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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:32 -06:00
FEATURE: Overhaul email threading (#17996)
See https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-email-messages-are-incorrectly-threaded/233499 for thorough reasoning. This commit changes how we generate Message-IDs and do email threading for emails sent from Discourse. The main changes are as follows: * Introduce an outbound_message_id column on Post that is either a) filled with a Discourse-generated Message-ID the first time that post is used for an outbound email or b) filled with an original Message-ID from an external mail client or service if the post was created from an incoming email. * Change Discourse-generated Message-IDs to be more consistent and static, in the format `discourse/post/:post_id@:host` * Do not send References or In-Reply-To headers for emails sent for the OP of topics. * Make sure that In-Reply-To is filled with either a) the OP's Message-ID if the post is not a direct reply or b) the parent post's Message-ID * Make sure that In-Reply-To has all referenced post's Message-IDs * Make sure that References is filled with a chain of Message-IDs from the OP down to the parent post of the new post. We also are keeping X-Discourse-Post-Id and X-Discourse-Topic-Id, headers that we previously removed, for easier visual debugging of outbound emails. Finally, we backfill the `outbound_message_id` for posts that have a linked `IncomingEmail` record, using the `message_id` of that record. We do not need to do that for posts that don't have an incoming email since they are backfilled at runtime if `outbound_message_id` is missing.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1209,6 +1209,7 @@ end
# action_code :string
# locked_by_id :integer
# image_upload_id :bigint
# outbound_message_id :string
# Indexes
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddOutboundMessageIdToPost < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def change
add_column :posts, :outbound_message_id, :string
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class BackfillOutboundMessageId < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def up
# best effort backfill, we don't care about years worth of message_id
# preservation
# we also don't need to backfill outbound_message_id for posts that
# do _not_ have an incoming email linked, since that will be backfilled
# at runtime if it is missing
sql_query = <<~SQL
UPDATE posts
SET outbound_message_id = ie.message_id
FROM incoming_emails AS ie
WHERE ie.post_id = posts.id
AND posts.created_at >= :one_year_ago
AND posts.outbound_message_id IS NULL
DB.exec(sql_query, one_year_ago: 1.year.ago)
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ module Email
# TODO (martin) 2023-01-01 Deprecated, remove this once the new threading
# systems have been in place for a while.
def generate_for_post(post, use_incoming_email_if_present: false)
if use_incoming_email_if_present && post.incoming_email&.message_id.present?
return "<#{post.incoming_email.message_id}>"
@ -37,6 +39,8 @@ module Email
# TODO (martin) 2023-01-01 Deprecated, remove this once the new threading
# systems have been in place for a while.
def generate_for_topic(topic, use_incoming_email_if_present: false, canonical: false)
first_post = topic.ordered_posts.first
incoming_email = first_post.incoming_email
@ -58,13 +62,50 @@ module Email
# The outbound_message_id may be present because either:
# * The post was created via incoming email and Email::Receiver, and
# references a Message-ID generated by an external email client or service.
# * At least one email has been sent because of the post being created
# to inform interested parties via email.
# If it is blank then we should assume Discourse was the originator
# of the post, and generate a Message-ID to be used from now on using
# our discourse/post/POST_ID@HOST format.
def generate_or_use_existing(post_ids)
post_ids = Array.wrap(post_ids)
return [] if post_ids.empty?
DB.exec(<<~SQL, host: host)
UPDATE posts
SET outbound_message_id = 'discourse/post/' || posts.id || '@' || :host
WHERE outbound_message_id IS NULL AND posts.id IN (#{post_ids.join(",")});
SELECT '<' || posts.outbound_message_id || '>'
FROM posts
WHERE posts.id IN (#{post_ids.join(",")})
ORDER BY posts.created_at ASC;
