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# Copyright (C) 2020 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
Tests to verify that the ipa-healthcheck scenarios
from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import os
import re
import uuid
import pytest
from ipalib import x509
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.ipaldap import realm_to_serverid
from ipapython.certdb import NSS_SQL_FILES
from ipatests.pytest_ipa.integration import tasks
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipaplatform.osinfo import osinfo
from ipaserver.install.installutils import resolve_ip_addresses_nss
from ipatests.test_integration.base import IntegrationTest
from pkg_resources import parse_version
from ipatests.test_integration.test_cert import get_certmonger_fs_id
from ipatests.test_integration.test_external_ca import (
HEALTHCHECK_LOG = "/var/log/ipa/healthcheck/healthcheck.log"
HEALTHCHECK_LOG_ROTATE_CONF = "/etc/logrotate.d/ipahealthcheck"
HEALTHCHECK_LOG_DIR = "/var/log/ipa/healthcheck"
HEALTHCHECK_OUTPUT_FILE = "/tmp/output.json"
HEALTHCHECK_PKG = ["*ipa-healthcheck"]
SOS_CMD = "/usr/sbin/sos"
SOS_PKG = ["sos"]
IPA_CA = "ipa_ca.crt"
ROOT_CA = "root_ca.crt"
sources = [
sources_0_4 = [
ipa_cert_checks = [
ipatrust_checks = [
metaservices_checks = [
ipafiles_checks = ["IPAFileNSSDBCheck", "IPAFileCheck", "TomcatFileCheck"]
dogtag_checks = ["DogtagCertsConfigCheck", "DogtagCertsConnectivityCheck"]
iparoles_checks = ["IPACRLManagerCheck", "IPARenewalMasterCheck"]
replication_checks = ["ReplicationCheck"]
replication_checks_0_4 = ["ReplicationConflictCheck"]
ruv_checks = ["RUVCheck"]
dna_checks = ["IPADNARangeCheck"]
idns_checks = ["IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck"]
ipahost_checks = ["IPAHostKeytab"]
ipatopology_checks = ["IPATopologyDomainCheck"]
filesystem_checks = ["FileSystemSpaceCheck"]
metacore_checks = ["MetaCheck"]
"caSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
"ocspSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
"subsystemCert cert-pki-ca",
"auditSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
"Server-Cert cert-pki-ca",
"transportCert cert-pki-kra",
"storageCert cert-pki-kra",
"auditSigningCert cert-pki-kra",
def run_healthcheck(host, source=None, check=None, output_type="json",
Run ipa-healthcheck on the remote host and return the result
Returns: the tuple returncode, output
output is:
json data if output_type == "json"
stdout if output_type == "human"
data = None
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck"]
if source:
if check:
if failures_only:
result = host.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
if result.stdout_text:
if output_type == "json":
data = json.loads(result.stdout_text)
data = result.stdout_text.strip()
return result.returncode, data
def restart_service():
"""Shut down and restart a service as a fixture"""
service = dict()
def _stop_service(host, service_name):
service_name = service_name.replace('_', '-')
if service_name == 'pki-tomcatd':
service_name = 'pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat'
elif service_name == 'dirsrv':
serverid = (realm_to_serverid(host.domain.realm)).upper()
service_name = 'dirsrv@%s.service' % serverid
elif service_name == 'named':
# The service name may differ depending on the host OS
script = ("from import knownservices; "
result = host.run_command(['python3', '-c', script])
service_name = result.stdout_text.strip()
if 'host' not in service:
service['host'] = host
service['name'] = [service_name]
host.run_command(["systemctl", "stop", service_name])
yield _stop_service
if service.get('name'):
service.get('name', []).reverse()
for name in service.get('name', []):
service.get('host').run_command(["systemctl", "start", name])
class TestIpaHealthCheck(IntegrationTest):
Tier-1 test for ipa-healthcheck tool with IPA Master setup with
dns and IPA Replica with dns enabled
num_replicas = 1
num_clients = 1
def install(cls, mh):
if not cls.master.transport.file_exists(SOS_CMD):
tasks.install_packages(cls.master, SOS_PKG)
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_client(cls.master, cls.clients[0])
tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0], setup_dns=True)
def test_ipa_healthcheck_install_on_master(self):
Testcase to check healthcheck package is installed
succesfully on IPA master.
tasks.install_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def test_ipa_healthcheck_install_on_replica(self):
Testcase to check healthcheck package is installed
succesfully on IPA replica.
tasks.install_packages(self.replicas[0], HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def test_running_ipahealthcheck_ipaclient(self):
Testcase checks that when ipa-healthcheck command is
run on ipaclient it displays "IPA is not configured"
valid_msg = (
'IPA is not configured\n', 'IPA server is not configured\n'
tasks.install_packages(self.clients[0], HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
cmd = self.clients[0].run_command(
["ipa-healthcheck"], raiseonerr=False
assert cmd.returncode == 1
assert cmd.stdout_text in valid_msg
def test_run_ipahealthcheck_list_source(self):
Testcase to verify sources available in healthcheck tool.
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
result = self.master.run_command(["ipa-healthcheck", "--list-sources"])
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
sources_avail = sources
sources_avail = sources_0_4
for source in sources_avail:
assert source in result.stdout_text
def test_human_severity(self, restart_service):
Test that in human output the severity value is correct
Only the SUCCESS (0) value was being translated, otherwise
the numeric value was being shown (BZ 1752849)
restart_service(self.master, "sssd")
returncode, output = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
assert output == \
"ERROR: sssd: not running"
def test_human_output(self):
Test if in case no failures were found, informative string is printed
in human output.
returncode, output = run_healthcheck(self.master, output_type="human",
assert returncode == 0
assert output == "No issues found."
def test_ipa_healthcheck_after_certupdate(self):
Verify that ipa-certupdate hasn't messed up tracking
ipa-certupdate was dropping the profile value from the CA
signing cert tracking. ipa-healthcheck discovered this.
