Web UI tests were marked as tier1 tests.
The tier system is intended to be used together with CI system
to make sure the more complicated tests are being run only
when all of the basic functionality is working.
The system is using pytest's marker system. E.g. an invocation of
all tier1 tests with listing will look like:
$ py.test -v -m tier1 ipatests
or in case of out of tree tests:
$ ipa-run-tests -m tier1
Reviewed-By: Ales 'alich' Marecek <amarecek@redhat.com>
Tests modified to comply with PEP8 rules with exception of rule E501 (long lines).
Done by autopep8 tool and 2 manual modifications.
Heavily inspired by code from xmlrpc tests.
To obtain ranges, this patch also adds method to execute FreeIPA command through Web UI.
It uses Web UI instead of ipalib so it doesn't need to care about authentication on a test-runner machine.