When permission-find post callback detected a --pkey-only option,
it just terminated. However, this way the results that could have
been added from aci_find matches were not included.
Fix the post callback to go through the entire matching process.
Also make sure that DNS permissions have a correct objectclass
(ipapermission), otherwise such objects are not matched by the
permission LDAP search.
All of our install/admin scripts had a try/except block calling the
main function and handling common exceptions. These were copy-pasted
from each other and modified to various levels of sophistication.
This refactors them out of installers to a single function, which
includes a final pass/fail message for all of the scripts.
Non-install scripts that set up the same log handler levels for
stderr and log file are not changed, as it's not possible to log
to only the logfile without changing the logger configuration.
We don't have a specific requires on the policycoreutils package. It
gets pulled in as a dependency on the server anyway, but checking
there is like a belt and suspenders.
On the client we don't require SELinux at all. If SELinux is enabled
however we need to set things up properly. This is provided by the
policycoreutils package so fail if that isn't available.
We actually perform two searches in permission-find. The first looks
for matches within the permission object itself. The second looks at
matches in the underlying aci.
We need to break out in two places. The first is if we find enough
matches in the permission itself. The second when we are appending
matches from acis.
The post_callback() definition needed to be modified to return
the truncated value so a plugin author can modify that value.
Use GlobalKnownHostsFile instead of GlobalKnownHostsFile2 in ssh_config, as the
latter has been deprecated in OpenSSH 5.9.
If DNS host key verification is enabled, restrict the set of allowed host
public key algorithms to ssh-rsa and ssh-dss, as DNS SSHFP records support only
these algorithms.
Make sure public key user authentication is enabled in both ssh and sshd.
ticket 2769
'sid' is a stack variable, by assigning its address to the domain_sid pointer
we were later referencing grabage (whatever on the stack ha[ppened to be at
that address.
Properly copy the sid and allocate it on the provided memory context.
If --delattr is used on an attribute that's not present on an entry,
and --{set,add}attr isn't being used on that same attribute,
say that there's "no such attribute" instead of "<attribute> does
not contain <value>".
Make --{set,add,del}attr fail on parameters with the no_update/no_create
flag for the respective command.
For attributes that can be modified, but we just don't want to display
in the CLI, use the 'no_option' flag. These are "locking" attributes
(ipaenabledflag, nsaccountlock) and externalhost.
Document the 'no_option' flag. Add some tests.
Kerberos ticket maximum life was being set to 1 hour which then
affected lifetime of Kerberos tickets returned by IPA server under
the test.
Make sure that the policy is reset before and after the unit test to
keep the IPA server settings clean and not to disrupt development
Always call convert_time_for_output so time gets reported correctly.
That method has its own checks for whether the attributes are present;
an additional check is unnecessary.
Use a key function for sorting; cmp is deprecated, slower and
more complicated.
Add a test
When default server was being parsed from IPA's default.conf
configuration file, the parsed server was not appended correctly to
the default_server list.
IPA client and server tool set used authconfig acutil module to
for client DNS operations. This is not optimal DNS interface for
several reasons:
- does not provide native Python object oriented interface
but but rather C-like interface based on functions and
structures which is not easy to use and extend
- acutil is not meant to be used by third parties besides
authconfig and thus can break without notice
Replace the acutil with python-dns package which has a feature rich
interface for dealing with all different aspects of DNS including
DNSSEC. The main target of this patch is to replace all uses of
acutil DNS library with a use python-dns. In most cases, even
though the larger parts of the code are changed, the actual
functionality is changed only in the following cases:
- redundant DNS checks were removed from verify_fqdn function
in installutils to make the whole DNS check simpler and
less error-prone. Logging was improves for the remaining
- improved logging for ipa-client-install DNS discovery
We've seen on a few occassions where one side or the other is missing
the ldap principal. This causes replication to fail when trying to
convert to using GSSAPI. If this happens force a synchronization again
and try the retrieval again, up to 10 times.
This should also make the error report clearer if even after the retries
one of the principals doesn't exist.
bind-dyndb-ldap persistent search queries LDAP for all DNS records.
