The rpc module is now separated from display layer.
There are two new global topics:
- 'rpc-start' for showing the widget which indicates execution of rpc calls
- 'rpc-end' for hiding the widget which indicates execution of rpc calls.
These two global topics replace the original methods IPA.display_activity_icon() and
There is also new property of a command (notify_globally), which allows to turn off the widget
which indicates network activity. Instead of classic activity indicator there can be
called custom function at the beginning and at the end of network activity.
There are also changes in internal communication in rpc.js module. There are four new
events, two for calling on_success and on_error methods and two for calling custom functions
at the beginning and at the end of network activity.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There was missing default value for evaluator adapter.
In that case the adapter variable could be undefined and
it crashes on building adapter. Therefore it did not
evaluate all evaluators. That is the reason why 'Delete'
and 'Add' buttons were incorrectly shown.
Default value is now set to empty object.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
AC_CONFIG_FILES in works well only with Makefiles.
Other files have to be handled by so depedencies
are tracked properly.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Some of .less files included by ipa.less were not listed in the so some changes might not trigger rebuild.
Reviewed-By: Lukas Slebodnik <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
Automake manual section 13 What Gets Cleaned says that make maintainer-clean
should not remove files necessary for subsequent runs of ./configure.
It practically means that all usage of MAINTAINERCLEANFILES were incorrect
so I've removed them.
Reviewed-By: Lukas Slebodnik <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
The 'obj' variable could be null, so there could be error when it is used.
A new check that 'obj' is not false is added.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The 'result' variable is always false because of previous condition.
Therefore there is direct assignment.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The 'data' variable is always false because of previous condition.
Therefore there is direct assignment.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There is a possibility that widget is null and then there could be an error.
Therefore there is new check of widget variable.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
In both cases when the condition is true or false ut is set the same value.
Changed to assign the value directly.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Variable 'row' could be null in some cases. And set css to variable which is pointing to null
causes error. Therefore there is new check.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The offline version does not work for some time already.
I'm removing it right now to get rid of garbage which clutters
build system.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
Static files from Git which are not touched by the build system
have to be explicitly listed in so they get into tarball.
EXTRA_DIST lists whole sub-directories with static files.
This is not ideal but we do not have enough time to fix it properly.
Dojo builder patch files were renames to shorten their name.
The original names were exceeding autotools length limit.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
This is step forward working VPATH builds which cleanly separate sources
and build artifacts. It makes the system cleaner and easier to
Python and web UI likely require more work to make VPATH builds working.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
Version information is now in VERSION.m4 instead of VERSION.
Makefile target version-update was minimized and configure can be run
before make. Makefile temporarily contains hardcoded version which has
to match the one specified in VERSION.m4.
This is preparatory step which will allow us to replace hand-made
Makefile with one generated by Automake.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
There is a change introduced in 4.4 that new services have canonical name. The old ones
didn't have it, therefore these services were not correctly displayed in WebUI.
This patch adds support for this type of services. Service name is taken from
'krbprincipalname' attribute in case that 'krbcanonicalname' attribute is not present
in server response.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The Object Signing certificate created during server installation
was used only for signing the (recently removed) Firefox extension,
so there's no need to create that certificate any more.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
The label of API Browser is now in translatable strings and it has
uppercase B at the beginnig of second word.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
When user is logged in and opens details page of another user there should not
be visible button for adding new certificate and also the option in action menu
for deleting certificate should be grayed out.
This is achieved by adding custom field for certificates widget, which is able to
read ACLs from result of user-show and not from cert-find result.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
In case that API is not accessible the 404 error is thrown. There was error dialog
with almost no information. The new dialog says what error is there and what can be
the main cause of the error.
Reviewed-By: Stanislav Laznicka <>
Also moving activate_action method several lines up - correcting logical order of methods.
Reviewed-By: Stanislav Laznicka <>
Also the same for removing certificate hold.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Reviewed-By: Stanislav Laznicka <>
The cert-show command needs to be called with cacn option. Cacn option is
passed using URL attribute.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Sometimes the entity_show command must be called with options which are gathered
from result of entity_find command. These options needs to be passed as
arguments in URL which points to details page.
This functionality is implemented to table facet. There is new property
'additional_navigation_arguments' which is prepared for array of attributes
which will be passed to URL.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Since there is a new warning about only one CA server, the default facet
of topology facet group is set to servers list where the warning is.
So the warning will be shown right after clicking on Topology section.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Tomas Krizek <>
It is not safe to have only one CA server in topology. Therefore there is a check
and in case that there is only one CA server a warning is shown. The warning is
shown after each refreshing of servers facet.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Krizek <>
Topology graph didn't show plus icons correctly.
