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# require 'spec_helper'
# describe Report do
# describe 'visits report' do
# let(:report) { Report.find('visits', cache: false) }
# context "no visits" do
# it "returns an empty report" do
# report.data.should be_blank
# end
# end
# context "with visits" do
# let(:user) { Fabricate(:user) }
# before do
# user.user_visits.create(visited_at: 1.day.ago)
# user.user_visits.create(visited_at: 2.days.ago)
# end
# it "returns a report with data" do
# report.data.should be_present
# end
# end
# end
# [:signup, :topic, :post, :flag, :like, :email].each do |arg|
# describe "#{arg} report" do
# pluralized = arg.to_s.pluralize
# let(:report) { Report.find(pluralized, cache: false) }
# context "no #{pluralized}" do
# it 'returns an empty report' do
# report.data.should be_blank
# end
# end
# context "with #{pluralized}" do
# before do
# fabricator = case arg
# when :signup
# :user
# when :email
# :email_log
# else
# arg
# end
# Fabricate(fabricator, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
# Fabricate(fabricator, created_at: 1.hours.ago)
# Fabricate(fabricator, created_at: 1.hours.ago)
# end
# it 'returns correct data' do
# report.data[0][:y].should == 1
# report.data[1][:y].should == 2
# end
# end
# end
# end
# describe 'users by trust level report' do
# let(:report) { Report.find('users_by_trust_level', cache: false) }
# context "no users" do
# it "returns an empty report" do
# report.data.should be_blank
# end
# end
# context "with users at different trust levels" do
# before do
# 3.times { Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel.levels[:new]) }
# 2.times { Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel.levels[:regular]) }
# Fabricate(:user, trust_level: TrustLevel.levels[:moderator])
# end
# it "returns a report with data" do
# report.data.should be_present
# report.data.find {|d| d[:x] == TrustLevel.levels[:new]} [:y].should == 3
# report.data.find {|d| d[:x] == TrustLevel.levels[:regular]}[:y].should == 2
# report.data.find {|d| d[:x] == TrustLevel.levels[:moderator]}[:y].should == 1
# end
# end
# end
# describe '#fetch' do
# context 'signups' do
# let(:report) { Report.find('signups', cache: true) }
# context 'no data' do
# context 'cache miss' do
# before do
# $redis.expects(:exists).with('signups:data').returns(false)
# end
# it 'should cache an empty data set' do
# $redis.expects(:setex).with('signups:data', Report.cache_expiry, "")
# report.data.should be_blank
# end
# end
# context 'cache hit' do
# before do
# $redis.expects(:exists).with('signups:data').returns(true)
# end
# it 'returns the cached empty report' do
# User.expects(:count_by_signup_date).never
# $redis.expects(:setex).never
# $redis.expects(:get).with('signups:data').returns('')
# report.data.should be_blank
# end
# end
# end
# context 'with data' do
# before do
# Fabricate(:user, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
# Fabricate(:user, created_at: 1.hour.ago)
# Fabricate(:user, created_at: 1.hour.ago)
# end
# context 'cache miss' do
# before do
# $redis.expects(:exists).with('signups:data').returns(false)
# end
# it 'should cache the data set' do
# $redis.expects(:setex).with do |key, expiry, string|
# string =~ /(\d)+-(\d)+-(\d)+,1/ and string =~ /(\d)+-(\d)+-(\d)+,2/
# end
# report()
# end
# it 'should return correct data' do
# report.data[0][:y].should == 1
# report.data[1][:y].should == 2
# end
# end
# context 'cache hit' do
# before do
# $redis.expects(:exists).with('signups:data').returns(true)
# end
# it 'returns the cached data' do
# User.expects(:count_by_signup_date).never
# $redis.expects(:setex).never
# $redis.expects(:get).with('signups:data').returns("#{2.days.ago.to_date.to_s},1|#{1.day.ago.to_date.to_s},2")
# report.data[0][:y].should == 1
# report.data[1][:y].should == 2
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end
# end