The LDAP connection must have no size or time limits to work
This patch updates limits both for existing service principal
on updated machine and for new service principals added
as a part of DNS installation.
python-ldap add_s method raises a NO_SUCH_OBJECT exception when
a parent entry of the entry being added does not exist. This may
not be an error, for example NIS entries are only added when NIS
is enabled and thus the NIS entry container exists.
The exception raised by python-ldap is also incorrectly processed
in ipaldap's addEntry function and an irrelevant exception is
re-raised instead.
Fix LDAP updater to just log an information when an object cannot
be added due to missing parent object. Also make sure that the
addEntry function exception processing provides the right exception
with a useful description.
If a user become locked due to too many failed logins and then were
unlocked by an administrator, the account would not lock again. This
was caused by two things:
- We were incrementing the fail counter before checking to see if the
account was already locked out.
- The current fail count wasn't taken into consideration when
deciding if the account is locked.
The sequence was this:
1. Unlocked account, set failcount to 0
2. Failed login, increment failcount
3. Within lastfailed + lockout_duration, still locked. This skips
update the last_failed date.
So I reversed 2 and 3 and check to see if the fail count exceeds policy.
When we set a password we also need to make sure krbExtraData is set.
If not kadmin will later complain that the object is corrupted at password
change time.
Ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2764
We were inferring that an agreement existed if the host was present
as an IPA host. This was not enough if the replica installation failed
early enough.
ipa permission-mod was prompting for all parameters because they had
specified flag 'ask_update'. The flag was removed. Additionally the
exec_callback for permission-mod was updated to unify the behaviour with
other ipa commands (raise exception when no modification was specified).
Very long pkeys in facet header were limited to 60 characters. This magic number was good enough but with new action lists it isn't.
This patch is adding calculation of maximum characters for pkey in facet header. It fixes regression introduced by Action Lists and also it uses effectively available space.
Also this patch is changing limiting of breadcrumbs element to use as much space as possible. It works in three steps. First a threshold is set which is equal to length average. Then a total length of keys with length less than threshold is calculated. From this we can get remaining space for long keys and calculate new threshold. At last keys are limited to new threshold.
When DNS support was disabled there were following errors in Web UI:
1) Host details page was not filled with data
2) Host adder dialog was broken -> unusable
3) DNS tab was displayed in navigation
The bugs were fixed by:
1) Was caused by entity_link_widget. The widget was modified to do not show link if other_entity (in this case dnsrecord) is not present.
2) Was caused by host_fqdn_widget. The widget is unusable becouse withou DNS support it doesn't have access to DNS zone entity. The section with this widget was removed. Also IP address field was removed because it shouln't be used without DNS support. New 'fqdn' text box was added for specifying hostname.
3) New DNS config entity was initialized but it wasn't shown because it caused some JavaScript error. The dnsconfig's init method was modified to throw expected exception. Now no dns entity is initialized and therefore DNS tab in navigation is not displayed.
When python's distutils build process prepares python scripts, it use
current Python interpreter in an updated shebang for python scripts.
Since Makefile did not use absolute path to python interpreter, it
may be translated to "/bin/python" in Fedora 17 which is then taken
by rpmbuild as freeipa-admintools dependency. This can break of F-17
python package which provides just "/usr/bin/python"
This patch updates Makefile to use a correct absolute path to python
interpreter which is then filled to freeipa scripts shebang and rpm
Requires list. The value is taken from RPM __python macro so that
we do not hardcode it.
Instructions to generate certificate were changed. Now they use certutil instead of openssl. In the example is also used option for specifying key size.
Allowing Commands to be called with ignored unknown options opens the
door to problems, for example with misspelled option names.
Before we start rejecting them, we need to make sure IPA itself does
not use them when it calls commands internally.
This patch does that for ACI-related plugins.
Part of the work for https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2509
permission-find --name wasn't working for two reasons. The first
was that the cn to search on in options ended up overlapping the
primary key name causing the request to fail.
The second reason was aci uses aciname, not cn, as its name field.
So searching on --name matched everything because it was as if you
were searching on nothing.
This patch adds action list and control buttons for consistent change of enty status for user, hbac rules, sudo rules, SELinux maps and dns zones.
Action lists with 'enable' and 'disable' and 'delete' options were added to details facets.
Two control buttons: 'enable' and 'disable' were added to search facets.
