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# Authors: Rob Crittenden <>
# David Kupka <>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Some certmonger functions, mostly around updating the request file.
# This is used so we can add tracking to the Apache and 389-ds
# server certificates created during the IPA server installation.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
import sys
import time
import dbus
import shlex
import subprocess
import tempfile
from ipapython import ipautil
from ipapython import dogtag
from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import *
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipaplatform import services
DBUS_CM_PATH = '/org/fedorahosted/certmonger'
DBUS_CM_IF = 'org.fedorahosted.certmonger'
DBUS_CM_NAME = 'org.fedorahosted.certmonger'
DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF = 'org.fedorahosted.certmonger.request'
DBUS_PROPERTY_IF = 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties'
class _cm_dbus_object(object):
Auxiliary class for convenient DBus object handling.
def __init__(self, bus, parent, object_path, object_dbus_interface,
parent_dbus_interface=None, property_interface=False):
bus - DBus bus object, result of dbus.SystemBus() or dbus.SessionBus()
Object is accesible over this DBus bus instance.
object_path - path to requested object on DBus bus
property_interface - create DBus property interface? True or False
if bus is None or object_path is None or object_dbus_interface is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"bus, object_path and dbus_interface must not be None.")
if parent_dbus_interface is None:
parent_dbus_interface = object_dbus_interface
self.bus = bus
self.parent = parent
self.path = object_path
self.obj_dbus_if = object_dbus_interface
self.parent_dbus_if = parent_dbus_interface
self.obj = bus.get_object(parent_dbus_interface, object_path)
self.obj_if = dbus.Interface(self.obj, object_dbus_interface)
if property_interface:
self.prop_if = dbus.Interface(self.obj, DBUS_PROPERTY_IF)
class _certmonger(_cm_dbus_object):
Create a connection to certmonger.
By default use SystemBus. When not available use private connection
over Unix socket.
This solution is really ugly and should be removed as soon as DBus
SystemBus is available at system install time.
timeout = 300
def _start_private_conn(self):
sock_filename = os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'certmonger')
self._proc = subprocess.Popen([paths.CERTMONGER, '-n', '-L', '-P',
for t in range(0, self.timeout, 5):
if os.path.exists(sock_filename):
return "unix:path=%s" % sock_filename
raise RuntimeError("Failed to start certmonger: Timed out")
def _stop_private_conn(self):
if self._proc:
retcode = self._proc.poll()
if retcode is not None:
for t in range(0, self.timeout, 5):
retcode = self._proc.poll()
if retcode is not None:
root_logger.error("Failed to stop certmonger.")
def __del__(self):
def __init__(self):
self._proc = None
self._bus = None
self._bus = dbus.SystemBus()
except dbus.DBusException as e:
err_name = e.get_dbus_name()
if err_name not in ['org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer',
root_logger.error("Failed to connect to certmonger over "
"SystemBus: %s" % e)
self._private_sock = self._start_private_conn()
self._bus = dbus.connection.Connection(self._private_sock)
except dbus.DBusException as e:
root_logger.error("Failed to connect to certmonger over "
"private socket: %s" % e)
except dbus.DBusException:
except Exception as e:
root_logger.error("Failed to start certmonger: %s" % e)
for t in range(0, self.timeout, 5):
except dbus.DBusException:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to start certmonger')
super(_certmonger, self).__init__(self._bus, None, DBUS_CM_PATH,
def _get_requests(criteria=dict()):
Get all requests that matches the provided criteria.
if not isinstance(criteria, dict):
raise TypeError('"criteria" must be dict.')
cm = _certmonger()
requests = []
requests_paths = []
if 'nickname' in criteria:
request_path = cm.obj_if.find_request_by_nickname(criteria['nickname'])
if request_path:
requests_paths = [request_path]
requests_paths = cm.obj_if.get_requests()
for request_path in requests_paths:
request = _cm_dbus_object(cm.bus, cm, request_path, DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF,
for criterion in criteria:
if criterion == 'ca-name':
ca_path = request.obj_if.get_ca()
ca = _cm_dbus_object(cm.bus, cm, ca_path, DBUS_CM_CA_IF,
value = ca.obj_if.get_nickname()
value = request.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF, criterion)
if value != criteria[criterion]:
return requests
def _get_request(criteria):
Find request that matches criteria.
If 'nickname' is specified other criteria are ignored because 'nickname'
uniquely identify single request.
When multiple or none request matches specified criteria RuntimeError is
requests = _get_requests(criteria)
if len(requests) == 0:
return None
elif len(requests) == 1:
return requests[0]
raise RuntimeError("Criteria expected to be met by 1 request, got %s."
