To do a change right now you have to perform a setattr like:
ipa user-mod --setattr uid=newuser olduser
The RDN change is performed before the rest of the mods. If the RDN
change is the only change done then the EmptyModlist that update_entry()
throws is ignored.
ticket 323
Fixes a bug where find_entries was not passed a parameter for filter.
Instead of fixing the call point, this patch adds a defaulty value for the parameter,
so that they can all be passed by name.
When setting or adding an attribute wiht setatt/addattr check to
see if there is a Param for the attribute and enforce the multi-value.
If there is no Param check the LDAP schema for SINGLE-VALUE.
Catch RDN mods and try to return a more reasonable error message.
Ticket #230
Ticket #246
We lacked good error messages if the user/group container you used doesn't
Add a --continue option so things can continue if you use a bad user/group
container. This has the side-effect of letting you migrate just users or
groups by using a bad container for the one you don't want.
Fix a Gettext() error when displaying the migrated password message.
ticket 289
In ipa-replica-prepare a call to search_ext() was returning ldap.SUCCESS.
The search actually was fine and returned data but an exception was returned
and handled (though we didn't know what to do with it). This patch
lets it continue along.
ticket 285
Fix a logic problem in ldap2:get_schema() for determining if it
can fetch the schema or not. Normally we only want to do this for servers
but if you pass in your own connection it will use that.
When making LDAP calls via api.Backend.ldap2 the ldap2 object will already
be locked by the api.finalize() call. So the first time that
api.Backend.ldap2.connect() is called an error would be thrown that
self.schema cannot be set because the object is ReadOnly. This uses the
documented procedure for working around this lock.
This was preventing the DNS installation to proceed.
ticket #188
Move the user-private group caching code out of the global config and
determine the value the first time it is needed.
Renamed global_init() back to get_schema() and make it take an optional
connection. This solves the problem of being able to do all operations
with a simple bind instead of GSSAPI.
Moved the global get_syntax() into a class method so that a schema
can be passed in.
If a schema wasn't loaded during the module import then it is loaded
when the connection is created (so we have the credntials needed for
ticket 63
I have to do some pretty low-level LDAP work to achieve this. Since
we can't read the key using our modlist generator won't work and lots of
tricks would be needed to use the LDAPUpdate object in any case.
I pulled usercertificate out of the global params and put into each
appropriate function because it makes no sense for service-disable.
This also adds a new variable, has_keytab, to service/host_show output.
This flag tells us whether there is a krbprincipalkey.
This started as an effort to display a more useful error message in the
Apache error log if retrieving the schema failed. I broadened the scope
a little to include limiting the output in the Apache error log
so errors are easier to find.
This adds a new configuration option, startup_traceback. Outside of it is False by default so does not display the traceback
that lead to the StandardError being raised. This makes the mod_wsgi
error much easier to follow.
This uses a new 389-ds plugin, Managed Entries, to automatically create
a group entry when a user is created. The DNA plugin ensures that the
group has a gidNumber that matches the users uidNumber. When the user is
removed the group is automatically removed as well.
If the managed entries plugin is not available or if a specific, separate
range for gidNumber is passed in at install time then User-Private Groups
will not be configured.
The code checking for the Managed Entries plugin may be removed at some
point. This is there because this plugin is only available in a 389-ds
alpha release currently (1.2.6-a4).
Need to add a few more places where the DN will not be automatically
normalized. The krb5 server expects a very specific format and normalizing
causes it to not work.
ldap2._generate_modlist now uses more sophisticated means to decide
when to use MOD_ADD+MOD_DELETE instead of MOD_REPLACE.
MOD_REPLACE is always used for single value attributes and never
for multi value.
I saw this with a host where I joined a host, obtained a host
principal, kinited to that principal, then deleted the host from the
IPA server. The ticket was still valid so Apache let it through but
it failed to bind to LDAP.
Using the client IP address was a rather poor mechanism for controlling
who could request certificates for whom. Instead the client machine will
bind using the host service principal and request the certificate.
In order to do this:
* the service will need to exist
* the machine needs to be in the certadmin rolegroup
* the host needs to be in the managedBy attribute of the service
It might look something like:
ipa host-add --password=secret123
ipa service-add HTTP/
ipa service-add-host HTTP/
ipa rolegroup-add-member certadmin
ipa-join -w secret123
kinit -kt /etc/krb5.keytab host/
ipa -d cert-request file://web.csr --principal=HTTP/
- The aci plugin didn't quite work with the new ldap2 backend.
- We already walk through the target part of the ACI syntax so skip that
in the regex altogether. This now lets us handle all current ACIs in IPA
(some used to be ignored/skipped)
- Add support for user groups so one can do v1-style delegation (group A
can write attributes x,y,z in group B). It is actually quite a lot more
flexible than that but you get the idea)
- Improve error messages in the aci library
- Add a bit of documentation to the aci plugin
This will create a host service principal and may create a host entry (for
admins). A keytab will be generated, by default in /etc/krb5.keytab
If no kerberos credentails are available then enrollment over LDAPS is used
if a password is provided.
This change requires that openldap be used as our C LDAP client. It is much
easier to do SSL using openldap than mozldap (no certdb required). Otherwise
we'd have to write a slew of extra code to create a temporary cert database,
import the CA cert, ...
If you don't want to use ldapi then you can remove the ldap_uri setting
in /etc/ipa/default.conf. The default for the framework is to use
ldap2.find_entries now returns a tuple containing 2 values. First,
a list of entries (dn, entry_attrs), Second, the truncated flag. If
the truncated flag is True, search results hit a server limitation
and are incomplete.
This patch also removes decoding of non-string scalar python types into
unicode (they are left unchanged).