# Uses extracted Message-IDs from both the In-Reply-To and References
# headers from an incoming email.
def find_post_from_message_ids(message_ids)
message_ids = message_ids.map { |message_id| message_id_clean(message_id) }
post_ids = message_ids.map { |message_id| message_id[message_id_post_id_regexp, 1] }.compact.map(&:to_i)
post_ids << Post.where(
topic_id: message_ids.map { |message_id| message_id[message_id_topic_id_regexp, 1] }.compact,
post_number: 1
# TODO (martin) 2023-01-01 We should remove these backwards-compatible
# formats for the Message-ID and solely use the discourse/post/999@host
# format.
topic_ids = message_ids.map { |message_id| message_id[message_id_topic_id_regexp, 1] }.compact.map(&:to_i)
post_ids = message_ids.map { |message_id| message_id[message_id_post_id_regexp, 1] }.compact.map(&:to_i)
post_ids << message_ids.map { |message_id| message_id[message_id_discourse_regexp, 1] }.compact.map(&:to_i)
post_ids << Post.where(outbound_message_id: message_ids).or(Post.where(topic_id: topic_ids, post_number: 1)).pluck(:id)
post_ids << EmailLog.where(message_id: message_ids).pluck(:post_id)
post_ids << IncomingEmail.where(message_id: message_ids).pluck(:post_id)
@ -81,11 +122,18 @@ module Email
# TODO (martin) 2023-01-01 We should remove these backwards-compatible
# formats for the Message-ID and solely use the discourse/post/999@host
# format.
def discourse_generated_message_id?(message_id)
!!(message_id =~ message_id_post_id_regexp) ||
!!(message_id =~ message_id_topic_id_regexp)
!!(message_id =~ message_id_topic_id_regexp) ||
!!(message_id =~ message_id_discourse_regexp)
# TODO (martin) 2023-01-01 We should remove these backwards-compatible
# formats for the Message-ID and solely use the discourse/post/999@host
# format.
def message_id_post_id_regexp
Regexp.new "topic/\\d+/(\\d+|\\d+\.\\w+)@#{Regexp.escape(host)}"
@ -94,6 +142,10 @@ module Email
Regexp.new "topic/(\\d+|\\d+\.\\w+)@#{Regexp.escape(host)}"
def message_id_discourse_regexp
Regexp.new "discourse/post/(\\d+)@#{Regexp.escape(host)}"
def message_id_rfc_format(message_id)
message_id.present? && !is_message_id_rfc?(message_id) ? "<#{message_id}>" : message_id
@ -1328,7 +1328,11 @@ module Email
if result.post
@incoming_email.update_columns(topic_id: result.post.topic_id, post_id: result.post.id)
IncomingEmail.transaction do
@incoming_email.update_columns(topic_id: result.post.topic_id, post_id: result.post.id)
result.post.update(outbound_message_id: @incoming_email.message_id)
if result.post.topic&.private_message? && !is_bounce?
add_other_addresses(result.post, user, @mail)
@ -121,52 +121,7 @@ module Email
return skip(SkippedEmailLog.reason_types[:sender_topic_deleted]) if topic.blank?
# If the topic was created from an incoming email, then the Message-ID from
# that email will be the canonical reference, otherwise the canonical reference
# will be <topic/TOPIC_ID@host>. The canonical reference is used in the
# References header.
# This is so the sender of the original email still gets their nice threading
# maintained (because their mail client will initiate threading based on
# the Message-ID it generated) in the case where there is an incoming email.
# In the latter case, everyone will start their thread with the canonical reference,
# because we send it in the References header for all emails.
topic_canonical_reference_id = Email::MessageIdService.generate_for_topic(
topic, canonical: true, use_incoming_email_if_present: true
referenced_posts = Post.includes(:incoming_email)
.joins("INNER JOIN post_replies ON post_replies.post_id = posts.id ")
.where("post_replies.reply_post_id = ?", post_id)
.order(id: :desc)
referenced_post_message_ids = referenced_posts.map do |referenced_post|
if referenced_post.incoming_email&.message_id.present?
