require 'execjs' module Tilt class ES6ModuleTranspilerTemplate < Tilt::Template self.default_mime_type = 'application/javascript' @mutex = @ctx_init = def prepare # intentionally left empty # Tilt requires this method to be defined end def self.create_new_context ctx = 5000) ctx.eval("module = {}; exports = {};"); ctx.load("#{Rails.root}/lib/es6_module_transpiler/support/es6-module-transpiler.js") ctx end def self.v8 return @ctx if @ctx # ensure we only init one of these @ctx_init.synchronize do return @ctx if @ctx @ctx = create_new_context end @ctx end class JavaScriptError < StandardError attr_accessor :message, :backtrace def initialize(message, backtrace) @message = message @backtrace = backtrace end end def self.protect rval = nil @mutex.synchronize do begin rval = yield # This may seem a bit odd, but we don't want to leak out # objects that require locks on the v8 vm, to get a backtrace # you need a lock, if this happens in the wrong spot you can # deadlock a process rescue V8::Error => e raise, e.backtrace) end end rval end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) return @output if @output klass = self.class klass.protect do @output = klass.v8.eval(generate_source(scope)) end @output end private def generate_source(scope) "new module.exports.Compiler(#{::JSON.generate(data, quirks_mode: true)}, '#{module_name(scope.root_path, scope.logical_path)}', #{compiler_options}).#{compiler_method}()" end def module_name(root_path, logical_path) path = '' if prefix = ES6ModuleTranspiler.lookup_prefix(File.join(root_path, logical_path)) path = File.join(prefix, logical_path) else path = logical_path end if ES6ModuleTranspiler.transform path = end path end def compiler_method type = { amd: 'AMD', cjs: 'CJS', globals: 'Globals' }[ES6ModuleTranspiler.compile_to.to_sym] "to#{type}" end def compiler_options ::JSON.generate(ES6ModuleTranspiler.compiler_options, quirks_mode: true) end end end