Currently, we throw many public exceptions without proper i18n.
Wrap natural-language error messages in _() so they can be translated.
In the service plugin, raise NotFound errors using handle_not_found helper
so the error message contains the offending service.
Use ScriptError instead of NotFoundError in bindinstance install.
Fix several problems with the callback interface:
- Automatically registered callbacks (i.e. methods named
exc_callback, pre_callback etc) were registered on every
Fix: Do not register callbacks in __init__; instead return the
method when asked for it.
- The calling code had to distinguish between bound methods and
plain functions by checking the 'im_self' attribute.
Fix: Always return the "default" callback as an unbound method.
Registered callbacks now always take the extra `self` argument,
whether they happen to be bound methods or not.
Calling code now always needs to pass the `self` argument.
- Did not work well with inheritance: due to the fact that Python
looks up missing attributes in superclasses, callbacks could
get attached to a superclass if it was instantiated early enough. *
Fix: Instead of attribute lookup, use a dictionary with class keys.
- The interface included the callback types, which are LDAP-specific.
Fix: Create generic register_callback and get_callback mehods,
move LDAP-specific code to BaseLDAPCommand
Update code that calls the callbacks.
Add tests.
Remove lint exceptions for CallbackInterface.
These test that command lines are parsed to correct Command arguments.
Includes some tests for interactive prompts.
To make this possible is broken up into several pieces.
Splitting on commas is not an idempotent operation:
'a,b\,c' -> ('a', 'b,c') -> ('a', 'b', 'c')
That means we can't do it when the call is forwarded, so this is only
done on the CLI. The UI already sends values as a tuple.
Replace escaping in the csv parser with quoting. Quoted strings can have
embedded commas instead of having to escape them. This prevents the csv
parser from eating all escape characters.
Also, document Param's csv arguments, and update tests.
We did not accept answers like "Yes", "YES", "No", etc. as valid
answers to yes/no prompts (used for example in dnsrecord-del
interactive mode). This could confuse users. This patch changes
the behavior to ignore the answer case.
Add 2 new features to DNS record interactive help to increase its
usability and also make its behavior more consistent with standard
parameter interactive help:
1) Ask for missing DNS parts
When a required part of a newly added DNS record was missing, we
just returned a ValidationError. Now, the interactive help rather
asks for all missing required parts of all DNS records that were
being added by its parts.
2) Let user amend invalid part
When an interactive help asked for a DNS record part value and
user enters an invalid value, the entire interactive help exits
with an error. This may upset a user if he already entered several
correct DNS record part values. Now, the help rather tells user
what's wrong and give him an opportunity to amend the value.
This patch adds a common method, textui.prompt_helper, that handles
encoding, decoding and error handling for interactive prompts.
On EOFError (Ctrl+D) or KeyboardInterrupt (Ctrl+C), it raises
a new InvocationError, PromptFailed.
The helper is used in prompt, prompt_yesno, and prompt_password,
each of which originally only handled one of Ctrl+C and Ctrl+D.
This fixes
And it means prompt_yesno will no longer return None on error.
A minor fix restores's ability print out the list of
errors when run as a script.
Fix wrong handling of strings in --setattr/--addattr/--delattr.
These changes make it possible to use Bytes in --setattr/--addattr/
--delattr without errors.
Fixes managing SSH keys on command-line
CLI command help contains a documentation for all options that can
be passed to commands. However, help strings for positional
arguments are not included.
This patch uses an OptionParser description field to list all
command arguments as OptionParser does not have a native support
to provide such information to user.
Improve migration help topic so that it easier understandable:
- Add missing list of Topic commands
- Add one more example to demonstrate migration abilities
- Add breaks to too long lines to improve readibility
Complex commands may have many options or non-standard output. This
patch adds 2 improvements to handle these commands better:
1) Add "option_group" parameter attribute
Make command help more readable by specifying an option group
for the parameter. All parameters in the same option group are
then placed to one named option group
2) Allow nested entries in the output
Current CLI output module cannot handle a list of nested entries
(dictionaries) contained in an entry attribute. Make sure they
are printed properly (with indentation)
This patch changes the way plugins are initialized. Instead of
finalizing all the plugins at once, plugins are finalized only after
they are accessed (currently applies to Command, Object and
Attribute subclasses, only in CLI by default).