% len(requests))
def get_request_value(request_id, directive):
Get property of request.
request = _get_request(dict(nickname=request_id))
except RuntimeError as e:
root_logger.error('Failed to get request: %s' % e)
if request:
if directive == 'ca-name':
ca_path = request.obj_if.get_ca()
ca = _cm_dbus_object(request.bus, request, ca_path, DBUS_CM_CA_IF,
return ca.obj_if.get_nickname()
return request.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF, directive)
return None
def get_request_id(criteria):
If you don't know the certmonger request_id then try to find it by looking
through all the requests.
criteria is a tuple of key/value to search for. The more specific
the better. An error is raised if multiple request_ids are returned for
the same criteria.
None is returned if none of the criteria match.
request = _get_request(criteria)
except RuntimeError as e:
root_logger.error('Failed to get request: %s' % e)
if request:
return request.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF, 'nickname')
return None
def get_requests_for_dir(dir):
Return a list containing the request ids for a given NSS database
reqid = []
criteria = {'cert-storage': 'NSSDB', 'key-storage': 'NSSDB',
'cert-database': dir, 'key-database': dir, }
requests = _get_requests(criteria)
for request in requests:
reqid.append(request.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF, 'nickname'))
return reqid
def add_request_value(request_id, directive, value):
Add a new directive to a certmonger request file.
request = _get_request({'nickname': request_id})
except RuntimeError as e:
root_logger.error('Failed to get request: %s' % e)
if request:
request.obj_if.modify({directive: value})
def add_principal(request_id, principal):
In order for a certmonger request to be renewable it needs a principal.
When an existing certificate is added via start-tracking it won't have
a principal.
add_request_value(request_id, 'template-principal', [principal])
def add_subject(request_id, subject):
In order for a certmonger request to be renwable it needs the subject
set in the request file.
When an existing certificate is added via start-tracking it won't have
a subject_template set.
add_request_value(request_id, 'template-subject', subject)
def request_cert(nssdb, nickname, subject, principal, passwd_fname=None):
Execute certmonger to request a server certificate.
cm = _certmonger()
ca_path = cm.obj_if.find_ca_by_nickname('IPA')
if not ca_path:
raise RuntimeError('IPA CA not found')
request_parameters = dict(KEY_STORAGE='NSSDB', CERT_STORAGE='NSSDB',
SUBJECT=subject, PRINCIPAL=[principal],
if passwd_fname:
request_parameters['KEY_PIN_FILE'] = passwd_fname
result = cm.obj_if.add_request(request_parameters)
if result[0]:
request = _cm_dbus_object(cm.bus, cm, result[1], DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF,
except TypeError:
root_logger.error('Failed to get create new request.')
return request.obj_if.get_nickname()
def start_tracking(nickname, secdir, password_file=None, command=None):
Tell certmonger to track the given certificate nickname in NSS
database in secdir protected by optional password file password_file.
command is an optional parameter which specifies a command for
certmonger to run when it renews a certificate. This command must
reside in /usr/lib/ipa/certmonger to work with SELinux.
Returns certificate nickname.
cm = _certmonger()
params = {'TRACK': True}
params['cert-nickname'] = nickname
params['cert-database'] = os.path.abspath(secdir)
params['cert-storage'] = 'NSSDB'
params['key-nickname'] = nickname
params['key-database'] = os.path.abspath(secdir)
params['key-storage'] = 'NSSDB'
ca_path = cm.obj_if.find_ca_by_nickname('IPA')
if not ca_path:
raise RuntimeError('IPA CA not found')
params['ca'] = ca_path
if command:
params['cert-postsave-command'] = command
if password_file:
params['KEY_PIN_FILE'] = os.path.abspath(password_file)
result = cm.obj_if.add_request(params)
if result[0]:
request = _cm_dbus_object(cm.bus, cm, result[1], DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF,
except TypeError as e:
root_logger.error('Failed to add new request.')
return request.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_REQUEST_IF, 'nickname')
def stop_tracking(secdir, request_id=None, nickname=None):
Stop tracking the current request using either the request_id or nickname.
Returns True or False
if request_id is None and nickname is None:
raise RuntimeError('Both request_id and nickname are missing.')
criteria = {'cert-database': secdir}
if request_id:
criteria['nickname'] = request_id
if nickname:
criteria['cert-nickname'] = nickname
request = _get_request(criteria)
except RuntimeError as e:
root_logger.error('Failed to get request: %s' % e)
if request:
def modify(request_id, profile=None):
if profile:
request = _get_request({'nickname': request_id})
if request:
request.obj_if.modify({'template-profile': profile})
def resubmit_request(request_id, profile=None):
request = _get_request({'nickname': request_id})
if request:
if profile:
request.obj_if.modify({'template-profile': profile})
def _find_IPA_ca():
Look through all the certmonger CA files to find the one that
has id=IPA
We can use find_request_value because the ca files have the
same file format.
cm = _certmonger()
ca_path = cm.obj_if.find_ca_by_nickname('IPA')
return _cm_dbus_object(cm.bus, cm, ca_path, DBUS_CM_CA_IF, DBUS_CM_IF, True)
def add_principal_to_cas(principal):
If the hostname we were passed to use in ipa-client-install doesn't
match the value of gethostname() then we need to append
-k host/HOSTNAME@REALM to the ca helper defined for
We also need to restore this on uninstall.
