2015-01-22 05:47:13 -06:00
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
# Copyright (C) 2014 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
This is FreeIPA's replacement for signerd from OpenDNSSEC suite version 1.4.x.
This program uses the same socket and protocol as original signerd and should
be activated via systemd socket activation using "ods-signer" command line
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
Alternativelly, it can be called directly and a command can be supplied as
first command line argument.
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
Purpose of this replacement is to upload keys generated by OpenDNSSEC to LDAP.
2015-08-12 06:44:11 -05:00
from __future__ import print_function
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
from binascii import hexlify
from datetime import datetime
2015-06-30 07:04:13 -05:00
import dateutil.tz
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
import dns.dnssec
import fcntl
2015-07-20 09:04:07 -05:00
from gssapi.exceptions import GSSError
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import socket
2015-08-31 10:58:07 -05:00
import select
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
import sys
import systemd.daemon
import systemd.journal
import sqlite3
import time
import ipalib
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import root_logger, standard_logging_setup
from ipapython import ipaldap
from ipapython import ipautil
from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipapython.dnssec.abshsm import sync_pkcs11_metadata, wrappingmech_name2id
from ipapython.dnssec.ldapkeydb import LdapKeyDB
from ipapython.dnssec.localhsm import LocalHSM
import _ipap11helper
DAEMONNAME = 'ipa-ods-exporter'
PRINCIPAL = None # not initialized yet
WORKDIR = os.path.join(paths.VAR_OPENDNSSEC_DIR ,'tmp')
ODS_SE_MAXLINE = 1024 # from ODS common/config.h
ODS_DB_LOCK_PATH = "%s%s" % (paths.OPENDNSSEC_KASP_DB, '.our_lock')
# DNSKEY flag constants
dnskey_flag_by_value = {
0x0001: 'SEP',
0x0080: 'REVOKE',
0x0100: 'ZONE'
def dnskey_flags_to_text_set(flags):
"""Convert a DNSKEY flags value to set texts
@rtype: set([string])"""
flags_set = set()
mask = 0x1
while mask <= 0x8000:
if flags & mask:
text = dnskey_flag_by_value.get(mask)
if not text:
text = hex(mask)
mask <<= 1
return flags_set
def datetime2ldap(dt):
return dt.strftime(ipalib.constants.LDAP_GENERALIZED_TIME_FORMAT)
def sql2datetime(sql_time):
2015-06-30 07:04:13 -05:00
"""Convert SQL date format from local time zone into UTC."""
localtz = dateutil.tz.tzlocal()
localtime = datetime.strptime(sql_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").replace(
utctz = dateutil.tz.gettz('UTC')
return localtime.astimezone(utctz)
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
def sql2datetimes(row):
row2key_map = {'generate': 'idnsSecKeyCreated',
'publish': 'idnsSecKeyPublish',
'active': 'idnsSecKeyActivate',
'retire': 'idnsSecKeyInactive',
'dead': 'idnsSecKeyDelete'}
times = {}
Use Python3-compatible dict method names
Python 2 has keys()/values()/items(), which return lists,
iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems(), which return iterators,
and viewkeys()/viewvalues()/viewitems() which return views.
Python 3 has only keys()/values()/items(), which return views.
To get iterators, one can use iter() or a for loop/comprehension;
for lists there's the list() constructor.
When iterating through the entire dict, without modifying the dict,
the difference between Python 2's items() and iteritems() is
negligible, especially on small dicts (the main overhead is
extra memory, not CPU time). In the interest of simpler code,
this patch changes many instances of iteritems() to items(),
iterkeys() to keys() etc.
In other cases, helpers like six.itervalues are used.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
2015-08-11 06:51:14 -05:00
for column, key in row2key_map.items():
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
if row[column] is not None:
times[key] = sql2datetime(row[column])
return times
def sql2ldap_algorithm(sql_algorithm):
return {"idnsSecAlgorithm": dns.dnssec.algorithm_to_text(sql_algorithm)}
def sql2ldap_flags(sql_flags):
dns_flags = dnskey_flags_to_text_set(sql_flags)
ldap_flags = {}
for flag in dns_flags:
attr = 'idnsSecKey%s' % flag
ldap_flags[attr] = 'TRUE'
return ldap_flags
def sql2ldap_keyid(sql_keyid):
