diff --git a/install/static/details.js b/install/static/details.js
index f0756321d..b2dd26330 100644
--- a/install/static/details.js
+++ b/install/static/details.js
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ function ipa_details_field(spec) {
dd = ipa_create_first_dd(that.name);
- dd.append(ipa_details_field_create_input.call(that, that.values[0], hint_span, rights, 0));
+ dd.append(that.create_value(that.values[0], hint_span, rights, 0));
for (var i = 1; i < that.values.length; ++i) {
dd = ipa_create_other_dd(that.name);
- dd.append(ipa_details_field_create_input.call(that, that.values[i], hint_span, rights, i));
+ dd.append(that.create_value(that.values[i], hint_span, rights, i));
@@ -112,12 +112,113 @@ function ipa_details_field(spec) {
} else {
dd = ipa_create_first_dd(that.name);
- dd.append(ipa_details_field_create_input.call(that, '', hint_span, rights, 0));
+ dd.append(that.create_value('', hint_span, rights, 0));
+ /* create an HTML element for displaying/editing an attribute
+ * arguments:
+ * attr - LDAP attribute name
+ * value - the attributes value */
+ that.create_value = function(value, hint, rights, index) {
+ // if field is primary key or non-writable, return a label
+ var label = $('', { html:value.toString() });
+ if (!IPA.is_field_writable(rights)) return label;
+ var param_info = ipa_get_param_info(that.entity_name, that.name);
+ if (param_info) {
+ if (param_info['primary_key']) return label;
+ if ('no_update' in param_info['flags']) return label;
+ }
+ // otherwise, create input field
+ var input = that.create_input(value, param_info, rights, index);
+ if (param_info) {
+ if (param_info['multivalue'] || param_info['class'] == 'List') {
+ input.append(_ipa_create_remove_link(that.name, param_info));
+ }
+ }
+ if (hint) input.after(hint);
+ return input;
+ };
+ /* creates a input box for editing a string attribute */
+ that.create_input = function(value, param_info, rights, index) {
+ index = index || 0;
+ function validate_input(text, param_info, error_link) {
+ if (param_info && param_info.pattern) {
+ var regex = new RegExp( param_info.pattern );
+ if (!text.match(regex)) {
+ error_link.style.display = "block";
+ if (param_info.pattern_errmsg) {
+ error_link.innerHTML = param_info.pattern_errmsg;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error_link.style.display = "none";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var doc = that.name;
+ if (param_info && param_info.doc) {
+ doc = param_info.doc;
+ }
+ var span = $("");
+ var input = $("", {
+ type: "text",
+ name: that.name,
+ value: value.toString(),
+ title: doc,
+ keyup: function(){
+ var undo_link = this.nextElementSibling;
+ undo_link.style.display = "inline";
+ var error_link = undo_link.nextElementSibling;
+ var text = $(this).val();
+ validate_input(text, param_info,error_link);
+ }
+ }).appendTo(span) ;
+ if (!IPA.is_field_writable(rights)) {
+ input.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ }
+ span.append($("", {
+ html:"undo",
+ "class":"ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all undo",
+ style:"display:none",
+ click: function(){
+ var previous_value = that.values || '';
+ if (index >= previous_value.length){
+ previous_value = '';
+ }else{
+ previous_value= previous_value[index];
+ }
+ this.previousElementSibling.value = previous_value;
+ this.style.display = "none";
+ var error_link = this.nextElementSibling;
+ validate_input(previous_value, param_info,error_link);
+ }
+ }));
+ span.append($("", {
+ html:"Does not match pattern",
+ "class":"ui-state-error ui-corner-all",
+ style:"display:none"
+ }));
+ return span;
+ };
function save() {
var values = [];
@@ -178,6 +279,10 @@ function ipa_details_section(spec){
that.create_field = function(spec) {
+ //TODO: replace ipa_details_field with class-specific implementation
+ //Valid field classes: Str, IA5Str, Int, Bool and List
var field = ipa_details_field(spec);
return field;
@@ -332,11 +437,13 @@ function ipa_details_list_section(spec){
var field = fields[i];
var label = field.label;
- if (label !== ''){
+ // no need to get i18n label from metadata
+ // because it's already done by field.init()
+ if (label !== '') {
label += ':';
- var param_info = ipa_get_param_info(that.entity_name, field.name);
- if (param_info && param_info['label']) label = param_info['label'];
', {
html: label
@@ -727,56 +834,6 @@ function ipa_insert_dd(jobj, content, dd_class){
-/* mapping of parameter types to handlers used to create inputs */
-var _ipa_param_type_2_handler_map = {
- 'Str': _ipa_create_text_input,
- 'IA5Str': _ipa_create_text_input,
- 'Int': _ipa_create_text_input,
- 'Bool': _ipa_create_text_input,
- 'List': _ipa_create_text_input
-/* create an HTML element for displaying/editing an attribute
- * arguments:
- * attr - LDAP attribute name
- * value - the attributes value */
-function ipa_details_field_create_input(value,hint,rights, index)
- var that = this;
- var input = $("