Run ipa-healthcheck after ipa-certupdate to ensure that
no problems are discovered.
returncode, _data = run_healthcheck(self.master)
assert returncode == 0
def test_dogtag_ca_check_exists(self):
Testcase to verify checks available in source
result = self.master.run_command(
["ipa-healthcheck", "--source", ""]
for check in dogtag_checks:
assert check in result.stdout_text
def test_replication_check_exists(self):
Testcase to verify checks available in
ipahealthcheck.ds.replication source
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
result = self.master.run_command(
["ipa-healthcheck", "--source", "ipahealthcheck.ds.replication"]
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
checks = replication_checks
checks = replication_checks_0_4
for check in checks:
assert check in result.stdout_text
def test_ipa_cert_check_exists(self):
Testcase to verify checks available in
ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs source
result = self.master.run_command(
["ipa-healthcheck", "--source", "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs"]
for check in ipa_cert_checks:
assert check in result.stdout_text
def test_ipa_trust_check_exists(self):
Testcase to verify checks available in source
result = self.master.run_command(
["ipa-healthcheck", "--source", ""]
for check in ipatrust_checks:
assert check in result.stdout_text
def test_source_ipahealthcheck_meta_services_check(self, restart_service):
Testcase checks behaviour of check configured services in when service is stopped and started
svc_list = ('certmonger', 'gssproxy', 'httpd', 'ipa_custodia',
'ipa_dnskeysyncd', 'kadmin', 'krb5kdc',
'named', 'pki_tomcatd', 'sssd', 'dirsrv')
for service in svc_list:
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
assert data[0]["check"] == service
assert data[0]["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert data[0]["kw"]["status"] is True
for service in svc_list:
restart_service(self.master, service)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
service_found = False
for check in data:
if check["check"] != service:
if service != 'pki_tomcatd':
service = service.replace('_', '-')
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == "%s: not running" % service
assert check["kw"]["status"] is False
service_found = True
assert service_found
def test_source_ipahealthcheck_dogtag_ca_dogtagcertsconfigcheck(self):
Testcase checks behaviour of check DogtagCertsConfigCheck in when tomcat config file is removed
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["configfile"] == paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH
assert check["kw"]["key"] in DEFAULT_PKI_CA_CERTS
self.master.run_command(["mv", paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH,
"%s.old" % paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH])
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
assert data[0]["result"] == "CRITICAL"
self.master.run_command(["mv", "%s.old" % paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH,
self.master.run_command(["ipactl", "restart"])
def restart_tomcat(self):
"""Fixture to Stop and then start tomcat instance during test"""
["systemctl", "stop", "pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat"]
["systemctl", "start", "pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat"]
def test_ipahealthcheck_dogtag_ca_connectivity_check(self, restart_tomcat):
This testcase checks that when the pki-tomcat service is stopped,
DogtagCertsConnectivityCheck displays the result as ERROR.
error_msg = (
"Request for certificate failed, "
"Certificate operation cannot be completed: "
"Request failed with status 503: "
"Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 503. (503)"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
def test_source_ipahealthcheck_meta_core_metacheck(self):
Testcase checks behaviour of check MetaCheck in source
ipahealthcheck.meta.core when run on IPA master
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
assert data[0]["result"] == "SUCCESS"
result = self.master.run_command(
'from ipapython import version; '
'print("%s\t%s" % (version.VERSION, version.API_VERSION))',
assert data[0]["kw"]["ipa_version"] in result.stdout_text
assert data[0]["kw"]["ipa_api_version"] in result.stdout_text
def test_source_ipahealthcheck_ipa_host_check_ipahostkeytab(self):
Testcase checks behaviour of check IPAHostKeytab in source when GSSAPI credentials cannot be obtained
from host's keytab.
msg = (
"Minor (2529639107): No credentials cache found"
with tasks.FileBackup(self.master, paths.KRB5_KEYTAB):
self.master.run_command(["rm", "-f", paths.KRB5_KEYTAB])
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
assert data[0]["result"] == "ERROR"
assert msg in data[0]["kw"]["msg"]
def test_source_ipahealthcheck_topology_IPATopologyDomainCheck(self):
Testcase checks default behaviour of check IPATopologyDomainCheck in
source ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology on IPA Master
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert (
check["kw"]["suffix"] == "domain" or
check["kw"]["suffix"] == "ca"
def disable_crlgen(self):
"""Fixture to disable crlgen then enable it once test is done"""
self.master.run_command(["ipa-crlgen-manage", "disable"])
self.master.run_command(["ipa-crlgen-manage", "enable"])
def test_source_ipa_roles_check_crlmanager(self, disable_crlgen):
This testcase checks the status of healthcheck tool
reflects correct information when crlgen is disabled
using ipa-crl-manage disable
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "crl_manager"
assert check["kw"]["crlgen_enabled"] is False
def test_ipa_healthcheck_no_errors(self):
Ensure that on a default installation with KRA and DNS
installed ipa-healthcheck runs with no errors.
cmd = tasks.install_kra(self.master)
assert cmd.returncode == 0
returncode, _unused = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
def test_ipa_healthcheck_dna_plugin_returns_warning_pagure_issue_60(self):
This testcase checks that the status for IPADNARangeCheck on replica
changes from WARNING to SUCCESS when user is added on the replica
as the DNA range is set.
Issue: freeipa/freeipa-healthcheck#60
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
# Install ipa-healthcheck rpm on replica
tasks.install_packages(self.replicas[0], HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert (
check["kw"]["msg"] == "No DNA range defined. If no masters "
"define a range then users and groups cannot be created."
# Now kinit as admin and add a user on replica which will create a
# DNA configuration.
self.replicas[0], 'ipauser1', first='Test', last='User',
# Now run the ipa-healthcheck command again
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
def test_ipa_healthcheck_log_rotate_file_exist_issue35(self):
This test checks if log rotation has been added
for ipa-healthcheck tool so that logs are rotated
in /var/log/ipa/healthcheck folder.
The test also checks that the logrotate configuration
file is syntactically correct by calling logrotate --debug
This is a testcase for below pagure issue
msg = "error: {}:".format(HEALTHCHECK_LOG_ROTATE_CONF)
tasks.uninstall_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
assert not self.master.transport.file_exists(
tasks.install_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
assert self.master.transport.file_exists(HEALTHCHECK_LOG_ROTATE_CONF)
cmd = self.master.run_command(
['logrotate', '--debug', HEALTHCHECK_LOG_ROTATE_CONF]
assert msg not in cmd.stdout_text
def test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check(self):
This test ensures that the ipahealthcheck.ipa.idns check
displays the correct result when master and replica is setup
with integrated DNS.
for h in [self.master, self.replicas[0]]
for rr in [
# SRV rrs
# URI rrs
+ [str(ip) for ip in resolve_ip_addresses_nss(h.external_hostname)]
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] in SYSTEM_RECORDS
def test_ipa_healthcheck_ds_ruv_check(self):
This testcase checks that ipa-healthcheck tool with RUVCheck
discovers the same RUV entries as the ipa-replica-manage list-ruv
result = self.master.run_command(
output = re.findall(
r"\w+.+.\w+.\w:\d+", result.stdout_text.replace("389: ", "")
ruvs = []
for r in output:
(host, r) = r.split(":")
if host == self.master.hostname:
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.ruv", "RUVCheck"
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] in (self.master.domain.basedn, "o=ipaca")
assert check["kw"]["ruv"] in ruvs
assert not ruvs
def test_ipa_healthcheck_revocation(self):
Ensure that healthcheck reports when IPA certs are revoked.
