The previous way of implementing trackers in the module with
the test caused circular imports. The separate package resolves
this issue.
Reviewed-By: Ales 'alich' Marecek <>
The unlock_principal_password unlocks the (new) user by running
ldappasswd as the user.
change_principal is an context manager that changes identity
for the supplied api object by disconnecting and reconnecting
the rpcclient in and outside of requested kerberos context.
This context manager allows to run tests that cannot be
executed as an admin user which can for example override
an CA ACL.
Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <>
In Python 3, the variable with the currently handled exception is unset
at the end of the except block. (This is done to break reference
cycles, since exception instances now carry tracebacks, which contain
all locals.)
Fix this in baseldap's error handler.
Use a simpler structure for the ipatests.raises utility that only uses the
exception inside the except block.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
In Python 3, different types are generally not comparable (except for equality),
and None can't be compared to None.
Fix cases of these comparisons.
In ipatest.util, give up on sorting lists if the sorting raises a TypeError.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
The six way of doing this is to replace all occurences of "unicode"
with "six.text_type". However, "unicode" is non-ambiguous and
(arguably) easier to read. Also, using it makes the patches smaller,
which should help with backporting.
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
Python 2 has keys()/values()/items(), which return lists,
iterkeys()/itervalues()/iteritems(), which return iterators,
and viewkeys()/viewvalues()/viewitems() which return views.
Python 3 has only keys()/values()/items(), which return views.
To get iterators, one can use iter() or a for loop/comprehension;
for lists there's the list() constructor.
When iterating through the entire dict, without modifying the dict,
the difference between Python 2's items() and iteritems() is
negligible, especially on small dicts (the main overhead is
extra memory, not CPU time). In the interest of simpler code,
this patch changes many instances of iteritems() to items(),
iterkeys() to keys() etc.
In other cases, helpers like six.itervalues are used.
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
Drop support for pylint < 1.0
Enable ignoring unknown attributes on modules (both nose and pytest
use advanced techniques, support for which only made it to pylint
Fix some bugs revealed by pylint
Do minor refactoring or add pylint:disable directives where the
linter complains.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
The setUp/dearDown names are used in the unittest module, but there is no reason
to use them in non-`unittest` test cases.
Nose supports both styles (but mixing them can cause trouble when
calling super()'s methods).
Pytest only supports the new ones.
Reviewed-By: Tomas Babej <>
Add a new API command 'adtrust_is_enabled', which can be used to determine
whether ipa-adtrust-install has been run on the system. This new command is not
visible in IPA CLI.
Use this command in idrange_add to conditionally require rid-base and
secondary-rid-base options.
Add tests to cover the new functionality