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# Copyright (C) 2020 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
Module provides tests for ipa-cert-fix CLI.
import pytest
import time
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks
from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest
class TestIpaCertFix(IntegrationTest):
def uninstall(cls, mh):
# Uninstall method is empty as the uninstallation is done in
# the fixture
def expire_cert_critical(self):
Fixture to expire the certs by moving the system date using
date -s command and revert it back
# Do not install NTP as the test plays with the date
tasks.install_master(self.master, setup_dns=False,
self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'stop', 'chronyd'])
self.master.run_command(['date','-s', '+3Years+1day'])
self.master.run_command(['date','-s', '-3Years-1day'])
self.master.run_command(['systemctl', 'start', 'chronyd'])
def test_missing_csr(self, expire_cert_critical):
Test that ipa-cert-fix succeeds when CSR is missing from CS.cfg
Test case for https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/8618
- move the date so that ServerCert cert-pki-ca is expired
- remove the ca.sslserver.certreq directive from CS.cfg
- call getcert resubmit in order to create the CSR in certmonger file
- use ipa-cert-fix, no issue should be seen
# pki must be stopped in order to edit CS.cfg
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'stop'])
self.master.run_command(['sed', '-i', r'/ca\.sslserver\.certreq=/d',
# dirsrv needs to be up in order to run ipa-cert-fix
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'start',
# It's the call to getcert resubmit that creates the CSR in certmonger.
# In normal operations it would be launched automatically when the
# expiration date is near but in the test we force the CSR creation.
self.master.run_command(['getcert', 'resubmit',
'-n', 'Server-Cert cert-pki-ca',
'-d', paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR])
# Wait a few secs
# Now the real test, call ipa-cert-fix and ensure it doesn't
# complain about missing sslserver.crt
result = self.master.run_command(['ipa-cert-fix', '-v'],
msg = ("No such file or directory: "
assert msg not in result.stderr_text
# Because of BZ 1897120, pki-cert-fix fails on pki-core 10.10.0
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1897120
if tasks.get_pki_version(self.master) != tasks.parse_version('10.10.0'):
assert result.returncode == 0
# get the number of certs track by certmonger
cmd = self.master.run_command(['getcert', 'list'])
certs = cmd.stdout_text.count('Request ID')
timeout = 600
renewed = 0
start = time.time()
# wait up to 10 min for all certs to renew
while time.time() - start < timeout:
cmd = self.master.run_command(['getcert', 'list'])
renewed = cmd.stdout_text.count('status: MONITORING')
if renewed == certs:
# timeout
raise AssertionError('Timeout: Failed to renew all the certs')