error_msg = (
"Certificate tracked by {key} is revoked {revocation_reason}"
error_msg_0_4 = (
"Certificate is revoked, unspecified"
result = self.master.run_command(
["getcert", "list", "-f", paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE]
request_id = get_certmonger_fs_id(result.stdout_text)
# Revoke the web cert
certfile = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE)
cert = x509.load_certificate_list(certfile)
serial = cert[0].serial_number
self.master.run_command(["ipa", "cert-revoke", str(serial)])
# re-run to confirm
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
assert len(data) == 12
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == request_id:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["revocation_reason"] == "unspecified"
if (parse_version(version) >= parse_version('0.6')):
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
assert (
== error_msg_0_4
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
def test_ipa_healthcheck_without_trust_setup(self):
This testcase checks that when trust isn't setup between IPA
server and Windows AD, IPADomainCheck displays key value as
domain-check and result is SUCCESS
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "domain-check"
def test_ipa_healthcheck_output_indent(self):
This test case checks whether default (2) indentation is applied
to output without it being implicitly stated
cmd = self.master.run_command(["ipa-healthcheck",
output_str = cmd.stdout_text
output_json = json.loads(output_str)
assert output_str == "{}\n".format(json.dumps(output_json, indent=2))
def ipactl(self):
"""Stop and start IPA during test"""
self.master.run_command(["ipactl", "stop"])
self.master.run_command(["ipactl", "start"])
def test_run_with_stopped_master(self, ipactl):
Test output of healthcheck where master IPA services are stopped
contains only errors regarding master being stopped and no other false
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
if (parse_version(version) >= parse_version('0.6')):
returncode, output = run_healthcheck(
returncode, output = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
errors = re.findall("ERROR: .*: not running", output)
assert len(errors) == len(output.split("\n"))
def test_ipahealthcheck_topology_with_ipactl_stop(self, ipactl):
This testcase checks that ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology check
doesnot display 'source not found' on a system when ipactl
stop is run
error_msg = "Source 'ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology' not found"
msg = (
"Source 'ipahealthcheck.ipa.topology' is missing "
"one or more requirements 'dirsrv'"
result = self.master.run_command(
assert result.returncode == 1
assert msg in result.stdout_text
assert error_msg not in result.stdout_text
def move_ipa_ca_crt(self):
Fixture to move ipa_ca_crt and revert
["mv", paths.IPA_CA_CRT, "%s.old" % paths.CA_CRT]
["mv", "%s.old" % paths.CA_CRT, paths.IPA_CA_CRT]
def test_chainexpiration_check_without_cert(self, move_ipa_ca_crt):
Testcase checks that ERROR message is displayed
when ipa ca crt file is not renamed
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
error_text = (
"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'"
msg_text = (
"Error opening IPA CA chain at {key}: {error}"
error_4_0_text = (
"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == paths.IPA_CA_CRT
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
assert check["kw"]["error"] == error_text
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == msg_text
assert error_4_0_text in check["kw"]["msg"]
def modify_cert_trust_attr(self):
Fixture to modify trust attribute for Server-cert and
revert the change.
"-n", "Server-Cert cert-pki-ca",
"-t", "CTu,u,u",
"-n", "Server-Cert cert-pki-ca",
"-t", "u,u,u",
def test_ipacertnsstrust_check(self, modify_cert_trust_attr):
Test for IPACertNSSTrust when trust attribute is modified
for Server-Cert
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
error_msg = (
"Incorrect NSS trust for {nickname} in {dbdir}. "
"Got {got} expected {expected}."
error_msg_4_0 = (
"Incorrect NSS trust for Server-Cert cert-pki-ca. "
"Got CTu,u,u expected u,u,u"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs", "IPACertNSSTrust",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == "Server-Cert cert-pki-ca":
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == "u,u,u"
assert check["kw"]["got"] == "CTu,u,u"
assert check["kw"]["dbdir"] == paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR
if (parse_version(version) >= parse_version('0.6')):
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg_4_0
def update_logging(self):
Fixture disables nsslapd-logging-hr-timestamps-enabled
parameter and reverts it back
ldap = self.master.ldap_connect()
dn = DN(
("cn", "config"),
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value["nsslapd-logging-hr-timestamps-enabled"] = 'off'
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value["nsslapd-logging-hr-timestamps-enabled"] = 'on'
def test_ipahealthcheck_ds_configcheck(self, update_logging):
This testcase ensures that ConfigCheck displays warning
when high resolution timestamp is disabled.
warn_msg = (
"nsslapd-logging-hr-timestamps-enabled changes the "
"log format in directory server "
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == "DSCLE0001":
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert 'cn=config' in check["kw"]["items"]
assert warn_msg in check["kw"]["msg"]
def rename_ldif(self):
"""Fixture to rename dse.ldif file and revert after test"""
instance = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm)
"mv", "-v",
+ "/dse.ldif",
+ "/dse.ldif.renamed",
"mv", "-v",
+ "/dse.ldif.renamed",
+ "/dse.ldif",
def test_source_ipahealthcheck_ds_backends(self, rename_ldif):
This test ensures that BackendsCheck check displays the correct
status when the dse.ldif file is renamed in the DS instance
exception_msg = "Could not find configuration for instance:"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.backends", "BackendsCheck"
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "CRITICAL"
assert exception_msg in check["kw"]["exception"]
def modify_tls(self, restart_service):
Fixture to modify DS tls version to TLS1.0 using dsconf tool and
revert back to the default TLS1.2
instance = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm)
cmd = ["systemctl", "restart", "dirsrv@{}".format(instance)]
# The crypto policy must be set to LEGACY otherwise 389ds
# combines crypto policy amd minSSLVersion and removes
# TLS1.0 on fedora>=33 as the DEFAULT policy forbids TLS1.0
self.master.run_command(['update-crypto-policies', '--set', 'LEGACY'])
self.master.run_command(['update-crypto-policies', '--set', 'DEFAULT'])
def test_ipahealthcheck_ds_encryption(self, modify_tls):
This testcase modifies the default TLS version of
DS instance to 1.0 and ensures that EncryptionCheck
reports ERROR
enc_msg = (
"This Directory Server may not be using strong TLS protocol "
"versions. TLS1.0 is known to\nhave a number of issues with "
"the protocol. "
"Please see:\n\n\n\n"
"It is advised you set this value to the maximum possible."
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.encryption", "EncryptionCheck",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "DSELE0001"
assert "cn=encryption,cn=config" in check["kw"]["items"]
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == enc_msg
def update_riplugin(self):
Fixture modifies the value of update delay for RI plugin to -1
and reverts it back
ldap = self.master.ldap_connect()
dn = DN(
("cn", "referential integrity postoperation"),
("cn", "plugins"),
("cn", "config"),
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value["referint-update-delay"] = -1
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value["referint-update-delay"] = 0
def test_ipahealthcheck_ds_riplugincheck(self, update_riplugin):
This testcase ensures that RIPluginCheck displays warning
when update value is set.
warn_msg = (
"We advise that you set this value to 0, and enable referint "
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert warn_msg in check["kw"]["msg"]
def modify_pwdstoragescheme(self):
Fixture modifies the nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme to
MD5 and reverts it back
ldap = self.master.ldap_connect()
dn = DN(("cn", "config"),)
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value["nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme"] = "MD5"
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value["nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme"] = "PBKDF2_SHA256"
def test_ds_configcheck_passwordstorage(self, modify_pwdstoragescheme):
This testcase ensures that ConfigCheck reports CRITICAL
status when nsslapd-rootpwstoragescheme is set to MD5
from the required PBKDF2_SHA256
error_msg = (
"\n\nIn Directory Server, we offer one hash suitable for this "
"(PBKDF2_SHA256) and one hash\nfor \"legacy\" support (SSHA512)."