assert len(sql_keyid) % 2 == 0
assert len(sql_keyid) > 0
# TODO: this is huge hack. BIND has some problems with % notation in URIs.
# Workaround: OpenDNSSEC uses same value for ID also for label (but in hex).
uri = "pkcs11:object=%s" % sql_keyid
#uri += '%'.join(sql_keyid[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(sql_keyid), 2))
return {"idnsSecKeyRef": uri}
class ods_db_lock(object):
def __enter__(self):
self.f = open(ODS_DB_LOCK_PATH, 'w')
2015-06-26 10:58:25 -05:00
log.debug('waiting for lock %r', self.f)
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
fcntl.lockf(self.f, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
2015-06-26 10:58:25 -05:00
log.debug('acquired lock %r', self.f)
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
def __exit__(self, *args):
fcntl.lockf(self.f, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
2015-06-26 10:58:25 -05:00
log.debug('released lock %r', self.f)
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
def get_ldap_zone(ldap, dns_base, name):
zone_names = ["%s." % name, name]
# find zone object: name can optionally end with period
ldap_zone = None
for zone_name in zone_names:
zone_base = DN("idnsname=%s" % zone_name, dns_base)
ldap_zone = ldap.get_entry(dn=zone_base,
except ipalib.errors.NotFound:
assert ldap_zone is not None, 'DNS zone "%s" should exist in LDAP' % name
return ldap_zone
def get_ldap_keys_dn(zone_dn):
"""Container DN"""
return DN("cn=keys", zone_dn)
def get_ldap_keys(ldap, zone_dn):
"""Keys objects"""
keys_dn = get_ldap_keys_dn(zone_dn)
ldap_filter = ldap.make_filter_from_attr('objectClass', 'idnsSecKey')
ldap_keys = ldap.get_entries(base_dn=keys_dn, filter=ldap_filter)
return ldap_keys
def get_ods_keys(zone_name):
2015-06-26 11:21:38 -05:00
# get zone ID
cur = db.execute("SELECT id FROM zones WHERE LOWER(name)=LOWER(?)",
rows = cur.fetchall()
assert len(rows) == 1, "exactly one DNS zone should exist in ODS DB"
zone_id = rows[0][0]
# get all keys for given zone ID
cur = db.execute("SELECT kp.HSMkey_id, kp.generate, kp.algorithm, dnsk.publish, dnsk.active, dnsk.retire, dnsk.dead, dnsk.keytype "
"FROM keypairs AS kp JOIN dnsseckeys AS dnsk ON kp.id = dnsk.id "
"WHERE dnsk.zone_id = ?", (zone_id,))
keys = {}
for row in cur:
key_data = sql2datetimes(row)
if 'idnsSecKeyDelete' in key_data \
and key_data['idnsSecKeyDelete'] > datetime.now():
continue # ignore deleted keys
assert key_data.get('idnsSecKeyZONE', None) == 'TRUE', \
'unexpected key type 0x%x' % row['keytype']
if key_data.get('idnsSecKeySEP', 'FALSE') == 'TRUE':
key_type = 'KSK'
key_type = 'ZSK'
key_id = "%s-%s-%s" % (key_type,
keys[key_id] = key_data
2015-06-26 11:48:46 -05:00
log.debug("key %s metadata: %s", key_id, key_data)
2015-06-26 11:21:38 -05:00
return keys
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
def sync_set_metadata_2ldap(log, source_set, target_set):
"""sync metadata from source key set to target key set in LDAP
Keys not present in both sets are left intact."""
log = log.getChild('sync_set_metadata_2ldap')
matching_keys = set(source_set.keys()).intersection(set(target_set.keys()))
log.info("keys in local HSM & LDAP: %s", hex_set(matching_keys))
for key_id in matching_keys:
sync_pkcs11_metadata(log, source_set[key_id], target_set[key_id])
def ldap2master_replica_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm):
"""LDAP=>master's local HSM replica key synchronization"""
# import new replica keys from LDAP
log = log.getChild('ldap2master_replica')
log.debug("replica pub keys in LDAP: %s", hex_set(ldapkeydb.replica_pubkeys_wrap))
log.debug("replica pub keys in SoftHSM: %s", hex_set(localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap))
new_replica_keys = set(ldapkeydb.replica_pubkeys_wrap.keys()) \
- set(localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap.keys())
log.info("new replica keys in LDAP: %s", hex_set(new_replica_keys))
for key_id in new_replica_keys:
new_key_ldap = ldapkeydb.replica_pubkeys_wrap[key_id]
log.error('label=%s, id=%s, data=%s',
localhsm.import_public_key(new_key_ldap, new_key_ldap['ipapublickey'])
# set CKA_WRAP = FALSE for all replica keys removed from LDAP
removed_replica_keys = set(localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap.keys()) \
- set(ldapkeydb.replica_pubkeys_wrap.keys())
log.info("obsolete replica keys in local HSM: %s",
for key_id in removed_replica_keys:
localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap[key_id]['ipk11wrap'] = False
# synchronize replica key attributes from LDAP to local HSM
sync_set_metadata_2ldap(log, localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap,
def master2ldap_master_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm):
## master key -> LDAP synchronization
# export new master keys to LDAP
new_master_keys = set(localhsm.master_keys.keys()) \
- set(ldapkeydb.master_keys.keys())
log.debug("master keys in local HSM: %s", hex_set(localhsm.master_keys.keys()))
log.debug("master keys in LDAP HSM: %s", hex_set(ldapkeydb.master_keys.keys()))
log.debug("new master keys in local HSM: %s", hex_set(new_master_keys))
for mkey_id in new_master_keys:
mkey = localhsm.master_keys[mkey_id]
# re-fill cache with keys we just added
log.debug('master keys in LDAP after flush: %s', hex_set(ldapkeydb.master_keys))
# synchronize master key metadata to LDAP
Use Python3-compatible dict method names
Python 2 has keys()/values()/items(), which return lists,
iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems(), which return iterators,
and viewkeys()/viewvalues()/viewitems() which return views.
