desc "Runs the qunit test suite" task "qunit:test", [:timeout, :qunit_path] => :environment do |_, args| require "rack" require "socket" unless %x{which phantomjs > /dev/null 2>&1} || ENV["USE_CHROME"] abort "PhantomJS is not installed. Download from" end # ensure we have this port available def port_available?(port) server = port server.close true rescue Errno::EADDRINUSE false end port = ENV['TEST_SERVER_PORT'] || 60099 while !port_available? port port += 1 end unless pid = fork Discourse.after_fork Rack::Server.start(config: "", AccessLog: [], Port: port) exit end begin success = true test_path = "#{Rails.root}/vendor/assets/javascripts" qunit_path = args[:qunit_path] || "/qunit" if ENV["USE_CHROME"] cmd = "node #{test_path}/run-qunit-chrome.js http://localhost:#{port}#{qunit_path}" else cmd = "phantomjs #{test_path}/run-qunit.js http://localhost:#{port}#{qunit_path}" end options = {} %w{module filter qunit_skip_core qunit_single_plugin}.each do |arg| options[arg] = ENV[arg.upcase] if ENV[arg.upcase].present? end if options.present? cmd += "?#{options.to_query.gsub('+', '%20').gsub("&", '\\\&')}" end if args[:timeout].present? cmd += " #{args[:timeout]}" end @now = def elapsed - @now end # wait for server to accept connections require 'net/http' uri = URI("http://localhost:#{port}/assets/test_helper.js") puts "Warming up Rails server" begin Net::HTTP.get(uri) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL sleep 1 retry unless elapsed() > 60 puts "Timed out. Can no connect to forked server!" exit 1 end puts "Rails server is warmed up" # wait for server to respond, will exception out on failure tries = 0 begin sh(cmd) rescue exit if ENV['RETRY'].present? && ENV['RETRY'] == 'false' sleep 2 tries += 1 retry unless tries == 3 end # A bit of a hack until we can figure this out on Travis tries = 0 while tries < 3 && $?.exitstatus == 124 tries += 1 puts "\nTimed Out. Trying again...\n" sh(cmd) end success &&= $?.success? ensure # was having issues with HUP Process.kill "KILL", pid end if success puts "\nTests Passed" else puts "\nTests Failed" exit(1) end end