import { setupTest } from "ember-qunit";
import { module, test } from "qunit";
import { cook } from "discourse/lib/text";
module("lib:details-cooked-test", (hooks) => {
test("details", async (assert) => {
const testCooked = async (input, expected, text) => {
const cooked = (await cook(input)).toString();
assert.strictEqual(cooked, expected, text);
await testCooked(
coucou `,
coucou `,
"manual HTML for details"
await testCooked(
`[details=test'ing all the things]\ntest\n[/details]`,
`\n\ntest'ing all the things
\n `,
"details with spaces and a single quote"
await testCooked(
`[details=”test'ing all the things”]\ntest\n[/details]`,
`\n\ntest'ing all the things
\n `,
"details surrounded by finnish double quotes"