# frozen_string_literal: true class ThemeSettingsManager attr_reader :name, :theme, :default def self.types ThemeSetting.types end def self.cast_row_value(row) type_name = self.types.invert[row.data_type].downcase.capitalize klass = "ThemeSettingsManager::#{type_name}".constantize klass.cast(row.value) end def self.create(name, default, type, theme, opts = {}) type_name = self.types.invert[type].downcase.capitalize klass = "ThemeSettingsManager::#{type_name}".constantize klass.new(name, default, theme, opts) end def self.cast(value) value end def initialize(name, default, theme, opts = {}) @name = name.to_sym @default = default @theme = theme @opts = opts @types = self.class.types end def value has_record? ? db_record.value : default end def type_name self.class.name.demodulize.downcase.to_sym end def type @types[type_name] end def description @opts[:description] # Old method of specifying description. Is now overridden by locale file end def requests_refresh? @opts[:refresh] end def value=(new_value) ensure_is_valid_value!(new_value) record = has_record? ? db_record : create_record! record.value = new_value.to_s record.save! record.value end def db_record # theme.theme_settings will already be preloaded, so it is better to use # `find` on an array, rather than make a round trip to the database theme.theme_settings.to_a.find do |i| i.name.to_s == @name.to_s && i.data_type.to_s == type.to_s end end def has_record? db_record.present? end def create_record! record = ThemeSetting.new(name: @name, data_type: type, theme: @theme) record.save! record end def is_valid_value?(new_value) true end def invalid_value_error_message name = type == @types[:integer] || type == @types[:float] ? "number" : type_name primary_key = "themes.settings_errors.#{name}_value_not_valid" secondary_key = primary_key secondary_key += "_min" if has_min? secondary_key += "_max" if has_max? translation = I18n.t(primary_key) return translation if secondary_key == primary_key translation += " #{I18n.t(secondary_key, min: @opts[:min], max: @opts[:max])}" translation end def ensure_is_valid_value!(new_value) unless is_valid_value?(new_value) raise Discourse::InvalidParameters.new invalid_value_error_message end end def has_min? min = @opts[:min] (min.is_a?(::Integer) || min.is_a?(::Float)) && min != -::Float::INFINITY end def has_max? max = @opts[:max] (max.is_a?(::Integer) || max.is_a?(::Float)) && max != ::Float::INFINITY end end