Verify that FreeIPA can be installed with an external CA that has a name
constraints extension.
Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
Reviewed-By: Fraser Tweedale <>
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Signed-off-by: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <>
Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <>
The signing key for IPA's CA certificate now uses a 3072 bit RSA key by
According to, NIST 800-57 Part 1 Rev. 4
recommends 3072 bit RSA keys for keys that are used beyond 2030 for 128 bit
Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Vault and KDC proxy are neither critical subsystems nor are they likely to
fail. They have been pretty stable and don't see any major development.
It's sufficient to run them in nightly tests only.
The removal speed up gating a bit. Especially vault tests are slow and
usually take more than 30 minutes to complete
Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
Create and execute the server and client smart card advise scripts.
See: See:
Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <>
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Enable testing (gating and nightly) to use the new F29 template.
Signed-off-by: Diogo Nunes <>
Reviewed-By: Francisco Trivino <>
Memory requirements for master and replica have been increased
due to OOM issues. This PR updates prci_definitions accordingly.
This PR also roll-back ipaserver mem reqs to the previous value
since the WebUI tests were split into different blocks.
Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <>
Some tests have been identified as frequently failing on timeouts. While
we are investigating PRCI potential issues, increase the timeouts to
make PRCI usable. The rule is to add 30min if the test involves CA/KRA
installation or 20min otherwise for the most problematic tests.
test_forced_client_enrolment: from 1h to 1h20
test_vault: from 1h15 to 1h45
external_ca_1: from 1h to 1h20
test_sudo: from 1h to 1h20
test_authconfig: from 1h to 1h20
Reviewed-By: Tibor Dudlak <>
Now the test definition of nightly tests will be on freeipa repo. The
definition that's used on every PR (previously as .freeipa-pr-ci.yaml)
is in ipatests/prci_definitions/gating and the .freeipa-pr-ci.yaml file
is just a symlink to the real file.
In the same dir there is also nightly_master and nightly_rawhide, both
to be used in nightly tests.
Divided into 3 subtests.
Bumped vagrant template to version 0.1.6
This PR is the result of discussion on freeipa-devel mailing list [1].
Reviewed-By: Michal Reznik <>