if referenced_post.post_number == 1
# See https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2822.txt for the message format
# specification, more useful information can be found in Email::MessageIdService
# The References header is how mail clients handle threading. The Message-ID
# must always be unique.
if post.post_number == 1
@message.header['Message-ID'] = Email::MessageIdService.generate_for_topic(topic)
@message.header['References'] = [topic_canonical_reference_id]
@message.header['Message-ID'] = Email::MessageIdService.generate_for_post(post)
@message.header['In-Reply-To'] = referenced_post_message_ids[0] || topic_canonical_reference_id
@message.header['References'] = [topic_canonical_reference_id, referenced_post_message_ids].flatten.compact.uniq
add_identification_field_headers(topic, post)
# See https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2919.txt for the List-ID
# specification.
@ -216,10 +171,6 @@ module Email
email_log.post_id = post_id if post_id.present?
email_log.topic_id = topic_id if topic_id.present?
# Remove headers we don't need anymore
@message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = nil if topic_id.present?
@message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = nil if post_id.present?
if reply_key.present?
@message.header['Reply-To'] = header_value('Reply-To').gsub!("%{reply_key}", reply_key)
@message.header[Email::MessageBuilder::ALLOW_REPLY_BY_EMAIL_HEADER] = nil
@ -514,5 +465,118 @@ module Email
def self.bounce_address(bounce_key)
SiteSetting.reply_by_email_address.sub("%{reply_key}", "verp-#{bounce_key}")
# When sending an email for the first post (OP) of the topic, we do not
# set References or In-Reply-To headers, since there is nothing yet
# to reference. This counts as the first email in the thread.
# Once set, the post's `outbound_message_id` should _always_ be used
# when sending emails relating to a particular post to maintain threading.
# This will either be:
# a) A Message-ID generated in an external main client or service which
# is recorded when creating a post from an IncomingEmail via Email::Receiver
# b) A Message-ID generated by Discourse and recorded when sending an email
# for a newly created post, which is created and saved here to the
# outbound_message_id column on the Post.
# The RFC that covers using "Identification Fields", which are References,
# In-Reply-To, Message-ID, et. al. can be in the RFC link below. It's a good idea to read
# this beginning in the area immediately after these quotes, at least to understand
# the 3 main headers:
# > The "Message-ID:" field provides a unique message identifier that
# > refers to a particular version of a particular message. The
# > uniqueness of the message identifier is guaranteed by the host that
# > generates it.
# > ...
# > The "In-Reply-To:" field may be used to identify the message (or
# > messages) to which the new message is a reply, while the "References:"
# > field may be used to identify a "thread" of conversation.
# https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5322.html#section-3.6.4
# It is a long read, but to understand the decision making process for this
# threading logic you can take a look at:
# https://meta.discourse.org/t/discourse-email-messages-are-incorrectly-threaded/233499
def add_identification_field_headers(topic, post)
@message.header["Message-ID"] = Email::MessageIdService.generate_or_use_existing(post.id).first
if post.post_number > 1
op_message_id = Email::MessageIdService.generate_or_use_existing(topic.first_post.id).first
# Whenever we reply to a post directly _or_ quote a post, a PostReply
# record is made, with the reply_post_id referencing the newly created
# post, and the post_id referencing the post that was quoted or replied to.
referenced_posts = Post
.joins("INNER JOIN post_replies ON post_replies.post_id = posts.id ")
.where("post_replies.reply_post_id = ?", post.id)
.order(id: :desc)
# No referenced posts means that we are just creating a new post not
# referring to anything, and as such we should just fall back to using
# the OP.
if referenced_posts.empty?
