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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:32 -06:00
We are still on a version of pretender since 2017 https://github.com/pretenderjs/pretender/releases/tag/v1.6.1 Since then many changes have been made, including adding support for xhr.upload. Upgrading will let us write proper acceptance tests for uppy, which uses XmlHTTPRequest internally including xhr.upload. Updates pretender to 3.4.7 and fake-xml-http-request to 2.1.2. Note: There have been no breaking changes in the releases that would affect us, mainly dropping support for old node versions.
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531 lines
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(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, global.FakeXMLHttpRequest = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
* Minimal Event interface implementation
* Original implementation by Sven Fuchs: https://gist.github.com/995028
* Modifications and tests by Christian Johansen.
* @author Sven Fuchs (svenfuchs@artweb-design.de)
* @author Christian Johansen (christian@cjohansen.no)
* @license BSD
* Copyright (c) 2011 Sven Fuchs, Christian Johansen
var _Event = function Event(type, bubbles, cancelable, target) {
this.type = type;
this.bubbles = bubbles;
this.cancelable = cancelable;
this.target = target;
_Event.prototype = {
stopPropagation: function () {},
preventDefault: function () {
this.defaultPrevented = true;
Used to set the statusText property of an xhr object
var httpStatusCodes = {
100: "Continue",
101: "Switching Protocols",
200: "OK",
201: "Created",
202: "Accepted",
203: "Non-Authoritative Information",
204: "No Content",
205: "Reset Content",
206: "Partial Content",
300: "Multiple Choice",
301: "Moved Permanently",
302: "Found",
303: "See Other",
304: "Not Modified",
305: "Use Proxy",
307: "Temporary Redirect",
400: "Bad Request",
401: "Unauthorized",
402: "Payment Required",
403: "Forbidden",
404: "Not Found",
405: "Method Not Allowed",
406: "Not Acceptable",
407: "Proxy Authentication Required",
408: "Request Timeout",
409: "Conflict",
410: "Gone",
411: "Length Required",
412: "Precondition Failed",
413: "Request Entity Too Large",
414: "Request-URI Too Long",
415: "Unsupported Media Type",
416: "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
417: "Expectation Failed",
422: "Unprocessable Entity",
500: "Internal Server Error",
501: "Not Implemented",
502: "Bad Gateway",
503: "Service Unavailable",
504: "Gateway Timeout",
505: "HTTP Version Not Supported"
Cross-browser XML parsing. Used to turn
XML responses into Document objects
Borrowed from JSpec
function parseXML(text) {
var xmlDoc;
if (typeof DOMParser != "undefined") {
var parser = new DOMParser();
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(text, "text/xml");
} else {
xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
xmlDoc.async = "false";
return xmlDoc;
Without mocking, the native XMLHttpRequest object will throw
an error when attempting to set these headers. We match this behavior.
var unsafeHeaders = {
"Accept-Charset": true,
"Accept-Encoding": true,
"Connection": true,
"Content-Length": true,
"Cookie": true,
"Cookie2": true,
"Content-Transfer-Encoding": true,
"Date": true,
"Expect": true,
"Host": true,
"Keep-Alive": true,
"Referer": true,
"TE": true,
"Trailer": true,
"Transfer-Encoding": true,
"Upgrade": true,
"User-Agent": true,
"Via": true
Adds an "event" onto the fake xhr object
that just calls the same-named method. This is
in case a library adds callbacks for these events.
function _addEventListener(eventName, xhr){
xhr.addEventListener(eventName, function (event) {
var listener = xhr["on" + eventName];
if (listener && typeof listener == "function") {
listener.call(event.target, event);
function EventedObject() {
this._eventListeners = {};
var events = ["loadstart", "progress", "load", "abort", "loadend"];
for (var i = events.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
_addEventListener(events[i], this);
EventedObject.prototype = {
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's addEventListener function
addEventListener: function addEventListener(event, listener) {
this._eventListeners[event] = this._eventListeners[event] || [];
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's removeEventListener function
removeEventListener: function removeEventListener(event, listener) {
var listeners = this._eventListeners[event] || [];
for (var i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; ++i) {
if (listeners[i] == listener) {
return listeners.splice(i, 1);
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's dispatchEvent function
dispatchEvent: function dispatchEvent(event) {
var type = event.type;
var listeners = this._eventListeners[type] || [];
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (typeof listeners[i] == "function") {
listeners[i].call(this, event);
} else {
return !!event.defaultPrevented;
Triggers an `onprogress` event with the given parameters.
_progress: function _progress(lengthComputable, loaded, total) {
var event = new _Event('progress');
event.target = this;
event.lengthComputable = lengthComputable;
event.loaded = loaded;
event.total = total;
Constructor for a fake window.XMLHttpRequest
function FakeXMLHttpRequest() {
this.readyState = FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT;
this.requestHeaders = {};
this.requestBody = null;
this.status = 0;
this.statusText = "";
this.upload = new EventedObject();
this.onabort= null;
this.onerror= null;
this.onload= null;
this.onloadend= null;
this.onloadstart= null;
this.onprogress= null;
this.onreadystatechange= null;
this.ontimeout= null;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.prototype = new EventedObject();
// These status codes are available on the native XMLHttpRequest
// object, so we match that here in case a library is relying on them.
FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT = 0;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.OPENED = 1;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.LOADING = 3;
FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE = 4;
var FakeXMLHttpRequestProto = {
DONE: 4,
async: true,
withCredentials: false,
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's open function
open: function open(method, url, async, username, password) {
this.method = method;
this.url = url;
this.async = typeof async == "boolean" ? async : true;
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.responseText = null;
this.response = this.responseText;
this.responseXML = null;
this.responseURL = url;
this.requestHeaders = {};
this.sendFlag = false;
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's setRequestHeader function
setRequestHeader: function setRequestHeader(header, value) {
if (unsafeHeaders[header] || /^(Sec-|Proxy-)/.test(header)) {
throw new Error("Refused to set unsafe header \"" + header + "\"");
if (this.requestHeaders[header]) {
this.requestHeaders[header] += "," + value;
} else {
this.requestHeaders[header] = value;
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's send function
send: function send(data) {
if (!/^(get|head)$/i.test(this.method)) {
var hasContentTypeHeader = false;
Object.keys(this.requestHeaders).forEach(function (key) {
if (key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {
hasContentTypeHeader = true;
if (!hasContentTypeHeader && !(data || '').toString().match('FormData')) {
this.requestHeaders["Content-Type"] = "text/plain;charset=UTF-8";
this.requestBody = data;
this.errorFlag = false;
this.sendFlag = this.async;
if (typeof this.onSend == "function") {
this.dispatchEvent(new _Event("loadstart", false, false, this));
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's abort function
abort: function abort() {
this.aborted = true;
this.responseText = null;
this.response = this.responseText;
this.errorFlag = true;
this.requestHeaders = {};
this.dispatchEvent(new _Event("abort", false, false, this));
if (this.readyState > FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT && this.sendFlag) {
this.sendFlag = false;
if (typeof this.onerror === "function") {
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's getResponseHeader function
getResponseHeader: function getResponseHeader(header) {
if (this.readyState < FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
return null;
if (/^Set-Cookie2?$/i.test(header)) {
return null;
header = header.toLowerCase();
for (var h in this.responseHeaders) {
if (h.toLowerCase() == header) {
return this.responseHeaders[h];
return null;
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's getAllResponseHeaders function
getAllResponseHeaders: function getAllResponseHeaders() {
if (this.readyState < FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
return "";
var headers = "";
for (var header in this.responseHeaders) {
if (this.responseHeaders.hasOwnProperty(header) && !/^Set-Cookie2?$/i.test(header)) {
headers += header + ": " + this.responseHeaders[header] + "\r\n";
return headers;
Duplicates the behavior of native XMLHttpRequest's overrideMimeType function
overrideMimeType: function overrideMimeType(mimeType) {
if (typeof mimeType === "string") {
this.forceMimeType = mimeType.toLowerCase();
Places a FakeXMLHttpRequest object into the passed
_readyStateChange: function _readyStateChange(state) {
this.readyState = state;
if (typeof this.onreadystatechange == "function") {
this.onreadystatechange(new _Event("readystatechange"));
this.dispatchEvent(new _Event("readystatechange"));
if (this.readyState == FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
this.dispatchEvent(new _Event("load", false, false, this));
if (this.readyState == FakeXMLHttpRequest.UNSENT || this.readyState == FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
this.dispatchEvent(new _Event("loadend", false, false, this));
Sets the FakeXMLHttpRequest object's response headers and
places the object into readyState 2
_setResponseHeaders: function _setResponseHeaders(headers) {
this.responseHeaders = {};
for (var header in headers) {
if (headers.hasOwnProperty(header)) {
this.responseHeaders[header] = headers[header];
if (this.forceMimeType) {
this.responseHeaders['Content-Type'] = this.forceMimeType;
if (this.async) {
} else {
this.readyState = FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED;
Sets the FakeXMLHttpRequest object's response body and
if body text is XML, sets responseXML to parsed document
_setResponseBody: function _setResponseBody(body) {
var chunkSize = this.chunkSize || 10;
var index = 0;
this.responseText = "";
this.response = this.responseText;
do {
if (this.async) {
this.responseText += body.substring(index, index + chunkSize);
this.response = this.responseText;
index += chunkSize;
} while (index < body.length);
var type = this.getResponseHeader("Content-Type");
if (this.responseText && (!type || /(text\/xml)|(application\/xml)|(\+xml)/.test(type))) {
try {
this.responseXML = parseXML(this.responseText);
} catch (e) {
// Unable to parse XML - no biggie
if (this.async) {
} else {
this.readyState = FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE;
Forces a response on to the FakeXMLHttpRequest object.
This is the public API for faking responses. This function
takes a number status, headers object, and string body:
xhr.respond(404, {Content-Type: 'text/plain'}, "Sorry. This object was not found.")
respond: function respond(status, headers, body) {
this._setResponseHeaders(headers || {});
this.status = typeof status == "number" ? status : 200;
this.statusText = httpStatusCodes[this.status];
this._setResponseBody(body || "");
for (var property in FakeXMLHttpRequestProto) {
FakeXMLHttpRequest.prototype[property] = FakeXMLHttpRequestProto[property];
function verifyState(xhr) {
if (xhr.readyState !== FakeXMLHttpRequest.OPENED) {
throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
if (xhr.sendFlag) {
throw new Error("INVALID_STATE_ERR");
function verifyRequestSent(xhr) {
if (xhr.readyState == FakeXMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
throw new Error("Request done");
function verifyHeadersReceived(xhr) {
if (xhr.async && xhr.readyState != FakeXMLHttpRequest.HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
throw new Error("No headers received");
function verifyResponseBodyType(body) {
if (typeof body != "string") {
var error = new Error("Attempted to respond to fake XMLHttpRequest with " +
body + ", which is not a string.");
error.name = "InvalidBodyException";
throw error;
return FakeXMLHttpRequest;
//# sourceMappingURL=fake_xml_http_request.js.map