Adds hiding/showing capabilities to action_button_widget. This patch is fixing regression caused replacing old details facet buttons with control_buttons_widget. The problem was that some buttons were not hidden in self-service mode.
Control buttons is a widget which contains action buttons. It is located in facet header and are supposed to replace old action buttons created by IPA.action_button(spec) call. The benefit is that now it is possible to define new buttons declaratively in spec definition without a need of inheriting facet and overriding create method.
Action buttons are an entry poing for execution facet-wide action so they are tightly bound to facet.
Action button options:
name: string
label: string, human readable label
tooltip: string, human readable tooltip
href: string, optional
icon: string, icon class
needs_confirm: boolean, default false
confirm_msg: string, human readable confirmation message
confirm_dialog: confirmation dialog, optional, custom confirmation dialog
action: action, action which will be executed
enabled: boolean, optional, default true
Control buttons are define in facet spec in control_buttons property. Its a spec object with following attributes:
all attributes which normal widget can have
buttons: array of action_button specs
state_listeners: array of state listener specs
In init phase control_buttons_widget should assign a action_button a facet.
control_buttons_widget are resposible for evaluation of action_button disable/enable state because they contain state_listeners which creates the state upon the enabled/disabled state is evaluated.
State listeners are similar to state_evaluators. The differce is that the state is not evaluated from record set but from facet itself. The execution of evaluation is bound to a facet event.
This patch add support fo Action Lists.
Action list is a select widget with actions as options located in facet header. Action can be selected and then executed by clickin on 'apply' button.
Actions lists are defined on facet level. Facet header takes them from facet.
Action list options
actions: list of actions
state_evaluator: a state evaluator which is needed for enabling/disabling options. Can encapsulate more evaluators.
State evaluator object
State evaluator is resposible for evaluating a state from result set. State is a array of strings. Each evaluator should inherit from IPA.state_evaluator and override evaluate method.
evaluate(record): should return string array which represents the state
get_description(): human readable representation of a state
Action is a object which can perform certain action on a facet. Action has enabling and disabling conditions.
action options:
name: string, required, name of the option
label: string, required, human readable name of the option
enable_cond: string array, states which need to be present in order to run this action
disable_cond: string array, states which must not be present in order to run this action
handler: function, contains action's logic
needs_confirm: boolean, default false, indicates if action needs user confirmation
confirm_msg: string, default generic message, human readable confirmation message.
Action list should contain logic which enables/disables action based on facet state and action's enabling/disabling conditions. It should also enforce presence of confirmation.
In this patch is also slightly modified facet header, mostly title part. It was revised to contain status icon, title and action list on single line. Facet header is using state evaluator's get_description method to properly set tooltip for state icon.
Web UI mainly uses declarative way of defining UI structure. When a new object type is created it is often required to create a new builder which would build the objects from spec file. The builders' logic is mostly the same. This patch adds a general builder with some extendability capabilities.
Now it is possible to:
1) define spec for single object and build it by calling IPA.build(spec, /* optional */ builder_fac)
2) define an array of specs and build the objects by the same call
Prerequisite for following action list patches.
We currently return LDAP_REFERRAL which causes the mod to fail meaning
that referral entries cannot be changed.
All we really want to do is escape when we don't hvae an entry to modify.
Change the externalhost attribute of hbacrule, netgroup
and sudorule into a full-fledged Parameter, and attach
a validator to it.
The validator is relaxed to allow underscores, so that
some hosts with nonstandard names can be added.
Tests included.
IPA has some unused code from abandoned features (Radius, ipa 1.x user
input, commant-line tab completion), as well as some duplicate utilities.
This patch cleans up the utility modules.
Duplicate code consolidated into ipapython.ipautil:
(with style improvements from the ipaserver version)
ipalib.util.get_fqdn was removed in favor of the same function in
Removed unused code:
make_repr (was imported but unused; also removed from tests)
get_gsserror (a different version exists in ipapython.ipautil)
ipaserver.ipautil ended up empty and is removed entirely.
The config plugin was adding together a list and a tuple, then
converting to a set.
Replace the operation with a set union.
Regression test included.
Move the code for encoding boolean values to LDAP boolean syntax from the
Parameter class to the Encoder class, where the rest of LDAP encoding takes
place. Remove encoding code from the Parameter class altogether, as all LDAP
encoding should be done in the Encoder class.