This change provides significant performance boost, as only the
plugins that are actually used are finalized.
ticket 1336
Fixes 3 issues:
- If a topic has all its commands disabled, it should be disabled
- If a command is disabled its help should be disabled
- The show-mappings help was missing a doc string so no help was displayed
Add a new required parameter, current_password. In order to ask this
first I added a new parameter option, sortorder. The lower the value the
earlier it will be prompted for.
I also changed the way autofill works. It will attempt to get the default
and if it doesn't get anything will continue prompting interactively.
Since current_password is required I'm passing a magic value that
means changing someone else's password. We need to pass something
since current_password is required.
The python-ldap passwd command doesn't seem to use the old password at
all so I do a simple bind to validate it.
In is a framework for printing out help information. The
command documentation being displayed is internationalized, however
the text generated by the help framework itself is not
The strings output by the help subsystem need to be internationalized.
* Wrap each topic description in _()
* Replace the use of if 'topic' in dir(module) with the more
Pythonic and efficient getattr(module, 'topic', None)
* Make sure to invoke unicode on the value returned from _()
otherwise you'll get a GettextFactory instance, not a string
* Clean up trailing whitespace errors
A Password param always prompted to confirm the entered password.
This doesn't make sense if you want to prompt for a password to another
system like we do with entitlements. This adds a new boolean option to
control the Password prompt parameter.
Interactive mode for commands manipulating with DNS records
(dnsrecord-add, dnsrecord-del) is not usable. This patch enhances
the server framework with new callback for interactive mode, which
can be used by commands to inject their own interactive handling.
The callback is then used to improve aforementioned commands'
interactive mode.
Report missing python packages, inform about false positives, fail
gracefully if pylint isn't installed. Fixed a bug in the ignore
list and added few more files/directories to it.
ticket 1184
This patch replaces xgettext with a custom pygettext to generate
translatable strings from plugin files in ipalib/plugins. pygettext
was modified to handle plural forms (credit goes to Jan Hendrik Goellner)
and had some bugs fixed by myself. We only use it for plugins, because
it's the only place where we need to extract docstrings for the built-in
help system.
I also had to make some changes to the way the built-in documentation
systems gets docstrings from modules for this to work.
Since some LDAP attributes have their cli_name value defined,
so they can be more user friendly, it can be difficult for user to find
out which attributes do the parameteres given to CLI really represent.
This patch provides new command, which will take another IPA command as
and argument and display attributes which given command takes and what
LDAP attributes are they mapped to.
Adds a plugin, entitle, to register to the entitlement server, consume
entitlements and to count and track them. It is also possible to
import an entitlement certificate (if for example the remote entitlement
server is unaviailable).
This uses the candlepin server from
for entitlements.
Add a cron job to validate the entitlement status and syslog the results.
tickets 28, 79, 278
This patch contains 2 parts.
The first part is a small utility to create and validate the current
API. To do this it needs to load ipalib which on a fresh system
introduces a few problems, namely that it relies on a python plugin
to set the default encoding to utf8. For our purposes we can skip that.
It is also important that any optional plugins be loadable so the
API can be examined.
The second part is a version exchange between the client and server.
The version has a major and a minor version. The major verion is
updated whenever existing API changes. The minor version is updated when
new API is added. A request will be rejected if either the major versions
don't match or if the client major version is higher than then server
major version (though by implication new API would return a command not
found if allowed to proceed).
To determine the API version of the server from a client use the ping
ticket 584
The output problem was a missing label for failed managedby.
This also fixes a call to print_entry that was missing the flags argument.
Add a flag to specify whether a group can be a member of itself, defaulting
to False.
ticket 708
We collected the failures but didn't report it back. This changes the
API of most delete commands so rather than returning a boolean it returns
a dict with the only current key as failed.
This also adds a new parameter flag, suppress_empty. This will try to
not print values that are empty if included. This makes the output of
the delete commands a bit prettier.
ticket 687
The concept is now following:
topic: either a module or a group of modules containing registered
commands. All these commands will usually handle common entity
type (e.g. hbac rules)
subtopic: each topic can have a number of subtopics. In this case topic
is a group of modules and each module represents a subtopic.
grouping modules to topics is possible by assigning a 2-tuple to module
topic = ('topic-name','topic description')
The topic description has to be the same in all modules in the topic.