There is a problem with uglifying of javascript code. It does not leave unicode character
written in hexadecimal format unchanged. Therefore this workaround which inserts
needed character using Javascript function and uglifiyng does not affect it.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
As the 'cn' is not in the response of user-show there is empty column in adder dialog.
Therefore the column was removed.
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Also changes the name of option which is send during adding new service from
'krbprincipalname' to 'krbcanonicalname'.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The custom_command_multivalued_widget now handles remove and add commands errors
correctly and shows error message.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Web UI has inbuilt mechanism to reload in case response from a server
contains a different principal than the one loaded during Web UI
see rpc.js:381
With kerberos aliases support the loaded principal could be different
because krbprincipalname contained multiple values.
In such case krbcanonicalname should be used - it contains the same
principal as the one which will be in future API responses.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
The confirmation of revoke and remove the certificate hold action is simplier
and more consistent with another parts of WebUI.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Strings which are used by widget which shows authentication indicators were moved.
Therefore the change in string paths.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Also move strings which are connected with authentication indicators to authtype dict.
This place is more general than have them in service dict. It's nicer when these strings are
not used only on service page.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add possibility to add, remove, view, get and download custom certificates on ID override user page.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add general class for multivalued widget which uses special commands which
are performed immediately.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
All certificates which are not issued by IPA CA are grey and not clickable. That's
because these certificates are not maintained by IPA CA.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Method calling in actions is moved to another function - these calls may be used
by another functions, not only by actions.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Removed old layout created using html tables. Now table layout is made by div
and modern css styling.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Object adapter changes data to more useful format. Single value is reachable
as single value, property with more values is transformed to array.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
By specifying correct attribute when creating command it turn off showing activity icon
when webui waits for response from the server.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
This widget can be used as notification that some other widget is working.
It shows spinner and cover the other widget by specified color.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Adds methods which are able to enable and disable options according to the name of option
and methods which set or get whole item list.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Every single widget which is in multivalued widget can now have custom action menu
and the delete button is included in this custom action menu.
Part of this ticket:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Adds new page with DNS Servers and details page about each server.
It is counterpart of dnsserver-{find,show,mod} CLI commands.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Spacek <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There was a bug when a new server was added it was not possible to set weight until
a location was set. This change corrects it and allows user to set a weight of server
without location.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The event is emited by clicking on the second node when adding segment by mouse.
The listener opens dialog and prefill values.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Create new semicircles around the node after mouseover. These work as buttons
to create arrow and after clicking on another node the Add topology segment dialog
is opened. Also selecting segment works, if the segment already exists then
the segment is selected instead of opening the dialog.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Remove hardcoded strings 'Actions ' and substitute them by strings from
translatable strings.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Service weight explains better meaning of attribute than location
weight, because location itself have no weight only services have.
Reviewed-By: Petr Spacek <>
There is new checkbox in adding new caacl which can set whether the ACL applies on all
CAs or not. Also there is a new table with CAs on which is current ACL applied. User
can add and remove CAs from this table.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Fraser Tweedale <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add field for choosing CA when issuing new certificate. Add new item to action menu
on cert details page which allows user to download the certificate as file.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Fraser Tweedale <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The request dialog is not closed directly after clicking 'Issue' button, but only
after successful issuing or after clicking 'Close' button. So, the user can check
inputed data.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add attribute 'disable_search_field' which hides search field on search or
nested_search facet.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Adds new tab on topology page which shows server roles. Also extends
server details page and server config page (setting of ca renewal server).
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There is new attribute of table facet which allows to set which column of
table will be its primary key. This patch also move some code into separate
method - it will be easier to overide some functionality in child classes.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
This patch removes comma at the end of list, just because of jslint warning.
It does not have any impact on functionality.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
MS-ADTS spec requires that TrustPartner field should be equal to the
commonName (cn) of the trust. We used it a bit wrongly to express
trust relationship between parent and child domains. In fact, we
have parent-child relationship recorded in the DN (child domains
are part of the parent domain's container).
Remove the argument that was never used externally but only supplied by
trust-specific code inside the IPA framework.
Part of
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
MS-ADTS spec requires that TrustPartner field should be equal to the
commonName (cn) of the trust. We used it a bit wrongly to express
trust relationship between parent and child domains. In fact, we
have parent-child relationship recorded in the DN (child domains
are part of the parent domain's container).
Remove the argument that was never used externally but only supplied by
trust-specific code inside the IPA framework.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
The new attribute of the adapter contains the name of record which will be
extracted from API call result.