@message.header["In-Reply-To"] = op_message_id
@message.header["References"] = op_message_id
# When referencing _multiple_ posts then we just choose the most recent one
# to use for References so we have a single parent to work with, but
# every directly replied to post can go into In-Reply-To.
# We want to make sure all of the outbound_message_ids are already filled here.
in_reply_to_message_ids = MessageIdService.generate_or_use_existing(referenced_posts.map(&:id))
@message.header["In-Reply-To"] = in_reply_to_message_ids
most_recent_post_message_id = in_reply_to_message_ids.last
# The RFC specifically states that the content of the parent's References
# field (in our case a tree of replies based on the PostReply table in
# addition to the OP post's Message-ID) first, _then_ the parent's
# Message-ID (in our case the outbound_message_id of the post we are replying to).
# This creates a thread from the OP all the way down to the most recent post we
# are replying to.
reply_tree = referenced_post_reply_tree(referenced_posts.first)
parent_message_ids = MessageIdService.generate_or_use_existing(reply_tree.values.flatten)
@message.header["References"] = [
op_message_id, parent_message_ids, most_recent_post_message_id
def referenced_post_reply_tree(post)
results = DB.query(<<~SQL, start_post_id: post.id)
SELECT reply_post_id, post_id FROM post_replies
WHERE reply_post_id = :start_post_id
SELECT pr.reply_post_id, pr.post_id
FROM post_replies pr
ON cte.post_id = pr.reply_post_id
SELECT DISTINCT cte.*, posts.created_at, posts.outbound_message_id
FROM cte
INNER JOIN posts ON posts.id = cte.reply_post_id
ORDER BY posts.created_at DESC, post_id DESC;
results.inject({}) do |hash, value|
# We only want to get a single replied-to post, which is the most recently
# created post, since we cannot deal with multiple parents for References
hash[value.reply_post_id] ||= [value.post_id]
@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
let(:staged1) { Fabricate(:staged, email: "otherguy@test.com") }
let(:staged2) { Fabricate(:staged, email: "cormac@lit.com") }
let(:normaluser) { Fabricate(:user, email: "justanormalguy@test.com", username: "normaluser") }
let(:random_message_id_suffix) { "5f1330cfd941f323d7f99b9e" }
before do
SiteSetting.enable_smtp = true
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
TopicAllowedUser.create(user: staged1, topic: topic)
TopicAllowedUser.create(user: staged2, topic: topic)
TopicAllowedUser.create(user: normaluser, topic: topic)
it "sends an email using the GroupSmtpMailer and Email::Sender" do
@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
PostReply.create(post: second_post, reply: post)
email_log = EmailLog.find_by(post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: recipient_user.id)
expect(email_log.raw_headers).to include("In-Reply-To: <topic/#{post.topic_id}/#{second_post.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@#{Email::Sender.host_for(Discourse.base_url)}>")
expect(email_log.raw_headers).to include("In-Reply-To: <discourse/post/#{second_post.id}@#{Email::Sender.host_for(Discourse.base_url)}>")
expect(email_log.as_mail_message.html_part.to_s).not_to include(I18n.t("user_notifications.in_reply_to"))
@ -82,7 +80,7 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
email_log = EmailLog.find_by(post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: recipient_user.id)
expect(email_log).not_to eq(nil)
expect(email_log.message_id).to eq("topic/#{post.topic_id}/#{post.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost")
expect(email_log.message_id).to eq("discourse/post/#{post.id}@test.localhost")
it "creates an IncomingEmail record with the correct details to avoid double processing IMAP" do
@ -91,7 +89,7 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.subject).to eq("Re: Help I need support")
incoming_email = IncomingEmail.find_by(post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: post.user.id)
expect(incoming_email).not_to eq(nil)
expect(incoming_email.message_id).to eq("topic/#{post.topic_id}/#{post.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost")
expect(incoming_email.message_id).to eq("discourse/post/#{post.id}@test.localhost")
expect(incoming_email.created_via).to eq(IncomingEmail.created_via_types[:group_smtp])
expect(incoming_email.to_addresses).to eq("test@test.com")
expect(incoming_email.cc_addresses).to eq("otherguy@test.com;cormac@lit.com")
@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.subject).to eq("Re: Help I need support")
email_log = EmailLog.find_by(post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: recipient_user.id)
expect(email_log).not_to eq(nil)