"\n\nYour configuration does not use these for password storage "
"or the root password storage\nscheme.\n"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.config", "ConfigCheck",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == "DSCLE0002":
assert check["result"] == "CRITICAL"
assert "cn=config" in check["kw"]["items"]
assert error_msg in check["kw"]["msg"]
def create_logfile(self):
The fixture calls ipa-healthcheck command in order to
create /var/log/ipa/healthcheck/healthcheck.log if file
doesn't already exist.
File is deleted once the test is finished.
if not self.master.transport.file_exists(HEALTHCHECK_LOG):
["ipa-healthcheck", "--output-file", HEALTHCHECK_LOG],
self.master.run_command(["rm", "-f", HEALTHCHECK_LOG])
def test_sosreport_includes_healthcheck(self, create_logfile):
This testcase checks that sosreport command
when run on IPA system with healthcheck installed
collects healthcheck.log file
caseid = "123456"
msg = "[plugin:ipa] collecting path '{}'".format(HEALTHCHECK_LOG)
cmd = self.master.run_command(
assert msg in cmd.stdout_text
def test_ipahealthcheck_verify_perms_for_source_files(self,
This tests checks if files in /var/log are checked with ipa.files
The test modifies permissions of ipainstall log file and checks the
response from healthcheck.
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.IPASERVER_INSTALL_LOG,
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ipa.files", failures_only=True)
assert returncode == 1
assert len(data) == 1
assert data[0]["result"] == "WARNING"
assert data[0]["kw"]["path"] == paths.IPASERVER_INSTALL_LOG
assert data[0]["kw"]["type"] == "mode"
assert data[0]["kw"]["expected"] == "0600"
def remove_healthcheck(self):
This fixture uninstalls healthcheck package on IPA
and deletes /var/log/ipa/healthcheck/healthcheck.log
file and reinstalls healthcheck package once test is
tasks.uninstall_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
self.master.run_command(["rm", "-f", HEALTHCHECK_LOG])
tasks.install_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def test_sosreport_without_healthcheck_installed(self, remove_healthcheck):
This testcase checks that sosreport completes successfully
even if there is no healthcheck log file to collect
caseid = "123456"
def expire_cert_critical(self):
Fixture to expire the cert by moving the system date using
date -s command and revert it back
self.master.run_command(['date','-s', '+3Years'])
self.master.run_command(['date','-s', '-3Years'])
self.master.run_command(['ipactl', 'restart'])
def test_nsscheck_cert_expired(self, expire_cert_critical):
This test checks that critical message is displayed
for NssCheck when Server-Cert has expired
msg = "The certificate (Server-Cert) has expired"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.nss_ssl", "NssCheck",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "CRITICAL"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "DSCERTLE0002"
assert "Expired Certificate" in check["kw"]["items"]
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == msg
def test_ipa_healthcheck_expiring(self, restart_service):
There are two overlapping tests for expiring certs, check both.
def execute_nsscheck_cert_expiring(check):
This test checks that error message is displayed
for NssCheck when 'Server-Cert' is about to expire
msg = (
"The certificate (Server-Cert) will "
"expire in less than 30 days"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.nss_ssl", "NssCheck",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "DSCERTLE0001"
assert "Expiring Certificate" in check["kw"]["items"]
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == msg
def execute_expiring_check(check):
Test that certmonger will report warnings if expiration is near
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
assert len(data) == 12 # KRA is 12 tracked certs
for check in data:
if check["result"] == "SUCCESS":
# The CA is not expired
request = self.master.run_command(
["getcert", "list", "-i", check["kw"]["key"]]
assert "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca" in request.stdout_text
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
if check["kw"]["days"] == 21:
# the httpd, 389-ds and KDC renewal dates are later
certs = (paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE, paths.KDC_CERT,
request = self.master.run_command(
["getcert", "list", "-i", check["kw"]["key"]]
assert any(cert in request.stdout_text
for cert in certs)
assert check["kw"]["days"] == 10
Uninstall without starting the CA in cert expiration test Some certificates may have started renewal so returning to present time can bind the server up with trying to renew. certmonger fires off helpers when it's time to renew certificates. This scenario puts the time within the renewal window. If certmonger notices while the test is running it will kick off renewal for all 12 certificates. A lock is used to serialize things. The CA was shut down prior to changing time so there is no chance of issuing new certs. A fixture was used to ensure that things restarted when the test was over. This was for chronyd and the CA. By restarting the CA we allow the chance that it will be able to do some work, versus returning a connection error and letting certmonger just error out (CA_UNREACHABLE). During uninstallation we call certmonger remove_request over DBus (the equivalent to stop-tracking). As part of this certmonger waits for any child (helper) processes to go away. This used to do it via SIGKILL but that caused other problems so it was changed to waitpid(). We know that it isn't going to return for a while because the CA isn't up. DBus has a hardcoded 25 second timeout. So we're guaranteed to get a DBus timeout. We *could* try to play with it and change the timeout, or retry a bunch of times, but it isn't worth the hassle. This is a contrived scenario that uninstalls immediately after tweaking time forward. So rather than trying to make this succesful, uninstall at the future time with the CA stopped so that helpers won't be hanging around and certmonger can remove the certs. This is the last test so also the last time we need the replica so to avoid replication bogging things down remove that prior to executing the test. It's one less moving part during the uninstall phase. Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <> Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