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There was a problem with finding correct DNS zone. It found a first substring match.
Therefore when there was location and
the location for IP address was the first one, which is incorrect. Now
it finds the second one, because it finds the longest match.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add custom_checkbox_widget on service page. The old aci.attribute_widget
now inherits from the new base class custom_checkboxes_widget and overrides
the populate method.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The command for requesting certificate for hosts and services is extended.
There is added how to add DNS name as subjectAltName.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
To be consistent with CLI the restoring certificate is renamed to
removing certificate hold in all WebUI components.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Move the remaining plugin code from ipalib.plugins to ipaserver.plugins.
Remove the now unused ipalib.plugins package.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Add option to preserve user to the delete dialog on active user's details page.
The delete dialog is the same as on the page of all active users.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add option to add host dialog which allows to show generated OTP.
This patch also changed the way of informing user about success of adding host
but only when the 'Generate OTP' option is checked. There is a new dialog with
generated OTP.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
User in now notified about "Locked User account" message instead of
"The password or username you entered is incorrect" or any generic error
Fixes :
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <>
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Pavel Vomacka <>
- User is now notified about "Kerberos Principal expiration" message instead of
"Wrong username or password" message.
- User is also notified about "Invalid password" message instead of
generic error message.
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
The size of svg element is calculated when the topology graph facet is load
and then every time when the window is resized. The resize event listener
is removed after the topology graph facet emits hide event.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add new field in user add dialog. This combo box lists all posix groups
so user can choose one. It is also possible to fill a GID number
which is not in the list.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There is an animation of nodes layout after first load of graph or adding new node.
Then all nodes of the graph are set to the fixed state. The node is set to fixed even after
manual turn off of fixed state.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add zooming and panning functionality to the topology graph. Also the page rememberes
the old setting of the graph position and size. So, after refreshing the graph has
the same position and size as it had before.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Reworks also sessionStorage test because disablement of cookies might be connected
with sessionStorage and localStorage. E.g. Chrome raises exception when *Storage
is accessed with "Block sites from setting any data" settings set in
"Content Settings/Cookies" section.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
similar issue and cause as in
root cause is that binding triggers validation which clears messages in
validation summary. Maybe it could be refactored in a future to not use
the same validation summary field for API calls and fields.
Reviewed-By: Pavel Vomacka <>
'Issue new certificate' dialog now validates whether user fills 'principal' and 'csr' field.
In case that one of these fields is empty then it does not allow to submit the dialog.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
add module 'libs/d3' to a list of modules provided by third party libraries
it is provided by d3 library in libs directory
Reviewed-By: Gabe Alford <>
The /ipa/ui/reset_password.html page is now able to use url paramater 'user'. The value of this parameter is used for pre-filling the username field.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Add tool tips for buttons in detail view. New tooltips:
Reload - Reload current settings from the server.
Revert - Undo all unsaved changes.
Undo - Undo this change.
Undo all - Undo all changes in this field.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Fix added for showing error message returned from server to client
browser. User is now notified with proper error messages returned by
Signed-off-by: Abhijeet Kasurde <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
There was a change where suffixes in server are not longer returned as DNs
but rather a cn of related topology suffix. I.e. they share "memberof" logic.
This caused that search page doesn't get the data because it uses
"no_member: true" option by default.
This patch overrides the behavior because it is OK for server search page
to fetch also member data - it is not so costly as e.g. in users.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Commit 46ae52569a reimplemented reporting of
managed topology suffixes in server-find/show commands using membership
attributes. This patch fixes consumers of this attribute in ipa-replica-manage
command and webui to reflect this change.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
When topology graph was shown with domain level == 0, a view describing
that domain level needs to be at least 1 was shown.
If domain level is raised, this view is then properly replaced by the
graph when shown again.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
* ActionMixin
* HeaderMixin
It is supposed to be used as a mixin classes to facet.Facets. In long
term it should replace/serve as a base class for facet.facet.
var SomeFacet = declare([Facet, ActionMixin, HeaderMixin], {
foo: function() {}
Then following spec can be used:
some_facet_spec = {
name: 'some',
label: 'Some Facet',
tab_label: 'Some Facet',
facet_groups: [foo.bar_facet_group],
facet_group: 'search',
actions: ['refresh'],
control_buttons: [
name: 'refresh',
label: '@i18n:buttons.refresh',
icon: 'fa-refresh'
header_actions: [refresh]
type: 'some',
ctor: SomeFacet,
spec: some_facet_spec
prerequisite for:
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
So that facet.simple_facet_header could be used even in pages without
entity structure - e.g. future topology graph.
prerequisite for:
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
By adding no_members option to commands which supports it.
