# frozen_string_literal: true RSpec.describe Badge do describe "Validations" do subject(:badge) { Fabricate.build(:badge) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:name).is_at_most(100) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:description).is_at_most(500) } it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:long_description).is_at_most(1000) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:name) } it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:badge_type) } it { is_expected.to validate_uniqueness_of(:name) } end it "has a valid system attribute for new badges" do expect(Badge.create!(name: "test", badge_type_id: 1).system?).to be false end it "auto translates name" do badge = Badge.find_by_name("Basic User") name_english = badge.name I18n.with_locale(:fr) { expect(badge.display_name).not_to eq(name_english) } end it "handles changes on badge description and long description correctly for system badges" do badge = Badge.find_by_name("Basic User") badge.description = badge.description.dup badge.long_description = badge.long_description.dup badge.save badge.reload expect(badge[:description]).to eq(nil) expect(badge[:long_description]).to eq(nil) badge.description = "testing" badge.long_description = "testing it" badge.save badge.reload expect(badge[:description]).to eq("testing") expect(badge[:long_description]).to eq("testing it") end it "can ensure consistency" do b = Badge.find_by_name("Basic User") b.grant_count = 100 b.save UserBadge.create!( user_id: User.minimum(:id) - 1, badge_id: b.id, granted_at: 1.minute.ago, granted_by_id: -1, ) UserBadge.create!( user_id: User.first.id, badge_id: b.id, granted_at: 1.minute.ago, granted_by_id: -1, ) Badge.ensure_consistency! b.reload expect(b.grant_count).to eq(1) end it "sanitizes the description" do xss = "click me!" badge = Fabricate(:badge) badge.update!(description: xss) expect(badge.description).to eq("click me!alert('TEST');") end describe "#manually_grantable?" do fab!(:badge) { Fabricate(:badge, name: "Test Badge") } subject { badge.manually_grantable? } context "when system badge" do before { badge.system = true } it { is_expected.to be false } end context "when has query" do before { badge.query = "SELECT id FROM users" } it { is_expected.to be false } end context "when neither system nor has query" do before { badge.update_columns(system: false, query: nil) } it { is_expected.to be true } end end describe "#image_url" do it "has CDN url" do SiteSetting.enable_s3_uploads = true SiteSetting.s3_cdn_url = "https://some-s3-cdn.amzn.com" upload = Fabricate(:upload_s3) badge = Fabricate(:badge, image_upload_id: upload.id) expect(badge.image_url).to start_with("https://some-s3-cdn.amzn.com") end end describe ".i18n_name" do it "transforms to lower case letters, and replaces spaces with underscores" do expect(Badge.i18n_name("Basic User")).to eq("basic_user") end end describe ".display_name" do it "fetches from translations when i18n_name key exists" do expect(Badge.display_name("basic_user")).to eq("Basic") expect(Badge.display_name("Basic User")).to eq("Basic") end it "fallbacks to argument value when translation does not exist" do expect(Badge.display_name("Not In Translations")).to eq("Not In Translations") end end describe ".find_system_badge_id_from_translation_key" do let(:translation_key) { "badges.regular.name" } it "uses a translation key to get a system badge id, mainly to find which badge a translation override corresponds to" do expect(Badge.find_system_badge_id_from_translation_key(translation_key)).to eq(Badge::Regular) end context "when the translation key is snake case" do let(:translation_key) { "badges.crazy_in_love.name" } it "works to get the badge" do expect(Badge.find_system_badge_id_from_translation_key(translation_key)).to eq( Badge::CrazyInLove, ) end end context "when a translation key not for a badge is provided" do let(:translation_key) { "reports.flags.title" } it "returns nil" do expect(Badge.find_system_badge_id_from_translation_key(translation_key)).to eq(nil) end end context "when translation key doesn't match its class" do let(:translation_key) { "badges.licensed.long_description" } it "returns nil" do expect(Badge.find_system_badge_id_from_translation_key(translation_key)).to eq(nil) end end end describe "First Quote" do let(:quoted_post_badge) { Badge.find(Badge::FirstQuote) } it "Awards at the correct award date" do freeze_time post1 = create_post raw = <<~RAW [quote="#{post1.user.username}, post:#{post1.post_number}, topic:#{post1.topic_id}"] lorem [/quote] RAW post2 = create_post(raw: raw) quoted_post = QuotedPost.find_by(post_id: post2.id) freeze_time 1.year.from_now quoted_post.update!(created_at: Time.now) BadgeGranter.backfill(quoted_post_badge) user_badge = post2.user.user_badges.find_by(badge_id: quoted_post_badge.id) expect(user_badge.granted_at).to eq_time(post2.created_at) end end describe "WikiEditor badge" do it "is awarded" do wiki_editor_badge = Badge.find(Badge::WikiEditor) post = Fabricate(:post, wiki: true) revisor = PostRevisor.new(post) revisor.revise!(post.user, { raw: "I am editing a wiki" }, force_new_version: true) BadgeGranter.backfill(wiki_editor_badge) expect(UserBadge.where(user_id: post.user.id, badge_id: Badge::WikiEditor).count).to eq(1) end end describe "PopularLink badge" do let(:popular_link_badge) { Badge.find(Badge::PopularLink) } before do popular_link_badge.query = BadgeQueries.linking_badge(2) popular_link_badge.save! end it "is awarded" do post = create_post(raw: "https://www.discourse.org/") TopicLinkClick.create_from( url: "https://www.discourse.org/", post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic.id, ip: "", ) BadgeGranter.backfill(popular_link_badge) expect(UserBadge.where(user_id: post.user.id, badge_id: Badge::PopularLink).count).to eq(0) TopicLinkClick.create_from( url: "https://www.discourse.org/", post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic.id, ip: "", ) BadgeGranter.backfill(popular_link_badge) expect(UserBadge.where(user_id: post.user.id, badge_id: Badge::PopularLink).count).to eq(1) end it "is not awarded for links in a restricted category" do category = Fabricate(:category) post = create_post(raw: "https://www.discourse.org/", category: category) category.set_permissions({}) category.save! TopicLinkClick.create_from( url: "https://www.discourse.org/", post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic.id, ip: "", ) TopicLinkClick.create_from( url: "https://www.discourse.org/", post_id: post.id, topic_id: post.topic.id, ip: "", ) BadgeGranter.backfill(popular_link_badge) expect(UserBadge.where(user_id: post.user.id, badge_id: Badge::PopularLink).count).to eq(0) end end describe "#seed" do let(:badge_id) { Badge.maximum(:id) + 1 } it "`allow_title` is not updated for existing records" do Badge.seed do |b| b.id = badge_id b.name = "Foo" b.badge_type_id = BadgeType::Bronze b.default_allow_title = true end badge = Badge.find(badge_id) expect(badge.allow_title).to eq(true) badge.update!(allow_title: false) Badge.seed do |b| b.id = badge_id b.name = "Foo" b.badge_type_id = BadgeType::Bronze b.default_allow_title = true end badge.reload expect(badge.allow_title).to eq(false) end it "`enabled` is not updated for existing records" do Badge.seed do |b| b.id = badge_id b.name = "Foo" b.badge_type_id = BadgeType::Bronze b.default_enabled = false end badge = Badge.find(badge_id) expect(badge.enabled).to eq(false) badge.update!(enabled: true) Badge.seed do |b| b.id = badge_id b.name = "Foo" b.badge_type_id = BadgeType::Bronze b.default_enabled = false end badge.reload expect(badge.enabled).to eq(true) end end end