ipa-run-tests: add support of globs for test targets and ignores

ipa-run-tests expands arguments passed with their full paths. However,
it doesn't support expanding globs, so targets like 'test_ipa*' cannot
be specified.

Expand the code that replaces '--ignore foo' and 'foo' positional
arguments with support for '--ignore foo*' and 'foo*'.

This allows to reduce a number of additional steps in the CI pipeline

Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Bokovoy 2019-05-18 22:02:03 +03:00
parent 64d187e56e
commit 6a2c356da0

View File

@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ so any relative paths given will be based on the ipatests module's path
import os
import copy
import sys
import glob
import pytest
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ class ArgsManglePlugin(object):
# No file or directory found, run all tests
vargs = []
for name in ns.file_or_dir:
idx = args.index(name)
# split on pytest separator
@ -67,17 +69,48 @@ class ArgsManglePlugin(object):
# a file or directory relative to cwd or already absolute
if os.path.exists(filename):
# a file or directory relative to ipatests package
args[idx] = sep.join((os.path.join(HERE, filename), suffix))
if '*' in filename:
# Expand a glob, we'll flatten the list later
paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(HERE, filename))
vargs.append([idx, paths])
# a file or directory relative to ipatests package
args[idx] = sep.join((os.path.join(HERE, filename), suffix))
# flatten and insert all expanded file names
base = 0
for idx, items in vargs:
args.pop(base + idx)
for item in items:
args.insert(base + idx, item)
base += len(items)
# replace ignores, e.g. "--ignore test_integration" is changed to
# "--ignore path/to/ipatests/test_integration"
if ns.ignore:
vargs = []
for ignore in ns.ignore:
idx = args.index(ignore)
if os.path.exists(ignore):
args[idx] = os.path.join(HERE, ignore)
if '*' in ignore:
# expand a glob, we'll flatten the list later
paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(HERE, ignore))
vargs.append([idx, paths])
args[idx] = os.path.join(HERE, ignore)
# flatten and insert all expanded file names
base = 0
for idx, items in vargs:
# since we are expanding, remove old pair
# --ignore and old file name
args.pop(base + idx)
args.pop(base + idx)
for item in items:
# careful: we need to add a pair
# --ignore and new filename
args.insert(base + idx, '--ignore')
args.insert(base + idx, item)
base += len(items) * 2 - 1
# rebuild early_config's known args with new args. The known args
# are used for initial conftest.py from ipatests, which adds