2021-03-18 10:04:27 -05:00
# Remove the replica now since it will be out of sync with the
# updated certificates and replication will break.
tasks.uninstall_replica(self.master, self.replicas[0])
# Store the current date to restore at the end of the test
now = datetime.utcnow()
now_str = datetime.strftime(now, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z")
# Pick a cert to find the upcoming expiration
certfile = self.master.get_file_contents(paths.RA_AGENT_PEM)
cert = x509.load_certificate_list(certfile)
cert_expiry = cert[0].not_valid_after
Uninstall without starting the CA in cert expiration test Some certificates may have started renewal so returning to present time can bind the server up with trying to renew. certmonger fires off helpers when it's time to renew certificates. This scenario puts the time within the renewal window. If certmonger notices while the test is running it will kick off renewal for all 12 certificates. A lock is used to serialize things. The CA was shut down prior to changing time so there is no chance of issuing new certs. A fixture was used to ensure that things restarted when the test was over. This was for chronyd and the CA. By restarting the CA we allow the chance that it will be able to do some work, versus returning a connection error and letting certmonger just error out (CA_UNREACHABLE). During uninstallation we call certmonger remove_request over DBus (the equivalent to stop-tracking). As part of this certmonger waits for any child (helper) processes to go away. This used to do it via SIGKILL but that caused other problems so it was changed to waitpid(). We know that it isn't going to return for a while because the CA isn't up. DBus has a hardcoded 25 second timeout. So we're guaranteed to get a DBus timeout. We *could* try to play with it and change the timeout, or retry a bunch of times, but it isn't worth the hassle. This is a contrived scenario that uninstalls immediately after tweaking time forward. So rather than trying to make this succesful, uninstall at the future time with the CA stopped so that helpers won't be hanging around and certmonger can remove the certs. This is the last test so also the last time we need the replica so to avoid replication bogging things down remove that prior to executing the test. It's one less moving part during the uninstall phase. Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <> Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
2021-03-18 10:04:27 -05:00
# Stop chronyd so it doesn't freak out with time so off
restart_service(self.master, 'chronyd')
# Stop pki_tomcatd so certs are not renewable. Don't restart
# it because by the time the test is done the server is gone.
["systemctl", "stop", "pki-tomcatd@pki-tomcat"]
# move date to the grace period
grace_date = cert_expiry - timedelta(days=10)
grace_date = datetime.strftime(grace_date, "%Y-%m-%d 00:00:01 Z")
self.master.run_command(['date', '-s', grace_date])
for check in ("IPACertmongerExpirationCheck",
Uninstall without starting the CA in cert expiration test Some certificates may have started renewal so returning to present time can bind the server up with trying to renew. certmonger fires off helpers when it's time to renew certificates. This scenario puts the time within the renewal window. If certmonger notices while the test is running it will kick off renewal for all 12 certificates. A lock is used to serialize things. The CA was shut down prior to changing time so there is no chance of issuing new certs. A fixture was used to ensure that things restarted when the test was over. This was for chronyd and the CA. By restarting the CA we allow the chance that it will be able to do some work, versus returning a connection error and letting certmonger just error out (CA_UNREACHABLE). During uninstallation we call certmonger remove_request over DBus (the equivalent to stop-tracking). As part of this certmonger waits for any child (helper) processes to go away. This used to do it via SIGKILL but that caused other problems so it was changed to waitpid(). We know that it isn't going to return for a while because the CA isn't up. DBus has a hardcoded 25 second timeout. So we're guaranteed to get a DBus timeout. We *could* try to play with it and change the timeout, or retry a bunch of times, but it isn't worth the hassle. This is a contrived scenario that uninstalls immediately after tweaking time forward. So rather than trying to make this succesful, uninstall at the future time with the CA stopped so that helpers won't be hanging around and certmonger can remove the certs. This is the last test so also the last time we need the replica so to avoid replication bogging things down remove that prior to executing the test. It's one less moving part during the uninstall phase. Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <> Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
2021-03-18 10:04:27 -05:00
# Uninstall the master here so that the certs don't try
# to renew after the CA is running again.
# After restarting chronyd, the date may need some time to get
# synced. Help chrony by resetting the date
self.master.run_command(['date', '-s', now_str])
IMPORTANT: Do not add tests after test_ipa_healthcheck_expiring
as the system may be unstable after the date modification.
def test_ipa_healthcheck_remove(self):
This testcase checks the removal of of healthcheck tool
on replica and master
tasks.uninstall_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
tasks.uninstall_packages(self.replicas[0], HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
class TestIpaHealthCheckWithoutDNS(IntegrationTest):
Test for ipa-healthcheck tool with IPA Master without DNS installed
num_replicas = 1
def install(cls, mh):
tasks.uninstall_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0])
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=False)
def test_ipa_dns_systemrecords_check(self):
Test checks the result of IPADNSSystemRecordsCheck
when ipa-server is configured without DNS.
expected_msgs = {
"Expected SRV record missing",
"Got {count} ipa-ca A records, expected {expected}",
"Got {count} ipa-ca AAAA records, expected {expected}",
"Expected URI record missing",
tasks.install_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["msg"] in expected_msgs
def test_ipa_certs_check_ipacertnsstrust(self):
Test checks the output for IPACertNSSTrust when kra is installed
on the IPA system using ipa-kra-install
cmd = tasks.install_kra(self.master)
assert cmd.returncode == 0
tasks.install_packages(self.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert (
check["kw"]["key"] in DEFAULT_PKI_CA_CERTS or
check["kw"]["key"] in DEFAULT_PKI_KRA_CERTS
class TestIpaHealthCheckWithADtrust(IntegrationTest):
Test for ipa-healthcheck tool with IPA Master with trust setup
with Windows AD.
topology = "line"
num_ad_domains = 1
num_ad_treedomains = 1
num_ad_subdomains = 1
def install(cls, mh):
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True) =[0]
cls.child_ad = cls.ad_subdomains[0]
cls.tree_ad = cls.ad_treedomains[0]
cls.ad_domain =
cls.ad_subdomain =
cls.ad_treedomain =
tasks.install_packages(cls.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def test_ipahealthcheck_trust_domainscheck(self):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established,
IPATrustDomainsCheck displays result as SUCCESS and also
displays ADREALM as sssd/trust domains
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "", "IPATrustDomainsCheck"
assert returncode == 0
trust_domains = ', '.join((self.ad_domain, self.ad_subdomain,))
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == "domain-list":
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert (
check["kw"]["sssd_domains"] == trust_domains
and check["kw"]["trust_domains"] == trust_domains
elif check["kw"]["key"] == "domain-status":
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["domain"] in trust_domains
def test_ipahealthcheck_trust_catalogcheck(self):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established,
IPATrustCatalogCheck displays result as SUCCESS and also
domain value is displayed as ADREALM
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "", "IPATrustCatalogCheck"
assert returncode == 0
trust_domains = ', '.join((self.ad_domain, self.ad_subdomain,))
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == "AD Global Catalog":
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["domain"] in trust_domains
elif check["kw"]["key"] == "AD Domain Controller":
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["domain"] in trust_domains
def test_ipahealthcheck_trustcontoller_conf_check(self):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established,
IPATrustControllerConfCheck displays result as SUCCESS and also
displays key as 'net conf list'
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "net conf list"
def modify_cifs_princ(self):
This fixture removes the cifs principal from the
cn=adtrust agents and adds it back
ldap = self.master.ldap_connect()
basedn = self.master.domain.basedn
dn = DN(
("cn", "adtrust agents"),
("cn", "sysaccounts"),
("cn", "etc"),
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
krbprinc = entry['member']
entry['member'] = ''
# Add the entry back
entry['member'] = krbprinc
def test_trustcontroller_principalcheck(self, modify_cifs_princ):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established
without any errors, IPATrustControllerPrincipalCheck displays
result as ERROR and when cifs principal is removed
error_msg = "{key} is not a member of {group}"
keyname = "cifs/{}@{}".format(
self.master.hostname, self.master.domain.realm
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == keyname
assert check["kw"]["group"] == "adtrust agents"
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
def test_principalcheck_with_cifs_entry(self):
This testcase checks IPATrustControllerPrincipalCheck
displays result as SUCCESS when cifs principal is present
in cn=adtrust agents group
keyname = "cifs/{}@{}".format(
self.master.hostname, self.master.domain.realm
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == keyname
def test_ipahealthcheck_sidgenpluginCheck(self):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established,
IPAsidgenpluginCheck displays result as SUCCESS and also
displays key value as 'ipa-sidgen-task'
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "", "IPAsidgenpluginCheck"
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert (
check["kw"]["key"] == "IPA SIDGEN"
or check["kw"]["key"] == "ipa-sidgen-task"
def test_ipahealthcheck_controller_service_check(self):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established,
IPATrustControllerServiceCheck displays result as SUCCESS and also
displays key value as 'ADTRUST'
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "ADTRUST"
def test_ipahealthcheck_trust_agent_member_check(self):
This testcase checks when trust between IPA-AD is established,
IPATrustAgentMemberCheck displays result as SUCCESS.
