trying over and over to position the scrollbar (up to 1 minute)
// Dear traveller, you are entering a zone where we are at war with the browser.
// The browser is insisting on positioning scrollTop per the location it was in
// the past, we are insisting on it being where we want it to be.
// The hack is just to keep trying over and over to position the scrollbar (up to 1 second).
// The root cause is that a "refresh" on a topic page will almost never be at the
// same position it was in the past, the URL points to the post at the top of the
// page, so a refresh will try to bring that post into view causing drift
// page, so a refresh will try to bring that post into view causing drift.
// Additionally if you loaded multiple batches of posts, on refresh they will not
// be loaded.
@ -18,29 +18,29 @@ import { scrollTopFor } from 'discourse/lib/offset-calculator';
// 1. onbeforeunload ensure we are scrolled to the right spot
// 2. give up on the scrollbar and implement it ourselves (something that will happen)
const LOCK_DURATION_MS = 1000;
const SCROLL_EVENTS = "scroll.lock-on touchmove.lock-on mousedown.lock-on wheel.lock-on DOMMouseScroll.lock-on mousewheel.lock-on keyup.lock-on";
const SCROLL_TYPES = ["mousedown", "mousewheel", "touchmove", "wheel"];
function within(threshold, x, y) {
return Math.abs(x-y) < threshold;
return Math.abs(x - y) < threshold;
export default class LockOn {
constructor(selector, options) {
this.selector = selector;
this.options = options || {};
this.offsetTop = null;
elementTop() {
const selected = $(this.selector);
if (selected && selected.offset && selected.offset()) {
const result = selected.offset().top;
return scrollTopFor(result);
const $selected = $(this.selector);
if ($selected && $selected.offset && $selected.offset()) {
return $selected.offset().top - minimumOffset();
clearLock(interval) {
$("body, html").off(SCROLL_EVENTS);
if (this.options.finished) {
@ -54,9 +54,7 @@ export default class LockOn {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
let top = this.elementTop();
if (top < 0) { top = 0; }
const top = Math.max(0, this.elementTop());
const scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (typeof(top) === "undefined" || isNaN(top)) {
@ -68,20 +66,14 @@ export default class LockOn {
previousTop = top;
// We commit suicide after 3s just to clean up
const nowTime = new Date().getTime();
if (nowTime - startedAt > 1000) {
// Commit suicide after a little while
if (new Date().getTime() - startedAt > LOCK_DURATION_MS) {
return this.clearLock(interval);
}, 50);
$('body,html').off(SCROLL_EVENTS).on(SCROLL_EVENTS, e => {
if ( e.which > 0 ||
e.type === "mousedown" ||
e.type === "mousewheel" ||
e.type === "touchmove" ||
e.type === "wheel"
) {
$("body, html").off(SCROLL_EVENTS).on(SCROLL_EVENTS, e => {
if (e.which > 0 || SCROLL_TYPES.includes(e.type)) {
@ -1,50 +1,36 @@
export function scrollTopFor(y) {
return y - offsetCalculator(y);
return y - offsetCalculator();
export default function offsetCalculator(y) {
const $header = $('header');
const $container = $('.posts-wrapper');
const containerOffset = $container.offset();
let titleHeight = 0;
const scrollTop = y || $(window).scrollTop();
if (!containerOffset || scrollTop < containerOffset.top) {
titleHeight = $('#topic-title').height() || 0;
const rawWinHeight = $(window).height();
const windowHeight = rawWinHeight - titleHeight;
const eyeTarget = (windowHeight / 10);
const headerHeight = $header.outerHeight(true);
const expectedOffset = titleHeight - ($header.find('.contents').height() || 0) + (eyeTarget * 2);
const ideal = headerHeight + ((expectedOffset < 0) ? 0 : expectedOffset);
if ($container.length === 0) { return expectedOffset; }
const topPos = $container.offset().top;
const docHeight = $(document).height();
let scrollPercent = Math.min((scrollTop / (docHeight-rawWinHeight)), 1.0);
let inter = topPos - scrollTop + ($container.height() * scrollPercent);
if (inter < headerHeight + eyeTarget) {
inter = headerHeight + eyeTarget;
if (inter > ideal) {
const bottom = $('#topic-bottom').offset().top;
const switchPos = bottom - rawWinHeight - ideal;
if (scrollTop > switchPos) {
const p = Math.max(Math.min((scrollTop + inter - switchPos) / rawWinHeight, 1.0), 0.0);
return ((1 - p) * ideal) + (p * inter);
} else {
return ideal;
return inter;
export function minimumOffset() {
const $header = $("header.d-header");
const headerHeight = $header.outerHeight(true) || 0;
const headerPositionTop = $header.position().top;
return headerHeight + headerPositionTop;
export default function offsetCalculator() {
const min = minimumOffset();
// on mobile, just use the header
if ($("html").hasClass("mobile-view")) return min;
const $window = $(window);
const windowHeight = $window.height();
const documentHeight = $(document).height();
const topicBottomOffsetTop = $("#topic-bottom").offset().top;
// the footer is bigger than the window, we can scroll down past the last post
if (documentHeight - windowHeight > topicBottomOffsetTop) return min;
const scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
const visibleBottomHeight = scrollTop + windowHeight - topicBottomOffsetTop;
if (visibleBottomHeight > 0) {
const bottomHeight = documentHeight - topicBottomOffsetTop;
const offset = (windowHeight - bottomHeight) * visibleBottomHeight / bottomHeight;
return Math.max(min, offset);
return min;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user