Dogtag 10 uses a new installer, new directory layout and new default
ports. This patch changes the ipa install code to integrate these changes.
Facets which performs AJAX call after update refresh (clear dirty state) after calling callback of dirty dialog. It might lead to multiple openings of dirty dialog.
Assuming that calling dirty dialog's callback can be evaluated as "dirty state is gone", we can call reset in the callback to prevent the issue. There will be an incorrect state in the facet for a moment. It will be fixed soon on execute of callback of the refresh AJAX call. It is not an issue because it will happen in background. User will be looking on different facet.
Format of ipasshpubkey in users and hosts changed from BYTES to STR. Web UI no longer gets the value as base64 encoded string in a object.
Label was changed to reflect that the key don't have to be plain base64 encoded blob.
This patch is changing confirmation of actions according to ticket #3035, see the ticket description.
It does following changes:
* Confirmation of update action was removed.
* Action lists resets to first action (which is usually a NOP: '-- select action --') on change of displayed entry.
* New confirmation dialog was implemented. It is used for action confirmation. It is used in IPA.action to replace the call of window.confirm(message). The old call is a modal window which blocks all JS functionality and has different style than other dialogs in Web UI. The new one has same design and doesn't block background operations.
While deleting an entry it now resets a facet if there are unsaved changes. It prevents pop up of various error dialogs when UI tries to redirect to search page after successful delete.
Notification of success was added to:
* details facet: update
* association facet and association widget: add, delete items
* attribute facet: delete items (notification of add should be handled in entity adder dialog)
* sudo rule: add, remove option
* dnsrecord: add, update, delete
When a permission is edited, and Type switched, the attributes selected for
previous Type are still selected, and update fails, if they are invalid for the
new Type. But it should get deselected or not even listed if Type changes.
When Type is changed, attribute list is refreshed and still applicable attributes
are chosen. If Type is reverted back, previously chosen attributes are back as chosen.
If attributes are extended outside Web UI by not listed attr, this attr is listed at
the list end.
If user makes change in attribute list before type change, this change is forgotten.
This patch adds option to disable sorting when paging. It allowed to enable paging in password policy with order of items untouched (they are sorted on server side by priority).
Also fixing issue when paging is disabled and command summary = null. It displayed 'null' in facet footer.
User was not notified about success of actions executed from action list, action panel or facet cotrol bar.
This patch adds IPA.notify_success(message) call. It creates a yellow notification area with supplied message in Web UI header in the middle of the green area (empty space of first level navigation).
This area is displayed for 3s and then it fades out (800ms). It also fades out when it is clicked.
This call is used(directly or indirectly) in:
* search facets: delete, disable, enable actions
* details facets: delete action
* user details facet: reset password action
* host details facet: unprovision, set OTP actions
* service details facet: unprovision action
* host and service details facet: request, revoke, restore certificates actions
* group details facet: change to POSIX/external actions
* dns zone details facet: add/remove permission actions
When an object in search facet was deleted, other facets were not notified that they need to refresh. If one crated object with same pkey as deleted object and then navigated to it's details he could see old object's data.
This notification was added.
WebUI catches the fact that the user can't access LDAP server with a current ticket. It shows form-based auth login dialog. Previoustly an ugly error was returned on an almost empty page, and user had no recourse.
Added evaluators to decide if attribute facet should be read-only based on attribute level rights.
Default values serves well for group's external member.
Created new type of facet: attribute facet. This facet is similar to association facet but it serves for displaying object's multivalued attributes which behaves like association attributes. It will serve as a basis for displaying group's externalmember attribute.
Created new value_map_widget which serves for displaying values based on a map.
It is added to group for displaying its type. The decision is based on group's objectclass.
Group can be normal, posix and external. Posix checkbox was removed and was replaced by radio for selecting group type. This adds possibility of adding of external group.
Recommened way of setting boolean HTML attributes is by $.prop(boolean) method not $.attr(boolean) because it sets DOM object property not an attribute. Latter works because of jquery's backward compatibility. This patch makes things clearer.
Some info about prop and attr:
Buttons in association dialog and action list have different style and behavior than buttons in dialogs. This patch unifies it by using jquery.button widget.
ipa.css had to be updated to work with updated jquery-ui. This patch removes several duplicate styles.
Following issues were fixed:
* dialogs titles in IE and Opera were black instead of green
* no black line in first navigation level in IE and Opera
* all browsers (FF, IE, Chrome, Opera) have the same style for buttons and headers
* dialogs has borders again (should we remove its shadow?)
Known issues:
* selected tab-1 in Chrome and Opera doesn't overlaps background line as in IE and FF. Not sure how to fix without breaking (there are border overlaps) the latter ones. I think it looks good enough.
* some buttons are missing padding. Will be fixed in next patch.