ca = _find_IPA_ca()
if ca:
ext_helper = ca.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_CA_IF, 'external-helper')
if ext_helper and '-k' not in shlex.split(ext_helper):
ext_helper = '%s -k %s' % (ext_helper.strip(), principal)
ca.prop_if.Set(DBUS_CM_CA_IF, 'external-helper', ext_helper)
def remove_principal_from_cas():
Remove any -k principal options from the ipa_submit helper.
ca = _find_IPA_ca()
if ca:
ext_helper = ca.prop_if.Get(DBUS_CM_CA_IF, 'external-helper')
if ext_helper and '-k' in shlex.split(ext_helper):
ext_helper = shlex.split(ext_helper)[0]
ca.prop_if.Set(DBUS_CM_CA_IF, 'external-helper', ext_helper)
def get_pin(token, dogtag_constants=None):
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
Dogtag stores its NSS pin in a file formatted as token:PIN.
The caller is expected to handle any exceptions raised.
if dogtag_constants is None:
dogtag_constants = dogtag.configured_constants()
with open(dogtag_constants.PASSWORD_CONF_PATH, 'r') as f:
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
for line in f:
(tok, pin) = line.split('=', 1)
if token == tok:
return pin.strip()
return None
def dogtag_start_tracking(ca, nickname, pin, pinfile, secdir, pre_command,
post_command, profile=None):
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
Tell certmonger to start tracking a dogtag CA certificate. These
are handled differently because their renewal must be done directly
and not through IPA.
This uses the generic certmonger command getcert so we can specify
a different helper.
pre_command is the script to execute before a renewal is done.
post_command is the script to execute after a renewal is done.
Both commands can be None.
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
cm = _certmonger()
certmonger_cmd_template = paths.CERTMONGER_COMMAND_TEMPLATE
params = {'TRACK': True}
params['cert-nickname'] = nickname
params['cert-database'] = os.path.abspath(secdir)
params['cert-storage'] = 'NSSDB'
params['key-nickname'] = nickname
params['key-database'] = os.path.abspath(secdir)
params['key-storage'] = 'NSSDB'
ca_path = cm.obj_if.find_ca_by_nickname(ca)
if ca_path:
params['ca'] = ca_path
if pin:
params['KEY_PIN'] = pin
if pinfile:
params['KEY_PIN_FILE'] = os.path.abspath(pinfile)
if pre_command:
if not os.path.isabs(pre_command):
if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
libpath = 'lib64'
libpath = 'lib'
pre_command = certmonger_cmd_template % (libpath, pre_command)
params['cert-presave-command'] = pre_command
if post_command:
if not os.path.isabs(post_command):
if sys.maxsize > 2**32:
libpath = 'lib64'
libpath = 'lib'
post_command = certmonger_cmd_template % (libpath, post_command)
params['cert-postsave-command'] = post_command
if profile:
params['ca-profile'] = profile
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
def check_state(dirs):
Given a set of directories and nicknames verify that we are no longer
tracking certificates.
dirs is a list of directories to test for. We will return a tuple
of nicknames for any tracked certificates found.
This can only check for NSS-based certificates.
reqids = []
for dir in dirs:
return reqids
Use certmonger to renew CA subsystem certificates Certificate renewal can be done only one one CA as the certificates need to be shared amongst them. certmonger has been trained to communicate directly with dogtag to perform the renewals. The initial CA installation is the defacto certificate renewal master. A copy of the certificate is stored in the IPA LDAP tree in cn=ca_renewal,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX, the rdn being the nickname of the certificate, when a certificate is renewed. Only the most current certificate is stored. It is valid to have no certificates there, it means that no renewals have taken place. The clones are configured with a new certmonger CA type that polls this location in the IPA tree looking for an updated certificate. If one is not found then certmonger is put into the CA_WORKING state and will poll every 8 hours until an updated certificate is available. The RA agent certificate, ipaCert in /etc/httpd/alias, is a special case. When this certificate is updated we also need to update its entry in the dogtag tree, adding the updated certificate and telling dogtag which certificate to use. This is the certificate that lets IPA issue certificates. On upgrades we check to see if the certificate tracking is already in place. If not then we need to determine if this is the master that will do the renewals or not. This decision is made based on whether it was the first master installed. It is concievable that this master is no longer available meaning that none are actually tracking renewal. We will need to document this.
2012-07-11 14:51:01 -05:00
def wait_for_request(request_id, timeout=120):
for i in range(0, timeout, 5):
state = get_request_value(request_id, 'status')
root_logger.debug("certmonger request is in state %r", state)
raise RuntimeError("request timed out")
return state
if __name__ == '__main__':
request_id = request_cert(paths.HTTPD_ALIAS_DIR, "Test",
csr = get_request_value(request_id, 'csr')