* FEATURE: Add ignored user list to the User's preference page
## Why?
Part of: https://meta.discourse.org/t/ability-to-ignore-a-user/110254
We want to add list of Ignored users under or along with the muted users preferences section.
This way Users can find and update their list of ignored users.
## UI

## Open questions
Two of many options to represent a list of ignored users is that we can:
1. We can represent the ignored user list as a table with the ability to `un-ignore` but NOT to add new ignored users.
2. We can keep it functioning as the `muted user list` where you can `un-ignore` or `ignore` users.
Co-authored-by: Sam Saffron <sam.saffron@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: David Taylor <david@taylorhq.com>
This gives more control over the request. In particular we can easily
lookup DNS dynamically, instead of only upon NGINX startup.
Previously, NGINX was looking up IP for the letter avatar service and
caching the CDN IP address, this caused issues if CDN changed IP, in
which letter avatars would be broken till a container restarted.
NGINX config has been updated to add caching. This change will require
a container rebuild.
The proxy will now function in development environments, so the patch
for `letter_avatar_proxy` has been removed.
This makes backups slimmer out of the box but introduces extra process post
restore to run a full rebake of all posts containing uploads and all avatars
The benefit (slimmer backup) outweighs the cost of running the full rebake
We had Prettier pinned because of https://github.com/prettier/prettier/issues/5529. Since that bug is fixed, unpinning.
Prettier now supports YAML, so this applies Prettier to all .yml except for translations, which should not be edited directly anyway.
- adds migration to enable CSP for new sites
- removes "EXPERIMENTAL" labels from setting names
- sets CSP violation report to default off
- adds CSP-related note to GTM setting
We have the periodical job that regularly will rebake old posts. This is
used to trickle in update to cooked markdown. The problem is that each rebake
can issue multiple background jobs (post process and pull hotlinked images)
Previously we had no per-cluster limit so cluster running 100s of sites could
flood the sidekiq queue with rebake related jobs.
New system introduces a hard limit of 300 rebakes per 15 minutes across a
cluster to ensure the sidekiq job is not dominated by this.
We also reduced `rebake_old_posts_count` to 80, which is a safer default.
* Add missing icons to set
* Revert FA5 revert
This reverts commit 42572ff
* use new SVG syntax in locales
* Noscript page changes (remove login button, center "powered by" footer text)
* Cast wider net for SVG icons in settings
- include any _icon setting for SVG registry (offers better support for plugin settings)
- let themes store multiple pipe-delimited icons in a setting
- also replaces broken onebox image icon with SVG reference in cooked post processor
* interpolate icons in locales
* Fix composer whisper icon alignment
* Add support for stacked icons
* SECURITY: enforce hostname to match discourse hostname
This ensures that the hostname rails uses for various helpers always matches
the Discourse hostname
* load SVG sprite with pre-initializers
* FIX: enable caching on SVG sprites
* PERF: use JSONP for SVG sprites so they are served from CDN
This avoids needing to deal with CORS for loading of the SVG
Note, added the svg- prefix to the filename so we can quickly tell in
dev tools what the file is
* Add missing SVG sprite JSONP script to CSP
* Upgrade to FA 5.5.0
* Add support for all FA4.7 icons
- adds complete frontend and backend for renamed FA4.7 icons
- improves performance of SvgSprite.bundle and SvgSprite.all_icons
* Fix group avatar flair preview
- adds an endpoint at /svg-sprites/search/:keyword
- adds frontend ajax call that pulls icon in avatar flair preview even when it is not in subset
* Remove FA 4.7 font files
* First take on subsetting svg icons
* FontAwesome 5 svg subset WIP
* Include icons from plugins/badges into svg sprite subset
* add svg icon support to themes
* Add spec for SvgSprite
* Misc. SVG icon fixes
* Use FA5 svgs in local-dates plugin
* CSS adjustments, fix SVG icons in group flair
* Use SVG icons in poll plugin
* Add SVG icons to /wizard
This splits off the logic between SSO keys used incoming vs outgoing, it allows to far better restrict who is allowed to log in using a site.
This allows for better auditing of the SSO provider feature
- By default, behaviour is not changed: tags are made lowercase upon creation and edit.
- If force_lowercase_tags is disabled, then mixed case tags are allowed.
- Tags must remain case-insensitively unique. This is enforced by ActiveRecord and Postgres.
- A migration is added to provide a `UNIQUE` index on `lower(name)`. Migration includes a safety to correct any current tags that do not meet the criteria.
