mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:32 -06:00
* FIX: Cast all numerical values in reports The backend can return some numerical values in report as strings. That results in unexpected order of values when sorting report tables. * Create `toNumber()` helper The `typeof` and `parseFloat` seem to be the fastest path: https://jsperf.com/number-vs-typeof-vs-parsefloat#results
697 lines
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697 lines
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import { escape } from "pretty-text/sanitizer";
import toMarkdown from "discourse/lib/to-markdown";
const homepageSelector = "meta[name=discourse_current_homepage]";
export function translateSize(size) {
switch (size) {
case "tiny":
return 20;
case "small":
return 25;
case "medium":
return 32;
case "large":
return 45;
case "extra_large":
return 60;
case "huge":
return 120;
return size;
export function escapeExpression(string) {
// don't escape SafeStrings, since they're already safe
if (string instanceof Handlebars.SafeString) {
return string.toString();
return escape(string);
let _usernameFormatDelegate = username => username;
export function formatUsername(username) {
return _usernameFormatDelegate(username || "");
export function replaceFormatter(fn) {
_usernameFormatDelegate = fn;
export function avatarUrl(template, size) {
if (!template) {
return "";
const rawSize = getRawSize(translateSize(size));
return template.replace(/\{size\}/g, rawSize);
export function getRawSize(size) {
const pixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
return size * Math.min(3, Math.max(1, Math.round(pixelRatio)));
export function avatarImg(options, getURL) {
getURL = getURL || Discourse.getURLWithCDN;
const size = translateSize(options.size);
const url = avatarUrl(options.avatarTemplate, size);
// We won't render an invalid url
if (!url || url.length === 0) {
return "";
const classes =
"avatar" + (options.extraClasses ? " " + options.extraClasses : "");
const title = options.title
? " title='" + escapeExpression(options.title || "") + "'"
: "";
return (
"<img alt='' width='" +
size +
"' height='" +
size +
"' src='" +
getURL(url) +
"' class='" +
classes +
"'" +
title +
export function tinyAvatar(avatarTemplate, options) {
return avatarImg(
_.merge({ avatarTemplate: avatarTemplate, size: "tiny" }, options)
export function postUrl(slug, topicId, postNumber) {
var url = Discourse.getURL("/t/");
if (slug) {
url += slug + "/";
} else {
url += "topic/";
url += topicId;
if (postNumber > 1) {
url += "/" + postNumber;
return url;
export function emailValid(email) {
// see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46155/validate-email-address-in-javascript
const re = /^[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'\*+\/=?\^_`{|}~\-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$/;
return re.test(email);
export function extractDomainFromUrl(url) {
if (url.indexOf("://") > -1) {
url = url.split("/")[2];
} else {
url = url.split("/")[0];
return url.split(":")[0];
export function selectedText() {
const selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.isCollapsed) {
return "";
const $div = $("<div>");
for (let r = 0; r < selection.rangeCount; r++) {
const range = selection.getRangeAt(r);
const $ancestor = $(range.commonAncestorContainer);
// ensure we never quote text in the post menu area
const $postMenuArea = $ancestor.find(".post-menu-area")[0];
if ($postMenuArea) {
return toMarkdown($div.html());
// Determine the row and col of the caret in an element
export function caretRowCol(el) {
var cp = caretPosition(el);
var rows = el.value.slice(0, cp).split("\n");
var rowNum = rows.length;
var colNum =
cp -
rows.splice(0, rowNum - 1).reduce(function(sum, row) {
return sum + row.length + 1;
}, 0);
return { rowNum: rowNum, colNum: colNum };
// Determine the position of the caret in an element
export function caretPosition(el) {
var r, rc, re;
if (el.selectionStart) {
return el.selectionStart;
if (document.selection) {
r = document.selection.createRange();
if (!r) return 0;
re = el.createTextRange();
rc = re.duplicate();
rc.setEndPoint("EndToStart", re);
return rc.text.length;
return 0;
// Set the caret's position
export function setCaretPosition(ctrl, pos) {
var range;
if (ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
ctrl.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
range = ctrl.createTextRange();
range.moveEnd("character", pos);
range.moveStart("character", pos);
return range.select();
export function validateUploadedFiles(files, opts) {
if (!files || files.length === 0) {
return false;
if (files.length > 1) {
return false;
const upload = files[0];
// CHROME ONLY: if the image was pasted, sets its name to a default one
if (typeof Blob !== "undefined" && typeof File !== "undefined") {
if (
upload instanceof Blob &&
!(upload instanceof File) &&
upload.type === "image/png"
) {
upload.name = "image.png";
opts = opts || {};
opts.type = uploadTypeFromFileName(upload.name);
return validateUploadedFile(upload, opts);
export function validateUploadedFile(file, opts) {
if (opts.skipValidation) return true;
if (!authorizesOneOrMoreExtensions()) return false;
opts = opts || {};
const name = file && file.name;
if (!name) {
return false;
// check that the uploaded file is authorized
if (opts.allowStaffToUploadAnyFileInPm && opts.isPrivateMessage) {
if (Discourse.User.currentProp("staff")) {
return true;
if (opts.imagesOnly) {