expect(email_log.message_id).to eq("topic/#{post.topic_id}/#{post.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost")
expect(email_log.message_id).to eq("discourse/post/#{post.id}@test.localhost")
it "creates an IncomingEmail record with the correct details to avoid double processing IMAP" do
@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ RSpec.describe Jobs::GroupSmtpEmail do
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last.subject).to eq("Re: Help I need support")
incoming_email = IncomingEmail.find_by(post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic_id, user_id: post.user.id)
expect(incoming_email).not_to eq(nil)
expect(incoming_email.message_id).to eq("topic/#{post.topic_id}/#{post.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost")
expect(incoming_email.message_id).to eq("discourse/post/#{post.id}@test.localhost")
expect(incoming_email.created_via).to eq(IncomingEmail.created_via_types[:group_smtp])
expect(incoming_email.to_addresses).to eq("test@test.com")
expect(incoming_email.cc_addresses).to eq("otherguy@test.com;cormac@lit.com")
@ -373,6 +373,12 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Receiver do
expect(IncomingEmail.last.created_via).to eq(IncomingEmail.created_via_types[:imap])
it "stores the message_id of the incoming email against the post as outbound_message_id" do
expect { process(:text_reply, source: :handle_mail) }.to change(Post, :count)
message_id = IncomingEmail.last.message_id
expect(Post.last.outbound_message_id).to eq(message_id)
it "automatically elides gmail quotes" do
SiteSetting.always_show_trimmed_content = true
expect { process(:gmail_html_reply) }.to change { topic.posts.count }
@ -898,6 +904,12 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Receiver do
expect { process(:cc) }.to raise_error(Email::Receiver::TooManyRecipientsError)
it "uses the incoming_email message-id as the new post's outbound_message_id" do
expect { process(:cc) }.to change(Topic, :count)
message_id = IncomingEmail.last.message_id
expect(Topic.last.first_post.outbound_message_id).to eq(message_id)
describe "reply-to header" do
before do
SiteSetting.block_auto_generated_emails = false
@ -977,7 +989,7 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Receiver do
expect { process(:email_reply_4) }.to change { topic.posts.count }.by(1)
describe "replying with various message-id formats" do
describe "replying with various message-id formats using In-Reply-To header" do
let!(:topic) do
@ -1021,6 +1033,11 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Receiver do
expect { process_mail_with_message_id("topic/#{topic.id}/#{post.id}.x3487nxy877843x@test.localhost") }.to change { Post.count }.by(1)
expect(topic.reload.posts.last.raw).to include("This is email reply testing with Message-ID formats")
it "posts a reply using a message-id in the format discourse/post/POST_ID@HOST" do
expect { process_mail_with_message_id("discourse/post/#{post.id}@test.localhost") }.to change { Post.count }.by(1)
expect(topic.reload.posts.last.raw).to include("This is email reply testing with Message-ID formats")
@ -1236,7 +1253,6 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Receiver do
SiteSetting.disallow_reply_by_email_after_days = 10000
def reply_as_group_user
@ -1261,7 +1277,7 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Receiver do
it "creates an EmailLog when someone from the group replies, and does not create an IncomingEmail record for the reply" do
email_log, group_post = reply_as_group_user
expect(email_log.message_id).to eq("topic/#{original_inbound_email_topic.id}/#{group_post.id}.blah123@test.localhost")
expect(email_log.message_id).to eq("discourse/post/#{group_post.id}@test.localhost")
expect(email_log.to_address).to eq("two@foo.com")
expect(email_log.email_type).to eq("user_private_message")
expect(email_log.post_id).to eq(group_post.id)
@ -240,23 +240,6 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Sender do
describe "removes custom Discourse headers from topic notification mails" do
fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) }
fab!(:post) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic) }
before do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post.id
message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id
it 'should remove the right headers' do
expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id']).not_to be_present
expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id']).not_to be_present
expect(message.header['X-Discourse-Reply-Key']).not_to be_present
describe "removes custom Discourse headers from digest/registration/other mails" do
it 'should remove the right headers' do
