Realm domains commands produce big fat warnings about DNS state/checks.
Given the length of these warnings, they stay displayed for longer time.
As Web UI automated tests progresses quickly more of the warnings can
be displayed at the same time and thus taking a lot of space and thus
covering UI needed for next test step.
By closing the notifications before next action we make sure that test
won't fail because notification covered the required UI.
Reviewed-By: Petr Cech <>
Try adding and deleting with "Check DNS" (in html 'ok' button)
DNS check expects that the added domain will have DNS record:
TXT _kerberos.$domain "$REALM"
When a new domain is added using dnszone-add it automatically adds
this TXT record and adds a realm domain. So in order to test without
external DNS we must get into state where realm domain is not added
(in order to add it) but DNS domain with the TXT record exists.
Reviewed-By: Petr Cech <>
Web UI tests were marked as tier1 tests.
The tier system is intended to be used together with CI system
to make sure the more complicated tests are being run only
when all of the basic functionality is working.
The system is using pytest's marker system. E.g. an invocation of
all tier1 tests with listing will look like:
$ py.test -v -m tier1 ipatests
or in case of out of tree tests:
$ ipa-run-tests -m tier1
Reviewed-By: Ales 'alich' Marecek <>
Tests modified to comply with PEP8 rules with exception of rule E501 (long lines).
Done by autopep8 tool and 2 manual modifications.