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/* Authors:
* Adam Young <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
* see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
define(['freeipa/ipa', 'freeipa/jquery', 'freeipa/navigation', 'freeipa/entity'],
function(IPA, $) {
return function() {
module('navigation', {
// setup: function() {
// IPA.ajax_options.async = false;
// IPA.init({
// url: 'data',
// on_error: function(xhr, text_status, error_thrown) {
// ok(false, 'ipa_init() failed: '+error_thrown);
// }
// });
// }
test("Testing IPA.navigation.create().", function() {
// var entity;
// var user_mock_called = false;
// var group_mock_called = false;
// //Force reset of entities
// IPA.entities = $.ordered_map();
// IPA.register('user', function(spec) {
// var that = IPA.entity({
// name: 'user',
// metadata: IPA.metadata.objects.user,
// facets: [
// {
// type: 'search'
// }
// ]
// });
// that.display = function(container){
// user_mock_called = true;
// same(container.attr('name'), 'user', 'user container name');
// same(container[0].nodeName, 'DIV', 'user container element');
// };
// return that;
// });
// IPA.register('group', function(spec) {
// var that = IPA.entity({
// name: 'group',
// metadata:
// });
// that.display = function(container){
// group_mock_called = true;
// same(container.attr('name'), 'group','user container name');
// same(container[0].nodeName, 'DIV', 'user container element');
// };
// return that;
// });
// var navigation_container = $('<div id="navigation"/>').appendTo(document.body);
// var entity_container = $('<div id="content"/>').appendTo(document.body);
// var navigation = IPA.navigation({
// container: navigation_container,
// content: entity_container,
// tabs: [
// { name:'identity', label:'IDENTITY', children: [
// {name:'user', entity:'user'},
// {name:'group', entity:'group'}
// ]}
// ]
// });
// navigation.create();
// navigation.update();
// ok(user_mock_called, "mock user setup was called");
// ok(!group_mock_called, "mock group setup was not called because the tab is inactive");
// var tabs_container = navigation_container.children('div');
// var level1_tabs = tabs_container.children('div');
// same(level1_tabs.length, 1, "One level 1 tab");
// var identity_tab = level1_tabs.first();
// same(identity_tab.attr('name'), 'identity', "Identity Tab");
// var level2_tabs = identity_tab.children('div');
// same(level2_tabs.length, 2, "Two level 2 tabs");
// var user_tab = level2_tabs.first();
// same(user_tab.attr('name'), 'user', "User Tab");
// var group_tab =;
// same(group_tab.attr('name'), 'group', "Group Tab");
// entity_container.remove();
// navigation_container.remove();
test("Testing IPA.navigation.update() with valid index.", function() {
// var navigation_container = $('<div id="navigation"/>').appendTo(document.body);
// var entity_container = $('<div id="content"/>').appendTo(document.body);
// var navigation = IPA.navigation({
// container: navigation_container,
// content: entity_container,
// tabs: [
// { name:'identity', label:'IDENTITY', children: [
// {name:'one', label:'One'},
// {name:'two', label:'Two'}
// ]}
// ]
// });
// var state = {};
// navigation.push_state = function(params) {
// $.extend(state, params);
// };
// navigation.get_state = function(key) {
// return key ? state[key] : {};
// };
// navigation.remove_state = function(key) {
// delete state[key];
// };
// navigation.create();
// navigation.push_state({'identity': 'two'});
// navigation.update();
// var tabs_container = navigation_container.children('div');
// same(
// tabs_container.tabs('option', 'selected'), 0,
// "Active tab at level 1");
// same(
// $('.tabs[name=identity]', tabs_container).tabs('option', 'selected'), 1,
// "Active tab at level 2");
// navigation.remove_state("identity");
// entity_container.remove();
// navigation_container.remove();
// });
// test("Testing IPA.navigation.update() with out-of-range index.", function() {
// var navigation_container = $('<div id="navigation"/>').appendTo(document.body);
// var entity_container = $('<div id="content"/>').appendTo(document.body);
// var navigation = IPA.navigation({
// container: navigation_container,
// content: entity_container,
// tabs: [
// { name:'identity', label:'IDENTITY', children: [
// {name:'one', label:'One', setup: function (){}},
// {name:'two', label:'Two', setup: function (){}}
// ]}
// ]
// });
// var state = {};
// navigation.push_state = function(params) {
// $.extend(state, params);
// };
// navigation.get_state = function(key) {
// return key ? state[key] : {};
// };
// navigation.remove_state = function(key) {
// delete state[key];
// };
// navigation.create();
// navigation.push_state({'identity': 'three'});
// navigation.update();
// var tabs_container = navigation_container.children('div');
// same(
// tabs_container.tabs('option', 'selected'), 0,
// "Active tab at level 1");
// same(
// $('.tabs[name=identity]', tabs_container).tabs('option', 'selected'), 0,
// "Active tab at level 2");
// navigation.remove_state("identity");
// entity_container.remove();
// navigation_container.remove();