@ -266,35 +249,40 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Sender do
context "with email threading" do
let(:random_message_id_suffix) { "5f1330cfd941f323d7f99b9e" }
describe "email threading" do
fab!(:topic) { Fabricate(:topic) }
fab!(:post_1) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 1) }
fab!(:post_2) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 2) }
fab!(:post_3) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 3) }
fab!(:post_4) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 4) }
fab!(:post_5) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 5) }
fab!(:post_6) { Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, post_number: 6) }
let!(:post_reply_1_4) { PostReply.create(post: post_1, reply: post_4) }
let!(:post_reply_2_4) { PostReply.create(post: post_2, reply: post_4) }
let!(:post_reply_3_4) { PostReply.create(post: post_3, reply: post_4) }
let!(:post_reply_4_5) { PostReply.create(post: post_4, reply: post_5) }
let!(:post_reply_4_6) { PostReply.create(post: post_4, reply: post_6) }
let!(:post_reply_5_6) { PostReply.create(post: post_5, reply: post_6) }
before do
message.header['X-Discourse-Topic-Id'] = topic.id
it "doesn't set the 'In-Reply-To' header but does set the 'References' header on the first post" do
it "doesn't set References or In-Reply-To headers on the first post, only generates a Message-ID and saves it against the post" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_1.id
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_1.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(post_1.outbound_message_id).to eq("discourse/post/#{post_1.id}@test.localhost")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to be_blank
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to be_blank
it "sets the 'References' header with the incoming email Message-ID if it exists on the first post" do
it "uses the existing Message-ID header from the incoming email when sending the first post email" do
incoming = Fabricate(
topic: topic,
@ -302,69 +290,78 @@ RSpec.describe Email::Sender do
message_id: "blah1234@someemailprovider.com",
created_via: IncomingEmail.created_via_types[:handle_mail]
post_1.update!(outbound_message_id: incoming.message_id)
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_1.id
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<blah1234@someemailprovider.com>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to be_blank
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq("<blah1234@someemailprovider.com>")
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to be_blank
it "sets the 'In-Reply-To' header to the topic canonical reference by default" do
it "if no post is directly replied to then the Message-ID of post 1 via outbound_message_id should be used" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_2.id
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}/#{post_2.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_2.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_1.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_1.id}@test.localhost>")
it "sets the 'In-Reply-To' header to the newest replied post" do
it "sets the References header to the most recently created replied post, as well as the OP, if there are no other replies in the chain" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}/#{post_4.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}/#{post_3.id}.#{random_message_id_suffix}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['Message-ID'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_4.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_1.id}@test.localhost> <discourse/post/#{post_3.id}@test.localhost>")
it "sets the 'References' header to the topic canonical reference and all replied posts" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id
it "sets the In-Reply-To header to all the posts that the post is connected to via PostReply" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_6.id
expect(message.header['Message-ID'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_6.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_4.id}@test.localhost> <discourse/post/#{post_5.id}@test.localhost>")
it "sets the In-Reply-To and References header to the most recently created replied post and includes the parents of that post in References, as well as the OP" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id
PostReply.create(post: post_2, reply: post_3)
expect(message.header['Message-ID'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_4.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_1.id}@test.localhost> <discourse/post/#{post_2.id}@test.localhost> <discourse/post/#{post_3.id}@test.localhost>")