if (!isAnImage(name) && !isAuthorizedImage(name)) {
I18n.t("post.errors.upload_not_authorized", {
authorized_extensions: authorizedImagesExtensions()
return false;
} else if (opts.csvOnly) {
if (!/\.csv$/i.test(name)) {
return false;
} else {
if (!authorizesAllExtensions() && !isAuthorizedFile(name)) {
I18n.t("post.errors.upload_not_authorized", {
authorized_extensions: authorizedExtensions()
return false;
if (!opts.bypassNewUserRestriction) {
// ensures that new users can upload a file
if (!Discourse.User.current().isAllowedToUploadAFile(opts.type)) {
return false;
// everything went fine
return true;
const IMAGES_EXTENSIONS_REGEX = /(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|ico)/i;
function extensionsToArray(exts) {
return exts
.replace(/[\s\.]+/g, "")
.filter(ext => ext.indexOf("*") === -1);
function extensions() {
return extensionsToArray(Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions);
function staffExtensions() {
return extensionsToArray(
function imagesExtensions() {
let exts = extensions().filter(ext => IMAGES_EXTENSIONS_REGEX.test(ext));
if (Discourse.User.currentProp("staff")) {
const staffExts = staffExtensions().filter(ext =>
exts = _.union(exts, staffExts);
return exts;
function extensionsRegex() {
return new RegExp("\\.(" + extensions().join("|") + ")$", "i");
function imagesExtensionsRegex() {
return new RegExp("\\.(" + imagesExtensions().join("|") + ")$", "i");
function staffExtensionsRegex() {
return new RegExp("\\.(" + staffExtensions().join("|") + ")$", "i");
function isAuthorizedFile(fileName) {
if (
Discourse.User.currentProp("staff") &&
) {
return true;
return extensionsRegex().test(fileName);
function isAuthorizedImage(fileName) {
return imagesExtensionsRegex().test(fileName);
export function authorizedExtensions() {
const exts = Discourse.User.currentProp("staff")
? [...extensions(), ...staffExtensions()]
: extensions();
return exts.filter(ext => ext.length > 0).join(", ");
export function authorizedImagesExtensions() {
return authorizesAllExtensions()
? "png, jpg, jpeg, gif, svg, ico"
: imagesExtensions().join(", ");
export function authorizesAllExtensions() {
return (
Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions.indexOf("*") >= 0 ||
(Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions_for_staff.indexOf("*") >= 0 &&
export function authorizesOneOrMoreExtensions() {
if (authorizesAllExtensions()) return true;
return (
Discourse.SiteSettings.authorized_extensions.split("|").filter(ext => ext)
.length > 0
export function authorizesOneOrMoreImageExtensions() {
if (authorizesAllExtensions()) return true;
return imagesExtensions().length > 0;
export function isAnImage(path) {
return /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg|ico)$/i.test(path);
function uploadTypeFromFileName(fileName) {
return isAnImage(fileName) ? "image" : "attachment";
function isGUID(value) {
return /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i.test(
function imageNameFromFileName(fileName) {
const split = fileName.split(".");
let name = split[split.length - 2];
if (exports.isAppleDevice() && isGUID(name)) {
name = I18n.t("upload_selector.default_image_alt_text");
return encodeURIComponent(name);
export function allowsImages() {
return (
authorizesAllExtensions() ||
export function allowsAttachments() {
return (
authorizesAllExtensions() ||
authorizedExtensions().split(", ").length > imagesExtensions().length
export function uploadIcon() {
return allowsAttachments() ? "upload" : "far-image";
export function uploadLocation(url) {
if (Discourse.CDN) {
url = Discourse.getURLWithCDN(url);
return /^\/\//.test(url) ? "http:" + url : url;
} else if (Discourse.S3BaseUrl) {
return "https:" + url;
} else {
var protocol = window.location.protocol + "//",
hostname = window.location.hostname,
port = window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : "";
return protocol + hostname + port + url;
export function getUploadMarkdown(upload) {
if (isAnImage(upload.original_filename)) {
const name = imageNameFromFileName(upload.original_filename);
return ``;
} else if (
!Discourse.SiteSettings.prevent_anons_from_downloading_files &&
) {
return uploadLocation(upload.url);
} else {
return `[${upload.original_filename}|attachment](${
}) (${I18n.toHumanSize(upload.filesize)})`;
export function displayErrorForUpload(data) {
if (data.jqXHR) {
switch (data.jqXHR.status) {
// cancelled by the user
case 0:
// entity too large, usually returned from the web server
case 413:
const type = uploadTypeFromFileName(data.files[0].name);
const max_size_kb = Discourse.SiteSettings[`max_${type}_size_kb`];
bootbox.alert(I18n.t("post.errors.file_too_large", { max_size_kb }));
// the error message is provided by the server
case 422:
if (data.jqXHR.responseJSON.message) {
} else {
} else if (data.errors && data.errors.length > 0) {
// otherwise, display a generic error message
export function defaultHomepage() {
let homepage = null;
let elem = _.first($(homepageSelector));
if (elem) {
homepage = elem.content;
if (!homepage) {
homepage = Discourse.SiteSettings.top_menu.split("|")[0].split(",")[0];
return homepage;
export function setDefaultHomepage(homepage) {
let elem = _.first($(homepageSelector));
if (elem) {
elem.content = homepage;
export function determinePostReplaceSelection({
}) {
const diff =
replacement.end - replacement.start - (needle.end - needle.start);
if (selection.end <= needle.start) {
// Selection ends (and starts) before needle.