It then skips memberof procession on the server side.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
1. after logout, krb auth no longer shows "session expired" but correct
"Authentication with Kerberos failed".
2. "The password or username you entered is incorrect." is showed on
failed forms-based auth.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
<ame> -> <name>
overriden -> overridden
ablity -> ability
enties -> entries
the the -> the
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
This reverts commit 62e8002bc4.
Hiding of the topology and domainlevel features was necessary
for the 4.2 branch only.
Reviewed-By: Simo Sorce <>
* cert_view
* cert_get
* cert_revoke
* cert_restore
These actions require serial number which is not provided to Web UI if
multiple certificates are present.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
New certificate widget which replaced certificate status widget.
It can display multiple certs. Drawback is that it cannot display
if the certificate was revoked. Web UI does not have the information.
part of:
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Certificate request action and dialog now supports 'profile_id',
'add' and 'principal' options. 'add' and 'principal' are disaplayed
only if certificate is added from certificate search facet.
Certificate search facet allows to add a certificate.
User details facet allows to add a certificate.
part of
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
* Hide topology and domainlevel commands in the CLI
* Hide topology and domainlevel in the WebUI
* Set maximum allowed domain level to 0
* Do not configure and enable the topology plugin
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
First part of API browser - displaying metadata in more consumable way.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
1. When navigation is initiated from clicking and a link with hash, update
of facet state causes that subsequent click on a link with hash will be
ignored. Caused by a code which prevents infinite loop because of facet
state update. Now hash update is done only if it was really changed.
2. registered correct handler for standalone pages
3. fix selection of menu item where the items differ only in args. Chooses
the item with the most similar state to current facet.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
Mark all Web UI specific metadata so they could be filtered out
in the API Browser.
Fix cert name.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
A widget for rendering a list of groups of items. Intended to be
used in sidebar. Plan is to serve also as a base for FacetGroupsWidget.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
In user_del, flags 'permanently' and 'preserve' were replaced with single
bool option 'preserve'
part of:
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
topology plugin doesn't properly handle:
- creation of segment with direction 'none' and then upgrade to other
- downgrade of direction
These situations are now forbidden in API.
part of:
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Admins should not modify topology suffices. They are created on
part of:
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Automatic login attempt is initiated by first failed xhr request which
happens in metadata phase.
New phase was added before metadata phase. It interrupts UI load and shows
login page if it's directly after logout(marked in session storage).
Successfull manual login resolves the phase so that metadata phase can
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Datetime widget was transform from a simple text input to 3 separate inputs:
- date with bootstrap-datepicker
- hour
- minute
Validity end [ 2015-05-18 ] [23]:[01] UTC
Vendor [ abc ]
Editation of seconds is not supported.
Reviewed-By: Martin Babinsky <>
Web UI wa not able to create a user without a private group.
New field added to user adder dialog to allow that.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
Reviewed-By: Ales 'alich' Marecek <>
Deleter dialog in search facet is now chosen in order as follows:
- facet's, defined as spec, e.g.:
deleter_dialog: { $factory: IPA.user.deleter_dialog }
- entity's, the same but it entity spec
- default, which is IPA.search_deleter_dialog
Previous didn't allow to override entity dialog with facet one and
also definition by spec was not allowed.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>
Now also facets other than details facet can use facet policies.
Facet policies purpose is to extend facets behavior without
overriding base class. This shared behavior could be reused in
several other facets which may have completely different
base classes.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>
basically implementation of #4625 but atm there is no time to properly
test #4625 in the whole UI, therefore, it will be limited only to
active/stage/preserved user search page.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>
Facets use to inherit facet groups from entity. There was no option to define
cross-entity facet groups for different facets which belong one entity.
In other words it was not possible to have 'user search' and 'stage user search'
tab in one facet group.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>
Fixes issue where it is not possible to define under the same parent:
{ entity: 'bar', facet: 'baz' }
{ entity: 'foo', facet: 'baz' }
Error reporting of invalid menu item names was improved.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>
Remove behavior which navigated to previously selected child if navigating
to its parent.
It makes navigation more consistent.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>
While selecting menu item based on a facet which have an entity defined,
prefer entity fallback over facet name fallback.
It solves an issue which appears when a menu item of a different entity
has the same facet name specified. In such case this menu item was selected
instead of the desired one.
E.g.: there are menu items:
{ entity: 'foo' }
{ entity: 'bar', facet: 'search'}
Showing a foo's search facet resulted in selecting
{ entity: 'bar', facet: 'search'} item.
Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Thierry Bordaz <>