# name: discourse-presence # about: Show which users are writing a reply to a topic # version: 1.0 # authors: André Pereira, David Taylor # url: https://github.com/discourse/discourse-presence.git enabled_site_setting :presence_enabled register_asset 'stylesheets/presence.scss' PLUGIN_NAME ||= "discourse-presence".freeze after_initialize do module ::Presence class Engine < ::Rails::Engine engine_name PLUGIN_NAME isolate_namespace Presence end end module ::Presence::PresenceManager def self.get_redis_key(type, id) "presence:#{type}:#{id}" end def self.get_messagebus_channel(type, id) "/presence/#{type}/#{id}" end def self.add(type, id, user_id) # return true if a key was added key = get_redis_key(type, id) result = $redis.hset(key, user_id, Time.zone.now) $redis.expire(key, 60) result end def self.remove(type, id, user_id) key = get_redis_key(type, id) $redis.expire(key, 60) # return true if a key was deleted $redis.hdel(key, user_id) > 0 end def self.get_users(type, id) user_ids = $redis.hkeys(get_redis_key(type, id)).map(&:to_i) # TODO: limit the # of users returned User.where(id: user_ids) end def self.publish(type, id) users = get_users(type, id) serialized_users = users.map { |u| BasicUserSerializer.new(u, root: false) } message = { users: serialized_users, time: Time.now.to_i } messagebus_channel = get_messagebus_channel(type, id) topic = type == 'post' ? Post.find_by(id: id).topic : Topic.find_by(id: id) if topic.archetype == Archetype.private_message user_ids = User.where('admin OR moderator').pluck(:id) + topic.allowed_users.pluck(:id) MessageBus.publish(messagebus_channel, message.as_json, user_ids: user_ids, max_backlog_age: 60) else MessageBus.publish(messagebus_channel, message.as_json, group_ids: topic.secure_group_ids, max_backlog_age: 60) end users end def self.cleanup(type, id) has_changed = false # Delete entries older than 20 seconds hash = $redis.hgetall(get_redis_key(type, id)) hash.each do |user_id, time| if Time.zone.now - Time.parse(time) >= 20 has_changed |= remove(type, id, user_id) end end has_changed end end require_dependency "application_controller" class Presence::PresencesController < ::ApplicationController requires_plugin PLUGIN_NAME before_action :ensure_logged_in ACTIONS = %w{edit reply}.each(&:freeze) def publish data = params.permit( :response_needed, current: [:action, :topic_id, :post_id], previous: [:action, :topic_id, :post_id] ) payload = {} if data[:previous] && data[:previous][:action].in?(ACTIONS) type = data[:previous][:post_id] ? 'post' : 'topic' id = data[:previous][:post_id] ? data[:previous][:post_id] : data[:previous][:topic_id] topic = type == 'post' ? Post.find_by(id: id)&.topic : Topic.find_by(id: id) if topic guardian.ensure_can_see!(topic) _removed = Presence::PresenceManager.remove(type, id, current_user.id) cleaned = Presence::PresenceManager.cleanup(type, id) users = Presence::PresenceManager.publish(type, id) end end if data[:current] && data[:current][:action].in?(ACTIONS) type = data[:current][:post_id] ? 'post' : 'topic' id = data[:current][:post_id] ? data[:current][:post_id] : data[:current][:topic_id] topic = type == 'post' ? Post.find_by(id: id)&.topic : Topic.find_by(id: id) if topic guardian.ensure_can_see!(topic) _added = Presence::PresenceManager.add(type, id, current_user.id) cleaned = Presence::PresenceManager.cleanup(type, id) users = Presence::PresenceManager.publish(type, id) if data[:response_needed] messagebus_channel = Presence::PresenceManager.get_messagebus_channel(type, id) users ||= Presence::PresenceManager.get_users(type, id) payload = json_payload(messagebus_channel, users) end end end render json: payload end def json_payload(channel, users) { messagebus_channel: channel, messagebus_id: MessageBus.last_id(channel), users: users.map { |u| BasicUserSerializer.new(u, root: false) } } end end Presence::Engine.routes.draw do post '/publish' => 'presences#publish' end Discourse::Application.routes.append do mount ::Presence::Engine, at: '/presence' end end