These are examples of commands now available in IPA help:
ipa help - display a list of all topics
ipa help hbac - display help for hbac topic
ipa help hbacrule - display help for a subtopic of hbac
ipa help hbacrule-add - display help for a particular command
The changes include:
* Change license blobs in source files to mention GPLv3+ not GPLv2 only
* Add GPLv3+ license text
* Package COPYING not LICENSE as the license blobs (even the old ones)
mention COPYING specifically, it is also more common, I think
Passwords didn't have internationalizable labels.
Exceptions that occured during required input weren't printed as unicode
so weren't being translated properly.
Don't use output_for_cli() directly in the passwd plugin, use output.Output.
ticket 352
When running <foo>-[add|remove]-member completely interactively it didn't
prompt for managing membership, it just reported that 0 members were
handled which was rather confusing.
This will work via a shell if you want to echo too:
$ echo "" | ipa group-add-member g1
This returns 0 members because nothing is read for users or group members.
$ echo -e "g1\nadmin\n" | ipa group-add-member
This adds the user admin to the group g1. It adds it as a user because
user membership is prompted for first.
ticket 415
We used to return a list of dns that failed to be added. We now return
a list of tuples instead. The tuple looks like (dn, reason) where reason
is the exception that was returned.
Also made the label we use for failures to be singular instead of plural
since we now print them out individually instead of as comma-separated.
ticket 270
It makes little sense to install ipa-admintools without ipa-client, require it.
Also see if the client has been configured. This is a bit tricky since we
have a full set of defaults. Add a new env option that gets set if at least
one configuration file is loaded.
ticket 213
This adds a new global option to the ipa command, -f/--no-fallback. If this
is included then just the server configured in /etc/ipa/default.conf is used.
Otherwise that is tried first then all servers in DNS with the ldap SRV record
are tried.
Create a new Local() Command class for local-only commands. The help
command is one of these. It shouldn't need a remote connection to execute.
ticket #15
I also changed the default value of the print_all argument in
textui.print_entry from False to True. It think it makes more sense this
way, because:
1) if order is None, it will still print something
2) if order is not None, it will print what's in order first and then the
3) commands that care about the print_all argument have to set it in any
case, those that don't care usually want to print everything
A number of doc strings were not localized, wrap them in _().
Some messages were not localized, wrap them in _()
Fix a couple of failing tests:
The method name in RPC should not be unicode.
The doc attribute must use the .msg attribute for comparison.
Also clean up imports of _() The import should come from
ipalib or ipalib.text, not ugettext from request.
As a consequence of using doc=_('some message') the _()
method was returning a Gettext instance, thus when optparse
was handed the help text it received a Gettext instance instead
of a basestring. optparse tried to operate on the Gettext instance
as if it were a basestring and since it wasn't threw an exception.
The fix is to promote (e.g. cast) the option.doc to unicode.
If the option.doc was a str it becomes unicode, if it was unicode
nothing happens, if it was Gettext (or any other object implementing
the __unicode__() method) object is converted to unicode via the
objects rules.
By the way, while debugging this I discovered strings which were not
localized, sometimes option.doc would be a str and sometimes a Gettext
object. In a subsequent patch I'll fix all those unlocalized doc
strings, but I don't want to bury this fix along with a load of
string fixes.
This is a temporary fix until we either use Params to determine
output type or treat integers differently from other binary values
internally (as unicode instead of str, for example).
The attributes displayed is now dependant upon their definition in
a Param. This enhances that, giving some level of control over how
the result is displayed to the user.
This also fixes displaying group membership, including failures of
adding/removing entries.
All tests pass now though there is still one problem. We need to
return the dn as well. Once that is fixed we just need to comment
out all the dn entries in the tests and they should once again
Returning the exception value doesn't work because a shell return value
is in the range of 0-255.
The default return value is 1 which means "something went wrong." The only
specific return value implemented so far is 2 which is "not found".
Once this is committed we can start the process of renaming errors2 as errors.
I thought that combinig this into one commit would be more difficult to
The CA is currently not automatically installed. You have to pass in the
--ca flag to install it.
What works:
- installation
- unistallation
- cert/ra plugins can issue and retrieve server certs
What doesn't work:
- self-signed CA is still created and issues Apache and DS certs
- dogtag and python-nss not in rpm requires
- requires that CS be in the "pre" install state from pkicreate