return { start: selection.start, end: selection.end };
} else if (selection.start <= needle.start) {
// Selection starts before needle...
if (selection.end < needle.end) {
// ... and ends inside needle.
return { start: selection.start, end: needle.start };
} else {
// ... and spans needle completely.
return { start: selection.start, end: selection.end + diff };
} else if (selection.start < needle.end) {
// Selection starts inside needle...
if (selection.end <= needle.end) {
// ... and ends inside needle.
return { start: replacement.end, end: replacement.end };
} else {
// ... and spans end of needle.
return { start: replacement.end, end: selection.end + diff };
} else {
// Selection starts (and ends) behind needle.
return { start: selection.start + diff, end: selection.end + diff };
export function isAppleDevice() {
// IE has no DOMNodeInserted so can not get this hack despite saying it is like iPhone
// This will apply hack on all iDevices
return (
navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g) &&
let iPadDetected = undefined;
export function isiPad() {
if (iPadDetected === undefined) {
iPadDetected =
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/g) &&
return iPadDetected;
export function safariHacksDisabled() {
let pref = localStorage.getItem("safari-hacks-disabled");
let result = false;
if (pref !== null) {
result = pref === "true";
return result;
const toArray = items => {
items = items || [];
if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
return Array.from(items);
return items;
export function clipboardData(e, canUpload) {
const clipboard =
e.clipboardData ||
e.originalEvent.clipboardData ||
const types = toArray(clipboard.types);
let files = toArray(clipboard.files);
if (types.includes("Files") && files.length === 0) {
// for IE
files = toArray(clipboard.items).filter(i => i.kind === "file");
canUpload = files && canUpload && types.includes("Files");
const canUploadImage =
canUpload && files.filter(f => f.type.match("^image/"))[0];
const canPasteHtml =
Discourse.SiteSettings.enable_rich_text_paste &&
types.includes("text/html") &&
return { clipboard, types, canUpload, canPasteHtml };
export function toNumber(input) {
return typeof input === "number" ? input : parseFloat(input);
export function isNumeric(input) {
return !isNaN(toNumber(input)) && isFinite(input);
export function fillMissingDates(data, startDate, endDate) {
const startMoment = moment(startDate, "YYYY-MM-DD");
const endMoment = moment(endDate, "YYYY-MM-DD");
const countDays = endMoment.diff(startMoment, "days");
let currentMoment = startMoment;
for (let i = 0; i <= countDays; i++) {
let date = data[i] ? moment(data[i].x, "YYYY-MM-DD") : null;
if (i === 0 && (!date || date.isAfter(startMoment))) {
data.splice(i, 0, { x: startMoment.format("YYYY-MM-DD"), y: 0 });
} else {
if (!date || date.isAfter(moment(currentMoment))) {
data.splice(i, 0, { x: currentMoment, y: 0 });
currentMoment = moment(currentMoment)
.add(1, "day")
return data;
export function areCookiesEnabled() {
// see: https://github.com/Modernizr/Modernizr/blob/400db4043c22af98d46e1d2b9cbc5cb062791192/feature-detects/cookies.js
try {
document.cookie = "cookietest=1";
var ret = document.cookie.indexOf("cookietest=") !== -1;
document.cookie = "cookietest=1; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT";
return ret;
} catch (e) {
return false;
export function isiOSPWA() {
return (
window.matchMedia("(display-mode: standalone)").matches &&
export function isAppWebview() {
return window.ReactNativeWebView !== undefined;
export function postRNWebviewMessage(prop, value) {
if (window.ReactNativeWebView !== undefined) {
window.ReactNativeWebView.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ [prop]: value }));
function reportToLogster(name, error) {
const data = {
message: `${name} theme/component is throwing errors`,
stacktrace: error.stack
Ember.$.ajax(`${Discourse.BaseUri}/logs/report_js_error`, {
type: "POST",
cache: false
// this function is used in lib/theme_javascript_compiler.rb
export function rescueThemeError(name, error, api) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */
console.error(`"${name}" error:`, error);
reportToLogster(name, error);
const currentUser = api.getCurrentUser();
if (!currentUser || !currentUser.admin) {
const path = `${Discourse.BaseUri}/admin/customize/themes`;
const message = I18n.t("themes.broken_theme_alert", {
theme: name,
path: `<a href="${path}">${path}</a>`
const alertDiv = document.createElement("div");
alertDiv.innerHTML = `⚠️ ${message}`;
// This prevents a mini racer crash
export default {};