Let the user, upon installation, set the certificate subject base
for the dogtag CA. Certificate requests will automatically be given
this subject base, regardless of what is in the CSR.
The selfsign plugin does not currently support this dynamic name
re-assignment and will reject any incoming requests that don't
conform to the subject base.
The certificate subject base is stored in cn=ipaconfig but it does
NOT dynamically update the configuration, for dogtag at least. The
file /var/lib/pki-ca/profiles/ca/caIPAserviceCert.cfg would need to
be updated and pki-cad restarted.
Need to add a few more places where the DN will not be automatically
normalized. The krb5 server expects a very specific format and normalizing
causes it to not work.
ldap2._generate_modlist now uses more sophisticated means to decide
when to use MOD_ADD+MOD_DELETE instead of MOD_REPLACE.
MOD_REPLACE is always used for single value attributes and never
for multi value.
This profile enables subject validation and ensures that the subject
that the CA issues is uniform. The client can only request a specific
CN, the rest of the subject is fixed.
This is the first step of allowing the subject to be set at
installation time.
Also fix 2 more issues related to the return results migration.
Also properly use the instance name where appropriate. There were a
couple of places where the service name was used and this worked because
they were the same.
We use kadmin.local to bootstrap the creation of the kerberos principals
for the IPA server machine: host, HTTP and ldap. This works fine and has
the side-effect of protecting the services from modification by an
admin (which would likely break the server).
Unfortunately this also means that the services can't be managed by useful
utilities such as certmonger. So we have to create them as "real" services
The pyOpenSSL PKCS#10 parser doesn't support attributes so we can't identify
requests with subject alt names.
Subject alt names are only allowed if:
- the host for the alt name exists in IPA
- if binding as host principal, the host is in the services managedBy attr
There are times where a caller will want to determine the course of
action based on the returncode instead of relying on it != 0.
This also lets the caller get the contents of stdout and stderr.
This policy should really be provided by dogtag. We don't want
to grant read/write access to everything dogtag can handle so we
change the context to cert_t instead. But we have to let dogtag
read/write that too hence this policy.
To top it off we can't load this policy unless dogtag is also loaded
so we insert it in the IPA installer
The CA was moved from residing in the DS NSS database into the Apache
database to support a self-signed CA certificate plugin. This was not
updated in the installer boilerplate.
The DS db wasn't getting a password set on it. Go ahead and set one.
In krb5 1.7 and later, the stash file (/var/kerberos/krb5kdc/.k5.$REALM
on Fedora) is created in the regular keytab format instead of the older
less-portable one. Based from comments and code in kt_file.c, here's a
change to try to recognize that case (the file starts with a magic
number) and read the master key from Python.
The KDC will still read either format, so I left the bits that set
things up on replicas alone (advice appreciated). The patch works as
expected on my 64-bit box, both on RHEL5 (krb5 1.6.1 with a traditional
stash file) and on Raw Hide (krb5 1.7 with a keytab).
I saw this with a host where I joined a host, obtained a host
principal, kinited to that principal, then deleted the host from the
IPA server. The ticket was still valid so Apache let it through but
it failed to bind to LDAP.
Installing a CA that is signed by another CA is a 2-step process. The first
step is to generate a CSR for the CA and the second step is to install
the certificate issued by the external CA. To avoid asking questions
over and over (and potentially getting different answers) the answers
are cached.
Using the client IP address was a rather poor mechanism for controlling
who could request certificates for whom. Instead the client machine will
bind using the host service principal and request the certificate.
In order to do this:
* the service will need to exist
* the machine needs to be in the certadmin rolegroup
* the host needs to be in the managedBy attribute of the service
It might look something like:
ipa host-add client.example.com --password=secret123
ipa service-add HTTP/client.example.com
ipa service-add-host --hosts=client.example.com HTTP/client.example.com
ipa rolegroup-add-member --hosts=client.example.com certadmin
ipa-join -w secret123
kinit -kt /etc/krb5.keytab host/client.example.com
ipa -d cert-request file://web.csr --principal=HTTP/client.example.com
We want to only allow a machine to request a certificate for itself, not for
other machines. I've added a new taksgroup which will allow this.
The requesting IP is resolved and compared to the subject of the CSR to
determine if they are the same host. The same is done with the service
principal. Subject alt names are not queried yet.
This does not yet grant machines actual permission to request certificates
yet, that is still limited to the taskgroup request_certs.
We were seeing a rare deadlock of DS when creating the memberOf task because
one thread was adding memberOf in a postop while another was trying to
create an index and this was causing a PRLock deadlock.
We have to replace 05rfc2247.ldif because it contains some conflicting
attributes with DNS in some older versions of 389-DS/RHDS. This fails on
some newer versions of 389-DS/RHDS so this lets it continue installing
if the new file is not needed.
Password policy entries must be a child of the entry protected by this
Also change the format of this because in DS it was stored as:
\n(target)\n so was base64-encoded when it was retrieved.
In order to run the tests you must put your DM password into
Some tests are expected to generate errors. Don't let any ERROR
messages from the updater fool you, watch the pass/fail of the nosetests.
- The aci plugin didn't quite work with the new ldap2 backend.
- We already walk through the target part of the ACI syntax so skip that
in the regex altogether. This now lets us handle all current ACIs in IPA
(some used to be ignored/skipped)
- Add support for user groups so one can do v1-style delegation (group A
can write attributes x,y,z in group B). It is actually quite a lot more
flexible than that but you get the idea)
- Improve error messages in the aci library
- Add a bit of documentation to the aci plugin
This will create a host service principal and may create a host entry (for
admins). A keytab will be generated, by default in /etc/krb5.keytab
If no kerberos credentails are available then enrollment over LDAPS is used
if a password is provided.
This change requires that openldap be used as our C LDAP client. It is much
easier to do SSL using openldap than mozldap (no certdb required). Otherwise
we'd have to write a slew of extra code to create a temporary cert database,
import the CA cert, ...
External CA signing is a 2-step process. You first have to run the IPA
installer which will generate a CSR. You pass this CSR to your external
CA and get back a cert. You then pass this cert and the CA cert and
re-run the installer. The CSR is always written to /root/ipa.csr.
A run would look like:
# ipa-server-install --ca --external-ca -p password -a password -r EXAMPLE.COM -u dirsrv -n example.com --hostname=ipa.example.com -U
[ sign cert request ]
# ipa-server-install --ca --external-ca -p password -a password --external_cert_file=/tmp/rob.crt --external_ca_file=/tmp/cacert.crt -U -p password -a password -r EXAMPLE.COM -u dirsrv -n example.com --hostname=ipa.example.com
This also abstracts out the RA backend plugin so the self-signed CA we
create can be used in a running server. This means that the cert plugin
can request certs (and nothing else). This should let us do online replica
To handle the self-signed CA the simple ca_serialno file now contains
additional data so we don't have overlapping serial numbers in replicas.
This isn't used yet. Currently the cert plugin will not work on self-signed
One very important change for self-signed CAs is that the CA is no longer
held in the DS database. It is now in the Apache database.
Lots of general fixes were also made in ipaserver.install.certs including:
- better handling when multiple CA certificates are in a single file
- A temporary directory for request certs is not always created when the
class is instantiated (you have to call setup_cert_request())