Clicks events should be better defined by jquery calls (usually addEventListener) not as elements attributes. Definition as element attribute causes problems after upgrade to jquery 1.7.2. Two occurances were removed.
jquery-ui was regenerated to up to date version.
Border radius and IPA custom colors were added to theme so we don't have to override them in ipa.css.
Following options were added to Web UI
* PAC Type in service
* PAC Type in configuration
Testing metadata for objects and commands were regenerated.
There's probably a bug regarding z-index stacking in Chrome and IE. It appears when combobox is used in dialog. Combobox's select area had z-index=1010. When first jquery dialogs is open it has z-index=1000. Further dialogs have higher z-index. When dialog's z-index exceeds 1010 option in select control can't be selected. IMO it is a browser bug because select control lies in dialog content's stacking context so it should be functional even with z-index=1.
This patch raises select area's z-index to 9000000 which should prevent the issue for some time. Also it make's combobox's z-index configurable so we can solve combobox stacking (ie in service-add dialog).
Second part of:
In IE when a window is small (horizontal scrollbar is displayed) click or keyboard input on various parts of UI makes search tables scroll to top. It prevents from selecting items in a table. This issue happens when using absolute positioned element with overflow style. It's a bug in IE.
Two workarounds were added to make UI usable in IE.
Adding position:relative; style to body element fixes the problem in search pages. It doesn't help in association dialogs though.
The bug doesn't occur when some child element has focus. It's possible to set focus to first visible checkbox while scrolling down but user experience is very bad. Better solution seems to scroll back when IE scrolls to top on mousedown. That way mouse click event happens on the target element and it can gain focus and therefore be selected. Some glitches still remains but is usable.
It's hard to detect if or which type dialog is displayed becouse not all dialogs have IDs.
On dialog open, it's id or name (if id is not set) is used for containing element id. Many of dialog types were missing id or name so name was added to each dialog type.
In HTML, element's id should be unique. Our framework allows opening two dialogs with the same id. It may lead to state where getElementById method may have unpredicted behaviour. Therefore attribute 'data-name' with dialog's name was added to dialog's containing element. Automation framework can search more reliable by using this attribute instead of id.
Adder dialog and details facet for permission type=subtree have small textarea for defining subtree filter. It was unconfortable to define the filter. This difference was removed.
Attributes widget is using overflow css rule in tbody element. IE9 doesn't handle it well.
To fix the issue, attributes widget was slightly modified and conditional css stylesheet was added just for fixing IE problems.
There was a clash of 'type' attribute in widget's spec. Usually 'type' is used for telling a builder which field and widget to build. Text widget used this attribute also for definion of html input type. It was problematic for some special widgets, which defined own field and used text_widget, like service_type or dnszone_name. In those and possibly other cases it used widget type for specifying input type which lead to execution error in Internet Explorer. Firefox and Chrome took it.
This patch is changing text_widget's 'type' to 'input_type' which removes the collision and hence fixes the problem.
and half of:
This patch adds support for new per-domain permissions to Web UI.
User with assigned permission (through role,priviledge) can edit DNS zone. These permissions can be added/remove by ipa dnszone-{add/remove}permission $dnszone command.
For adding/removing of this permission in Web UI new actions in DNS zone action list were created. DNS zone object doesn't contain information about existance of related permission. Such information is required for enabling/disabling of new actions. Web UI has to search for the permission to get it. DNS zone facet was modified to use batch command, in a same way as user facet, for loading dnszone and the permission at the same time - on load.
Batch command has a feature to report all errors. Such behavior is unwanted because we expect that permission-show command will fail when the permission doesn't exist. Batch command was therefore modified to not report commands which has retry attribute set to false. This attr was chosen because it has similar purpose in single command execution.
New actions should be enabled only for users with appropriate rights. It is not possible to obtain rights for certain action in advance so an approximation is used: write right for dns zones' managedby attribute.
When filling password policy it may be unclear what value to enter because user may not remember field's measurement unit.
This patch adds support for declaring measurement units. It's done in field's/widget's spec by entering key for unit's string (which is in IPA.messages.measurement_units[key]).
Measurement units in table layout are displayed in parenthesis after label. It is to be consistent with some fields which have measurement unit integrated in label.
This patch defines measurement units for password policy's 'History size', 'Failure reset interval' and 'Lockout duration' fields.
Message 'Logged in as: user@FREEIPA.ORG' was displayed before user was logged in. It was wrong.
Now 'Logged in as: XXX' is displayed only when user XXX is logged in. So no more user@FREEIPA.ORG :) .
Configaration was the last navigation item in IPA server tab. Trusts changed it. It was wrong because configuration is like 'other settings' and so it should be last.
This patch moves configuration navigation item to the last position again.