Python 3 has only keys()/values()/items(), which return views.
To get iterators, one can use iter() or a for loop/comprehension;
for lists there's the list() constructor.
When iterating through the entire dict, without modifying the dict,
the difference between Python 2's items() and iteritems() is
negligible, especially on small dicts (the main overhead is
extra memory, not CPU time). In the interest of simpler code,
this patch changes many instances of iteritems() to items(),
iterkeys() to keys() etc.
In other cases, helpers like six.itervalues are used.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
2015-08-11 06:51:14 -05:00
for mkey_id, mkey_local in localhsm.master_keys.items():
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
log.debug('synchronizing master key metadata: 0x%s', hexlify(mkey_id))
sync_pkcs11_metadata(log, mkey_local, ldapkeydb.master_keys[mkey_id])
# re-wrap all master keys in LDAP with new replica keys (as necessary)
enabled_replica_key_ids = set(localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap.keys())
log.debug('enabled replica key ids: %s', hex_set(enabled_replica_key_ids))
Use Python3-compatible dict method names
Python 2 has keys()/values()/items(), which return lists,
iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems(), which return iterators,
and viewkeys()/viewvalues()/viewitems() which return views.
Python 3 has only keys()/values()/items(), which return views.
To get iterators, one can use iter() or a for loop/comprehension;
for lists there's the list() constructor.
When iterating through the entire dict, without modifying the dict,
the difference between Python 2's items() and iteritems() is
negligible, especially on small dicts (the main overhead is
extra memory, not CPU time). In the interest of simpler code,
this patch changes many instances of iteritems() to items(),
iterkeys() to keys() etc.
In other cases, helpers like six.itervalues are used.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
2015-08-11 06:51:14 -05:00
for mkey_id, mkey_ldap in ldapkeydb.master_keys.items():
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
log.debug('processing master key data: 0x%s', hexlify(mkey_id))
# check that all active replicas have own copy of master key
used_replica_keys = set()
for wrapped_entry in mkey_ldap.wrapped_entries:
matching_keys = localhsm.find_keys(
Use Python3-compatible dict method names
Python 2 has keys()/values()/items(), which return lists,
iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems(), which return iterators,
and viewkeys()/viewvalues()/viewitems() which return views.
Python 3 has only keys()/values()/items(), which return views.
To get iterators, one can use iter() or a for loop/comprehension;
for lists there's the list() constructor.
When iterating through the entire dict, without modifying the dict,
the difference between Python 2's items() and iteritems() is
negligible, especially on small dicts (the main overhead is
extra memory, not CPU time). In the interest of simpler code,
this patch changes many instances of iteritems() to items(),
iterkeys() to keys() etc.