references = [
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq(references.join(" "))
it "uses the incoming_email message_id when available, but always uses a random message-id" do
topic_incoming_email = IncomingEmail.create(
topic: topic, post: post_1, message_id: "foo@bar", created_via: IncomingEmail.created_via_types[:handle_mail]
post_2_incoming_email = IncomingEmail.create(topic: topic, post: post_2, message_id: "bar@foo")
post_4_incoming_email = IncomingEmail.create(topic: topic, post: post_4, message_id: "wat@wat")
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_4.id
it "handles a complex reply tree to the OP for References, only using one Message-ID if there are multiple parents for a post" do
message.header['X-Discourse-Post-Id'] = post_6.id
PostReply.create(post: post_2, reply: post_6)
expect(message.header['Message-Id'].to_s).to eq("<topic/#{topic.id}/#{post_4.id}.5f1330cfd941f323d7f99b9e@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['Message-ID'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_6.id}@test.localhost>")
expect(message.header['In-Reply-To'].to_s).to eq("<discourse/post/#{post_2.id}@test.localhost> <discourse/post/#{post_4.id}@test.localhost> <discourse/post/#{post_5.id}@test.localhost>")
references = [
expect(message.header['References'].to_s).to eq(references.join(" "))
describe "merges custom mandrill header" do
@ -52,9 +52,39 @@ RSpec.describe Email::MessageIdService do
describe "#generate_or_use_existing" do
it "does not override a post's existing outbound_message_id" do
post.update!(outbound_message_id: "blah@host.test")
result = subject.generate_or_use_existing(post.id)
expect(result).to eq(["<blah@host.test>"])
it "generates an outbound_message_id in the correct format if it's blank for the post" do
post.update!(outbound_message_id: nil)
result = subject.generate_or_use_existing(post.id)
expect(result).to eq(["<discourse/post/#{post.id}@#{Email::MessageIdService.host}>"])
it "handles bulk posts with a mixture of existing and new outbound_message_ids, returning in created_at order" do
topic = Fabricate(:topic)
post_bulk1 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, created_at: 10.days.ago, outbound_message_id: "blah@test.host")
post_bulk2 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, created_at: 12.days.ago, outbound_message_id: nil)
post_bulk3 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, created_at: 11.days.ago, outbound_message_id: "sf92c349438509=3453@test.host")
post_bulk4 = Fabricate(:post, topic: topic, created_at: 3.days.ago, outbound_message_id: nil)
result = subject.generate_or_use_existing([post_bulk1.id, post_bulk2.id, post_bulk3.id, post_bulk4.id])
expect(result).to eq([
describe "find_post_from_message_ids" do
let(:post_format_message_id) { "<topic/#{topic.id}/#{post.id}.test123@test.localhost>" }
let(:topic_format_message_id) { "<topic/#{topic.id}.test123@test.localhost>" }
let(:discourse_format_message_id) { "<discourse/post/#{post.id}@test.localhost>" }
let(:default_format_message_id) { "<36ac1ddd-5083-461d-b72c-6372fb0e7f33@test.localhost>" }
let(:gmail_format_message_id) { "<CAPGrNgZ7QEFuPcsxJBRZLhBhAYPO_ruYpCANSdqiQEbc9Otpiw@mail.gmail.com>" }
@ -66,6 +96,15 @@ RSpec.describe Email::MessageIdService do
expect(subject.find_post_from_message_ids([topic_format_message_id])).to eq(post)
it "finds a post based only on a discourse-format message id" do
expect(subject.find_post_from_message_ids([discourse_format_message_id])).to eq(post)
it "finds a post from the post's outbound_message_id" do
post.update!(outbound_message_id: subject.message_id_clean(discourse_format_message_id))
expect(subject.find_post_from_message_ids([discourse_format_message_id])).to eq(post)
it "finds a post from the email log" do
email_log = Fabricate(:email_log, message_id: subject.message_id_clean(default_format_message_id))
expect(subject.find_post_from_message_ids([default_format_message_id])).to eq(email_log.post)
@ -104,6 +143,8 @@ RSpec.describe Email::MessageIdService do
expect(check_format("<topic/1223/4525@test.localhost>")).to eq(true)
expect(check_format("topic/1223@test.localhost")).to eq(true)
expect(check_format("<topic/1223@test.localhost>")).to eq(true)
expect(check_format("discourse/post/1223@test.localhost")).to eq(true)
expect(check_format("<discourse/post/1223@test.localhost>")).to eq(true)
expect(check_format("topic/1223@blah")).to eq(false)
expect(check_format("<CAPGrNgZ7QEFuPcsxJBRZLhBhAYPO_ruYpCANSdqiQEbc9Otpiw@mail.gmail.com>")).to eq(false)
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