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == self.master.hostname
def test_ipahealthcheck_with_external_ad_trust(self):
This testcase checks that when external trust is configured
between IPA and AD tree domain, IPATrustDomainsCheck
doesnot display ERROR
tasks.configure_dns_for_trust(self.master, self.tree_ad)
self.master, self.ad_treedomain,
extra_args=['--range-type', 'ipa-ad-trust', '--external=True'])
trust_domains = ', '.join((self.ad_domain, self.ad_subdomain,
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["kw"]["key"] in ('domain-list', 'domain-status',)
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"].get("msg") is None
if check["kw"]["key"] == 'domain-list':
assert check["kw"]["sssd_domains"] == trust_domains
assert check["kw"]["trust_domains"] == trust_domains
assert check["kw"]["domain"] in trust_domains
def modify_permissions():
"""Fixture to change owner, group and/or mode
This can run against multiple files at once but only one host.
state = dict()
def _modify_permission(host, path, owner=None, group=None, mode=None):
"""Change the ownership or mode of a path"""
if 'host' not in state:
state['host'] = host
if path not in state:
cmd = ["/usr/bin/stat", "-L", "-c", "%U:%G:%a", path]
result = host.run_command(cmd)
state[path] = result.stdout_text.strip()
if owner is not None:
host.run_command(["chown", owner, path])
if group is not None:
host.run_command(["chgrp", group, path])
if mode is not None:
host.run_command(["chmod", mode, path])
yield _modify_permission
# Restore the previous state
host = state.pop('host')
for path, path_state in state.items():
(owner, group, mode) = path_state.split(":", maxsplit=2)
host.run_command(["chown", "%s:%s" % (owner, group), path])
host.run_command(["chmod", mode, path])
class TestIpaHealthCheckFileCheck(IntegrationTest):
Test for the ipa-healthcheck IPAFileCheck source
num_replicas = 1
nssdb_testfiles = []
for filename in NSS_SQL_FILES:
testfile = os.path.join(paths.PKI_TOMCAT_ALIAS_DIR, filename)
def install(cls, mh):
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0], setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_packages(cls.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def test_ipa_filecheck_bad_owner(self, modify_permissions):
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
if parse_version(version) < parse_version("0.6"):
pytest.skip("Skipping test for 0.4 healthcheck version")
# ipa-healthcheck 0.8 returns a list of possible owners instead
# of a single value
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.8"):
expected_owner = 'root,systemd-resolve'
expected_msg = ("Ownership of %s is admin "
"and should be one of root,systemd-resolve"
% paths.RESOLV_CONF)
expected_owner = 'root'
expected_msg = ("Ownership of %s is admin and should be root"
% paths.RESOLV_CONF)
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.RESOLV_CONF, owner="admin")
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == '_etc_resolv.conf_owner'
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'owner'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == expected_owner
assert check["kw"]["got"] == 'admin'
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == expected_msg
def test_ipa_filecheck_bad_group(self, modify_permissions):
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
if parse_version(version) < parse_version("0.6"):
pytest.skip("Skipping test for 0.4 healthcheck version")
# ipa-healthcheck 0.8 returns a list of possible groups instead
# of a single value
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.8"):
expected_group = 'root,systemd-resolve'
expected_msg = ("Group of %s is admins and should be one of "
% paths.RESOLV_CONF)
expected_group = 'root'
expected_msg = ("Group of %s is admins and should be root"
% paths.RESOLV_CONF)
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.RESOLV_CONF, group="admins")
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == '_etc_resolv.conf_group'
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'group'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == expected_group
assert check["kw"]["got"] == 'admins'
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == expected_msg
def test_ipa_filecheck_bad_too_restrictive(self, modify_permissions):
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
if parse_version(version) < parse_version("0.6"):
pytest.skip("Skipping test for 0.4 healthcheck version")
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.RESOLV_CONF, mode="0400")
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == '_etc_resolv.conf_mode'
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'mode'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == '0644'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == '0400'
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are too restrictive: "
"0400 and should be 0644" % paths.RESOLV_CONF
def test_ipa_filecheck_too_permissive(self, modify_permissions):
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
if parse_version(version) < parse_version("0.6"):
pytest.skip("Skipping test for 0.4 healthcheck version")
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.RESOLV_CONF, mode="0666")
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == '_etc_resolv.conf_mode'
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'mode'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == '0644'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == '0666'
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are too permissive: "
"0666 and should be 0644" % paths.RESOLV_CONF
def test_nssdb_filecheck_bad_owner(self, modify_permissions):
for testfile in self.nssdb_testfiles:
modify_permissions(self.master, path=testfile, owner='root')
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["path"] in self.nssdb_testfiles
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'owner'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == 'pkiuser'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == 'root'
assert (
== "Ownership of %s is root and should be pkiuser"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_nssdb_filecheck_bad_group(self, modify_permissions):
for testfile in self.nssdb_testfiles:
modify_permissions(self.master, testfile, group='root')
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["path"] in self.nssdb_testfiles
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'group'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == 'pkiuser'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == 'root'
assert (
== "Group of %s is root and should be pkiuser"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_nssdb_filecheck_too_restrictive(self, modify_permissions):
for testfile in self.nssdb_testfiles:
modify_permissions(self.master, path=testfile, mode="0400")
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["path"] in self.nssdb_testfiles
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'mode'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == '0600'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == '0400'
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are too restrictive: "
"0400 and should be 0600"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_nssdb_filecheck_too_permissive(self, modify_permissions):
for testfile in self.nssdb_testfiles:
modify_permissions(self.master, path=testfile, mode="0640")
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["path"] in self.nssdb_testfiles
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'mode'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == '0600'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == '0640'
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are too permissive: "
"0640 and should be 0600"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_tomcat_filecheck_bad_owner(self, modify_permissions):
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH,
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == \
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'owner'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == 'pkiuser'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == 'root'
assert (
== "Ownership of %s is root and should be pkiuser"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_tomcat_filecheck_bad_group(self, modify_permissions):
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH,
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == \
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'group'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == 'pkiuser'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == 'root'
assert (
== "Group of %s is root and should be pkiuser"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_tomcat_filecheck_too_restrictive(self, modify_permissions):
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH,
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == \
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'mode'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == '0660'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == '0600'
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are too restrictive: "
"0600 and should be 0660"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_tomcat_filecheck_too_permissive(self, modify_permissions):
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
modify_permissions(self.master, path=paths.CA_CS_CFG_PATH,
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "WARNING"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == \
assert check["kw"]["type"] == 'mode'
assert check["kw"]["expected"] == '0660'
assert check["kw"]["got"] == '0666'
if (parse_version(version) >= parse_version('0.5')):
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are too permissive: "
"0666 and should be 0660"
% check["kw"]["path"]
assert (
== "Permissions of %s are 0666 and should "
"be 0660"
% check["kw"]["path"]
def test_ipahealthcheck_ds_fschecks(self, modify_permissions):
This testcase ensures that FSCheck displays CRITICAL
status when permission of pin.txt is modified.