In other cases, helpers like six.itervalues are used.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <jcholast@redhat.com>
2015-08-11 06:51:14 -05:00
for matching_key in matching_keys.values():
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
assert matching_key['ipk11label'].startswith(u'dnssec-replica:'), \
'Wrapped key "%s" refers to PKCS#11 URI "%s" which is ' \
'not a know DNSSEC replica key: label "%s" does not start ' \
'with "dnssec-replica:" prefix' % (wrapped_entry.dn,
new_replica_keys = enabled_replica_key_ids - used_replica_keys
log.debug('master key 0x%s is not wrapped with replica keys %s',
hexlify(mkey_id), hex_set(new_replica_keys))
# wrap master key with new replica keys
mkey_local = localhsm.find_keys(id=mkey_id).popitem()[1]
for replica_key_id in new_replica_keys:
log.info('adding master key 0x%s wrapped with replica key 0x%s' % (
hexlify(mkey_id), hexlify(replica_key_id)))
replica_key = localhsm.replica_pubkeys_wrap[replica_key_id]
keydata = localhsm.p11.export_wrapped_key(mkey_local.handle,
replica_key.handle, _ipap11helper.MECH_RSA_PKCS)
mkey_ldap.add_wrapped_data(keydata, SECRETKEY_WRAPPING_MECH,
def master2ldap_zone_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm):
# synchroniza zone keys
log = log.getChild('master2ldap_zone_keys')
keypairs_ldap = ldapkeydb.zone_keypairs
log.debug("zone keys in LDAP: %s", hex_set(keypairs_ldap))
pubkeys_local = localhsm.zone_pubkeys
privkeys_local = localhsm.zone_privkeys
log.debug("zone keys in local HSM: %s", hex_set(privkeys_local))
assert set(pubkeys_local) == set(privkeys_local), \
"IDs of private and public keys for DNS zones in local HSM does " \
"not match to key pairs: %s vs. %s" % \
(hex_set(pubkeys_local), hex_set(privkeys_local))
new_keys = set(pubkeys_local) - set(keypairs_ldap)
log.debug("new zone keys in local HSM: %s", hex_set(new_keys))
mkey = localhsm.active_master_key
# wrap each new zone key pair with selected master key
for zkey_id in new_keys:
pubkey = pubkeys_local[zkey_id]
pubkey_data = localhsm.p11.export_public_key(pubkey.handle)
privkey = privkeys_local[zkey_id]
privkey_data = localhsm.p11.export_wrapped_key(privkey.handle,
ldapkeydb.import_zone_key(pubkey, pubkey_data, privkey, privkey_data,
PRIVKEY_WRAPPING_MECH, mkey['ipk11id'])
sync_set_metadata_2ldap(log, pubkeys_local, keypairs_ldap)
sync_set_metadata_2ldap(log, privkeys_local, keypairs_ldap)
def hex_set(s):
out = set()
for i in s:
out.add("0x%s" % hexlify(i))
return out
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
def receive_systemd_command(log):
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
fds = systemd.daemon.listen_fds()
if len(fds) != 1:
raise KeyError('Exactly one socket is expected.')
sck = socket.fromfd(fds[0], socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
2015-08-31 10:58:07 -05:00
rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select([sck], [], [], 0)
if not rlist:
log.critical('socket activation did not return socket with a command')
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
2015-08-31 10:58:07 -05:00
log.debug('accepting new connection')
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
conn, addr = sck.accept()
log.debug('accepted new connection %s', repr(conn))
# this implements cmdhandler_handle_cmd() logic
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
cmd = conn.recv(ODS_SE_MAXLINE).strip()
log.debug('received command "%s" from systemd socket', cmd)
return (cmd, conn)
def parse_command(cmd):
"""Parse command to (exit code, message, zone_name) tuple.
Exit code None means that execution should continue.
if cmd == 'ipa-hsm-update':
return (0,
'HSM synchronization finished, exiting.',
2015-06-26 11:21:38 -05:00
elif cmd == 'ipa-full-update':
return (None,
'Synchronization of all zones requested.',
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
elif not cmd.startswith('update '):
return (0,
'Command "%s" is not supported by IPA; '
'HSM synchronization was finished and the command '
2015-06-26 11:21:38 -05:00
'will be ignored.' % cmd,
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
zone_name = cmd2ods_zone_name(cmd)
return (None,
'Update request for zone "%s" queued.\n' % zone_name,
def send_systemd_reply(conn, reply):