- A `where_name` scope is added to `models/tag.rb`, to allow easy case-insensitive lookups. This is used instead of `Tag.where(name: "blah")`.
- URLs remain lowercase. Mixed case URLs are functional, but have the lowercase equivalent as the canonical.
When creating lightboxes we will attempt to create 1.5x and 2x thumbnails
for retina screens, this can be controlled with a new hidden site setting
called responsice_post_image_sizes, if you wish to create 3x images run
SiteSetting.responsive_post_image_sizes = "1|1.5|2|3"
The default should be good for most of the setups as it balances filesize
with quality. 3x thumbs can get big.
With these changes, backups to Digital Ocean spaces can be configured with the following variables:
DISCOURSE_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET: 'backups-bucket'
DISCOURSE_S3_ENDPOINT: 'https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com'
Introduces a hidden setting (default is 0.1) that erodes bounce score
every time we send an email. This means that erratic failures are less
painful cause system auto corrects
These site settings are very hard to explain and only applicable for very
specific Discourse setups.
If an admin "enables staged users" which is used in support scenarios then
all staff can send "messages" directly to an "email".
The setting allows you to extend this to TL4 or any trust level.
Actual use case would be a support type setup with restricted staff. It is
quite rare so hiding this for now and re-evaluate keeping the setting in
At the moment core providers are hard-coded in Javascript, and plugin providers get added to the JS payload at compile time. This refactor means that we only ship enabled providers to the client.
* Phase 0 for user-selectable theme components
- Drops `key` column from the `themes` table
- Drops `theme_key` column from the `user_options` table
- Adds `theme_ids` (array of ints default []) column to the `user_options` table and migrates data from `theme_key` to the new column.
- Removes the `default_theme_key` site setting and adds `default_theme_id` instead.
- Replaces `theme_key` cookie with a new one called `theme_ids`
- no longer need Theme.settings_for_client
* Add possibility to add hidden posts with PostCreator
* FEATURE: Create hidden posts for received spam emails
Spamchecker usually have 3 results: HAM, SPAM and PROBABLY_SPAM
SPAM gets usually directly rejected and needs no further handling.
HAM is good message and usually gets passed unmodified.
PROBABLY_SPAM gets an additional header to allow further processing.
This change addes processing capabilities for such headers and marks
new posts created as hidden when received via email.
3 years is a very conservative limit that allows for a very wide buffer
for year-over-year analysis. The max is set to 5 years because that is
the policy listed for logging in hosted Discourse.
- adds a link to search log
- display a text if log search queries is disabled
- adds link to trust level and user types
- adds a description for eeach report when browsing a report directly
* Feature: Push notifications for Android
Notification config for desktop and mobile are merged.
Desktop notifications stay as they are for desktop views.
If mobile mode, push notifications are enabled.
Added push notification subscriptions in their own table, rather than through
custom fields.
Notification banner prompts appear for both mobile and desktop when enabled.
In some cases add_groups and remove_groups is too much work, some sites
may wish to simply synchronize group membership based on a list.
When sso_overrides_groups is on all not automatic group membership is
sourced from SSO. Note if you omit to specify groups, they will be cleared
Also moved to default crawl delay bing so no more than a req every 5 seconds is allowed
New site settings:
"slow_down_crawler_user_agents" - list of crawlers that will be slowed down
"slow_down_crawler_rate" - how many seconds to wait between requests
Not enforced server side yet
bing is crawling our properties 10x faster than any other crawler,
until default behavior is improved we are blocking it out-of-the-box
You may enable it by setting the blacklist back to empty
This feature can be enabled by choosing a destination for the
`shared drafts category` site setting.
* Staff members can create shared drafts, choosing a destination
category for the topic when it is published.
* Shared Drafts can be viewed in their category, or above the
topic list for the destination category where it will end up.
* When the shared draft is ready, it can be published to the
appropriate category by clicking a button on the topic view.
* When published, Drafts change their timestamps to the current
time, and any edits to the original post are removed.
We trust staff + tl2 and up to perform edits in grace period.
Allow them significantly more edit room in grace period prior to storing
a revision.
editing_grace_period_max_diff_high_trust applies to users with tl2 and up.
tl0 / 1 : we store an extra revision if more than 100 chars change
tl2 and up : we store an extra revision if more than 400 chars change
We may tweak these numbers as we go.
If a user performs a substantive edit of 20 chars or more during grace period
we will store a revision to track the change
This allows for better auditing of changes that happen during the grace period