instance = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm)
error_msg = (
"does not have the expected permissions (400). "
"The\nsecurity database pin/password files should only "
"be readable by Directory Server user."
+ "/pin.txt",
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ds.fs_checks", "FSCheck",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "CRITICAL"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "DSPERMLE0002"
assert error_msg in check["kw"]["msg"]
class TestIpaHealthCheckFilesystemSpace(IntegrationTest):
ipa-healthcheck tool test for running low on disk space.
def install(cls, mh):
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_packages(cls.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def create_jumbo_file(self):
"""Calculate the free space and create a humongous file to fill it
within the threshold without using all available space."""
path = os.path.join('/tmp', str(uuid.uuid4()))
# CI has a single big disk so we may end up allocating most of it.
result = self.master.run_command(
['df', '--block-size=1024', '--output=avail', '/tmp']
free = (int(result.stdout_text.split('\n')[1]) // 1024) - 50
self.master.run_command(['fallocate', '-l', '%dMiB' % free, path])
self.master.run_command(['rm', path])
def test_ipa_filesystemspace_check(self, create_jumbo_file):
Create a large file in /tmp and verify that it reports low space
This should raise 2 errors. One that the available space is
below a size threshold and another that it is below a
percentage threshold.
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
errors_found = 0
# Because PR-CI has a single filesystem more filesystems will
# report as full. Let's only consider /tmp since this will work
# with discrete /tmp as well.
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["store"] != "/tmp":
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["store"] == "/tmp"
if "percent_free" in check["kw"]:
assert "/tmp: free space percentage under threshold" in \
assert check["kw"]["threshold"] == 20
assert "/tmp: free space under threshold" in \
assert check["kw"]["threshold"] == 512
errors_found += 1
# Make sure we found the two errors we expected
assert errors_found == 2
class TestIpaHealthCLI(IntegrationTest):
Validate the command-line options
An attempt is made to not overlap tests done in other classes.
Run as a separate class so there is a "clean" system to test
# In freeipa-healtcheck >= 0.6 the default tty output is
# --failures-only. To show all output use --all. This will
# tell us whether --all is available.
all_option = in ['fedora',]
if all_option:
base_cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--all"]
base_cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck"]
def install(cls, mh):
tasks.install_master(cls.master, setup_dns=True)
tasks.install_packages(cls.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
def test_indent(self):
Use illegal values for indent
for option in ('a', '9.0'):
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--indent", option]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 2
assert 'invalid int value' in result.stderr_text
# unusual success, arguably odd but not invalid :-)
for option in ('-1', '5000'):
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--indent", option]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd)
def test_severity(self):
Valid and invalid --severity
# Baseline, there should be no errors
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--severity", "SUCCESS"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd)
data = json.loads(result.stdout_text)
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
# All the other's should return nothing
for severity in ('WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'):
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--severity", severity]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd)
data = json.loads(result.stdout_text)
assert len(data) == 0
# An unknown severity
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--severity", "BAD"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 2
assert 'invalid choice' in result.stderr_text
def test_input_file(self):
Verify the --input-file option
# ipa-healthcheck overwrites output file, no need to generate
# a randomized name.
outfile = "/tmp/healthcheck.out"
# create our output file
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--output-file", outfile]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd)
# load the file
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--failures-only", "--input-file", outfile]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd)
data = json.loads(result.stdout_text)
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
# input file doesn't exist
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--input-file", "/tmp/enoent"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 1
assert 'No such file or directory' in result.stdout_text
# Invalid input file
cmd = ["ipa-healthcheck", "--input-file", paths.IPA_CA_CRT]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 1
assert 'Expecting value' in result.stdout_text
def test_output_type(self):
Check invalid output types.
The supported json and human types are checked in other classes.
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--output-type", "hooman"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 2
assert 'invalid choice' in result.stderr_text
def test_source_and_check(self):
Verify that invalid --source and/or --check are handled.
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--source", "nonexist"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 1
assert "Source 'nonexist' not found" in result.stdout_text
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--source", "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs",
"--check", "nonexist"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 1
assert "Check 'nonexist' not found in Source" in result.stdout_text
def test_pki_healthcheck(self):
Ensure compatibility with pki-healthcheck
Running on a clean system should produce no errors. This will
ensure ABI compatibility.
def test_append_arguments_to_list_sources(self):
Verify that when arguments are specified to --list-sources
option, error is displayed on the console.
cmd = self.base_cmd + ["--list-sources", "source"]
result = self.master.run_command(cmd, raiseonerr=False)
assert result.returncode == 2
assert (
"ipa-healthcheck: error: unrecognized arguments: source"
in result.stderr_text
class TestIpaHealthCheckWithExternalCA(IntegrationTest):
Tests to run and check whether ipa-healthcheck tool
reports correct status when IPA server is configured
with external CA.
num_replicas = 1
def install(cls, mh):
result = install_server_external_ca_step1(cls.master)
assert result.returncode == 0
root_ca_fname, ipa_ca_fname = tasks.sign_ca_and_transport(
cls.master, paths.ROOT_IPA_CSR, ROOT_CA, IPA_CA
cls.master, ipa_ca_fname, root_ca_fname
tasks.install_packages(cls.master, HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
tasks.install_packages(cls.replicas[0], HEALTHCHECK_PKG)
tasks.install_replica(cls.master, cls.replicas[0], nameservers=None)
def test_ipahealthcheck_crlmanagercheck(self):
Test for IPACRLManagerCheck
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ipa.roles", "IPACRLManagerCheck"
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "crl_manager"
assert check["kw"]["crlgen_enabled"] is True
# Run again on another server to verify it is False
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.replicas[0], "ipahealthcheck.ipa.roles", "IPACRLManagerCheck"
assert returncode == 0
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "crl_manager"
assert check["kw"]["crlgen_enabled"] is False
def getcert_ca(self):
Fixture to remove and add ca using getcert command.