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
# Reply & close connection early.
# This is necessary to let Enforcer to unlock the ODS DB.
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
conn.send(reply + '\n')
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
def cmd2ods_zone_name(cmd):
# ODS stores zone name without trailing period
zone_name = cmd[7:].strip()
if len(zone_name) > 1 and zone_name[-1] == '.':
zone_name = zone_name[:-1]
return zone_name
2015-06-26 10:53:17 -05:00
def sync_zone(log, ldap, dns_dn, zone_name):
2015-06-26 11:21:38 -05:00
log.debug('synchronizing zone "%s"', zone_name)
2015-06-26 10:53:17 -05:00
ods_keys = get_ods_keys(zone_name)
ods_keys_id = set(ods_keys.keys())
ldap_zone = get_ldap_zone(ldap, dns_dn, zone_name)
zone_dn = ldap_zone.dn
keys_dn = get_ldap_keys_dn(zone_dn)
ldap_keys = get_ldap_keys(ldap, zone_dn)
except ipalib.errors.NotFound:
# cn=keys container does not exist, create it
ldap_keys = []
ldap_keys_container = ldap.make_entry(keys_dn,
except ipalib.errors.DuplicateEntry:
# ldap.get_entries() does not distinguish non-existent base DN
# from empty result set so addition can fail because container
# itself exists already
ldap_keys_dict = {}
for ldap_key in ldap_keys:
cn = ldap_key['cn'][0]
ldap_keys_dict[cn] = ldap_key
ldap_keys = ldap_keys_dict # shorthand
ldap_keys_id = set(ldap_keys.keys())
new_keys_id = ods_keys_id - ldap_keys_id
log.info('new keys from ODS: %s', new_keys_id)
for key_id in new_keys_id:
cn = "cn=%s" % key_id
key_dn = DN(cn, keys_dn)
log.debug('adding key "%s" to LDAP', key_dn)
ldap_key = ldap.make_entry(key_dn,
deleted_keys_id = ldap_keys_id - ods_keys_id
log.info('deleted keys in LDAP: %s', deleted_keys_id)
for key_id in deleted_keys_id:
cn = "cn=%s" % key_id
key_dn = DN(cn, keys_dn)
log.debug('deleting key "%s" from LDAP', key_dn)
update_keys_id = ldap_keys_id.intersection(ods_keys_id)
log.info('keys in LDAP & ODS: %s', update_keys_id)
for key_id in update_keys_id:
ldap_key = ldap_keys[key_id]
ods_key = ods_keys[key_id]
log.debug('updating key "%s" in LDAP', ldap_key.dn)
except ipalib.errors.EmptyModlist:
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
log = logging.getLogger('root')
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
# this service is usually socket-activated
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
2015-08-12 06:44:11 -05:00
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
# program was likely invoked from console, log to it
elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
console = logging.StreamHandler()
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
# IPA framework initialization
2015-03-26 07:33:20 -05:00
ipalib.api.bootstrap(in_server=True, log=None) # no logging to file
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
# Kerberos initialization
PRINCIPAL = str('%s/%s' % (DAEMONNAME, ipalib.api.env.host))
log.debug('Kerberos principal: %s', PRINCIPAL)
2015-09-01 09:17:16 -05:00
ccache_name = paths.IPA_ODS_EXPORTER_CCACHE
2015-08-18 11:33:37 -05:00
ipautil.kinit_keytab(PRINCIPAL, paths.IPA_ODS_EXPORTER_KEYTAB, ccache_name,
2015-07-20 09:04:07 -05:00
except GSSError as e:
2015-08-18 11:33:37 -05:00
log.critical('Kerberos authentication failed: %s', e)
2015-03-16 10:43:10 -05:00
os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache_name
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
log.debug('Got TGT')
# LDAP initialization
dns_dn = DN(ipalib.api.env.container_dns, ipalib.api.env.basedn)
ldap = ipalib.api.Backend[ldap2]
# fixme
log.debug('Connecting to LDAP')
2015-03-16 10:43:10 -05:00
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
### DNSSEC master: key synchronization
2014-10-21 02:09:08 -05:00
ldapkeydb = LdapKeyDB(log, ldap, DN(('cn', 'keys'), ('cn', 'sec'),
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
localhsm = LocalHSM(paths.LIBSOFTHSM2_SO, 0,
ldap2master_replica_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm)
master2ldap_master_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm)
master2ldap_zone_keys_sync(log, ldapkeydb, localhsm)
### DNSSEC master: DNSSEC key metadata upload
# command receive is delayed so the command will stay in socket queue until
# the problem with LDAP server or HSM is fixed
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
cmd, conn = receive_systemd_command(log)
if len(sys.argv) != 1:
log.critical('No additional parameters are accepted when '
'socket activation is used.')
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
# Handle cases where somebody ran the program without systemd.
except KeyError as e:
2015-06-26 10:39:47 -05:00
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print('ERROR: Exactly one parameter or socket activation is required.')
conn = None
cmd = sys.argv[1]
exitcode, msg, zone_name = parse_command(cmd)
if conn:
send_systemd_reply(conn, msg)
if exitcode is not None:
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00
2015-06-26 11:21:38 -05:00
# Open DB directly and read key timestamps etc.
with ods_db_lock():
db = sqlite3.connect(paths.OPENDNSSEC_KASP_DB,
db.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
if zone_name is not None:
# only one zone should be processed
sync_zone(log, ldap, dns_dn, zone_name)
# process all zones
for zone_row in db.execute("SELECT name FROM zones"):
sync_zone(log, ldap, dns_dn, zone_row['name'])
2014-10-19 10:04:40 -05:00