- Change sort functions to be on entities, so can use on the view pages too
- Fix bug: empty ajax search on useredit blows up
- Filter illegal characters from suggest uid/email methods
- Rename first/last name fields
- Make default font family sans-serif
- Speed up effect appear/fade rendering
- Add buttons to top and bottom of pages
- Make grouplist sortable
- Add noscript warning to welcome page
Created a MemberDisplayInfo to hold the info needed to render a member.
Changed round trip persistance to use that class.
Created a single renderMemberInfo method to render the members.
Changed dynamic as well as static lists to use renderMemberInfo.
Lastly, render groups members in italics.
Change view group to render group members in italics.
Install the turbogears web gui including an init script. This
patch includes a few related changes:
* create a production configuration
* rename the web gui startup scrip to ipa-webgui
* add an init script
* chkconfig on the ipa-webgui init script
* make the start script properly daemonize the app when not
in a development directory.
* Install everything to the correct places (/usr/sbin/ipa-webgui
and /usr/share/ipa/ipagui mainly).
There are some things still left to do:
* Sort out the logging - the config needs to be adjusted so
that logging messages end up in /var/log.
* Remove the rpmbuild tree with the dist-clean target.
* Move ipa-server-setupssl from /usr/sbin to /usr/share/ipa
* Check in requirement change for generated freeipa-python.spec
* Fix interactive hostname in ipa-server-install.
The default configuration of the apache selinux policy doesn't allow
apache to connect to the turbogears gui. This sets the correct
boolean to allow that connection.
- Members of groups are clickable
- Combine name and uid into a single column in find users
- Remove license plate from searching
- Mailto links on user emails
- Add timelimit to finds. This is experimental...
- Fix usersearch to only search on objectClass=Person
- Change search to use get parameter
Add ipa-passwd tool
Add simple field validation package
This patch adds a package requirement, python-krbV. This is needed to
determine the current user based on their kerberos ticket.