["getcert", "remove-ca", "-c", "dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent"]
def test_ipahealthcheck_certmongerca(self, getcert_ca):
Test that healthcheck detects that a certmonger-defined
CA is missing
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs", "IPACertmongerCA",
assert returncode == 1
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == "dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent":
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
if (parse_version(version) >= parse_version('0.6')):
assert (
check["kw"]["msg"] == "Certmonger CA '{key}' missing"
assert (
== "Certmonger CA 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent' missing"
def rename_httpd_cert(self):
Fixture to rename http cert and revert the change.
["mv", paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE, "%s.old" % paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE]
["mv", "%s.old" % paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE, paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE]
def test_ipahealthcheck_ipaopensslchainvalidation(self, rename_httpd_cert):
Test for IPAOpenSSLChainValidation when httpd cert is moved.
error_msg1 = "Can't open {} for reading".format(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE)
# OpenSSL3 has a different error message
error_msg3 = "Could not open file or uri for loading certificate " \
"file from {}".format(paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["key"] == paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert (error_msg1 in check["kw"]["reason"]
or error_msg3 in check["kw"]["reason"])
def replace_ipa_chain(self):
Fixture to drop the external CA from the IPA chain
["cp", paths.IPA_CA_CRT, "%s.old" % paths.IPA_CA_CRT]
"-n", "caSigningCert cert-pki-ca",
"-o", paths.IPA_CA_CRT]
["mv", "%s.old" % paths.IPA_CA_CRT, paths.IPA_CA_CRT]
def test_opensslchainvalidation_ipa_ca_cert(self, replace_ipa_chain):
Test for IPAOpenSSLChainValidation when /etc/ipa/ca.crt
contains IPA CA cert but not the external CA
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
error_msg = "Certificate validation for {key} failed: {reason}"
error_reason = (
"CN = Certificate Authority\nerror 2 at 1 depth "
"lookup: unable to get issuer certificate\n"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
if check["kw"]["key"] == paths.HTTPD_CERT_FILE:
assert error_msg in check["kw"]["msg"]
assert error_reason in check["kw"]["reason"]
elif check["kw"]["key"] == paths.RA_AGENT_PEM:
assert error_msg in check["kw"]["msg"]
assert error_reason in check["kw"]["reason"]
assert error_reason in check["kw"]["reason"]
assert error_reason in check["kw"]["msg"]
def remove_server_cert(self):
Fixture to remove Server cert and revert the change.
instance = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm)
+ "/Server-Cert.pem",
+ "/Server-Cert.pem",
def test_ipahealthcheck_ipansschainvalidation(self, remove_server_cert):
Test for IPANSSChainValidation check
error_msg = (
': certutil: could not find certificate named "Server-Cert": '
"PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR: File not found\n"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs", "IPANSSChainValidation",
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["nickname"] == "Server-Cert":
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["reason"] == error_msg
def modify_nssdb_chain_trust(self):
Fixture to modify trust in the dirsrv NSS database
instance = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm)
for nickname in ('CN={}'.format(ISSUER_CN),
'%s IPA CA' % self.master.domain.realm):
cmd = [
"-n", nickname,
"-t", ",,",
"%s/pwdfile.txt" %
for nickname in ('CN={}'.format(ISSUER_CN),
'%s IPA CA' % self.master.domain.realm):
cmd = [
"-n", nickname,
"-t", "CT,C,C",
"%s/pwdfile.txt" %
def test_nsschainvalidation_ipa_invalid_chain(self,
Test for IPANSSChainValidation when external CA is not trusted
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
instance = realm_to_serverid(self.master.domain.realm)
instance_dir = paths.ETC_DIRSRV_SLAPD_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE % instance
error_msg = "Validation of {nickname} in {dbdir} failed: {reason}"
error_msg_40_txt = (
"certificate is invalid: Peer's certificate issuer "
"has been marked as not trusted by the user"
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
if check["kw"]["nickname"] != "Server-Cert":
assert check["result"] == "SUCCESS"
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["dbdir"] == "%s/" % instance_dir
assert "marked as not trusted" in check["kw"]["reason"]
assert check["kw"]["key"] == "%s:Server-Cert" % instance_dir
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
assert error_msg_40_txt in check["kw"]["msg"]
def rename_raagent_cert(self):
Fixture to rename IPA RA CRT and revert
["mv", paths.RA_AGENT_PEM, "%s.old" % paths.RA_AGENT_PEM]
["mv", "%s.old" % paths.RA_AGENT_PEM, paths.RA_AGENT_PEM]
def test_ipahealthcheck_iparaagent(self, rename_raagent_cert):
Testcase checks that ERROR message is displayed
when IPA RA crt file is renamed
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
error_msg = (
"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '{}'"
error_msg_40_txt = (
"Unable to load RA cert: [Errno 2] "
"No such file or directory: '{}'".format(paths.RA_AGENT_PEM)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
self.master, "ipahealthcheck.ipa.certs", "IPARAAgent"
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
assert check["kw"]["error"] == error_msg
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg_40_txt
def update_ra_cert_desc(self):
Fixture to modify description of RA cert in ldap
and revert
ldap = self.master.ldap_connect()
dn = DN(("uid", "ipara"), ("ou", "People"), ("o", "ipaca"))
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
ldap_cert_desc = entry.single_value.get("description")
def _update_entry(description):
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value['description'] = description
yield _update_entry
entry = ldap.get_entry(dn)
entry.single_value['description'] = ldap_cert_desc
def test_ipahealthcheck_iparaagent_ldap(self, update_ra_cert_desc):
Test to check that when description of RA cert in ldap
is modified, healthcheck tool reports the correct message
error_msg = 'RA agent not found in LDAP'
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
def test_ipahealthcheck_iparaagent_bad_serial(self, update_ra_cert_desc):
Test to check cert description doesnt match the expected
version = tasks.get_healthcheck_version(self.master)
error_msg = 'RA agent description does not match. Found {got} ' \
'in LDAP and expected {expected}'
error_reason = (
"RA agent description does not match"
'2;16;CN=Certificate Authority,O=%s;CN=IPA RA,O=%s' %
(self.master.domain.realm, self.master.domain.realm)
returncode, data = run_healthcheck(
assert returncode == 1
for check in data:
assert check["result"] == "ERROR"
assert (
check["kw"]["expected"] == "2;6;"
"CN=Certificate Authority,O=%s;CN=IPA RA,"
"O=%s" % (self.master.domain.realm, self.master.domain.realm)
assert (
check["kw"]["got"] == "2;16;"
"CN=Certificate Authority,O=%s;CN=IPA RA,"
"O=%s" % (self.master.domain.realm, self.master.domain.realm)
if parse_version(version) >= parse_version("0.6"):
assert check["kw"]["msg"] == error_msg
assert error_reason in check["kw"]["msg"]