Drops the code from ipa-server-install, ipa-dns-install and the
BindInstance itself. Also changed ipa-upgradeconfig script so
that it does not set zone_refresh to 0 on upgrades, as the option
is deprecated.
Enables support for trusted domains users for old clients through Schema
Compatibility plugin. SSSD supports trusted domains natively starting with
version 1.9 platform. For platforms that lack SSSD or run older SSSD version
one needs to use this option. When enabled, slapi-nis package needs to
be installed and schema-compat-plugin will be configured to provide lookup of
users and groups from trusted domains via SSSD on IPA server. These users and
groups will be available under cn=users,cn=compat,$SUFFIX and
cn=groups,cn=compat,$SUFFIX trees. SSSD will normalize names of users and
groups to lower case.
In addition to providing these users and groups through the compat tree,
this option enables authentication over LDAP for trusted domain users with DN
under compat tree, i.e. using bind DN uid=administrator@ad.domain,cn=users,cn=compat,$SUFFIX.
This authentication is related to PAM stack using 'system-auth' PAM
service. If you have disabled HBAC rule 'allow_all', then make sure there is
special service called 'system-auth' created and HBAC rule to allow access to
anyone to this rule on IPA masters is added. Please note that system-auth PAM
service is not used directly by any other application, therefore it is safe to
create one specifically to support trusted domain users via compatibility path.
Provides a pluggable framework for generating configuration
scriptlets and instructions for various machine setups and use
Creates a new ipa-advise command, available to root user
on the IPA server.
Also provides an example configuration plugin,
In ipa-replica-manage commands, we enforce that hostnames we work
with are resolvable. However, this caused errors while deleting
or disconnecting a ipa / winsync replica, if that replica was down
and authoritative server for itself.
Also adds an --no-lookup flag to disable host existence checks.
Attempt to automatically save DNA ranges when a master is removed.
This is done by trying to find a master that does not yet define
a DNA on-deck range. If one can be found then the range on the deleted
master is added.
If one cannot be found then it is reported as an error.
Some validation of the ranges are done to ensure that they do overlap
an IPA local range and do not overlap existing DNA ranges configured
on other masters.
The new merged database will replicate with both the IPA and CA trees, so all
DS instances (IPA and CA on the existing master, and the merged one on the
replica) need to have the same schema.
Dogtag does all its schema modifications online. Those are replicated normally.
The basic IPA schema, however, is delivered in ldif files, which are not
replicated. The files are not present on old CA DS instances. Any schema
update that references objects in these files will fail.
The whole 99user.ldif (i.e. changes introduced dynamically over LDAP) is
replicated as a blob. If we updated the old master's CA schema dynamically
during replica install, it would conflict with updates done during the
installation: the one with the lower CSN would get lost.
Dogtag's spawn script recently grew a new flag, 'pki_clone_replicate_schema'.
Turning it off tells Dogtag to create its schema in the clone, where the IPA
modifications are taking place, so that it is not overwritten by the IPA schema
on replication.
The patch solves the problems by:
- In __spawn_instance, turning off the pki_clone_replicate_schema flag.
- Providing a script to copy the IPA schema files to the CA DS instance.
The script needs to be copied to old masters and run there.
- At replica CA install, checking if the schema is updated, and failing if not.
The --skip-schema-check option is added to ipa-{replica,ca}-install to
override the check.
All pre-3.1 CA servers in a domain will have to have the script run on them to
avoid schema replication errors.
Report errors just like with ipa-ldap-updater. These messages should warn
user that some parts of the upgrades may have not been successful and
he should follow up on them. Otherwise, user may not notice them at all.
ipa-upgradeconfig now has a new --quiet option to make it output only error
level log messages or higher. ipa-upgradeconfig run without options still
pring INFO log messages as it can provide a clean overview about its
actions (unlike ipa-ldap-updater).
If you have a replication topology like A <-> B <-> C and you try
to delete server B that will leave A and C orphaned. It may also
prevent re-installation of a new master on B because the cn=masters
entry for it probably still exists on at least one of the other masters.
Check on each master that it connects to to ensure that it isn't the
last link, and fail if it is. If any of the masters are not up then
warn that this could be a bad thing but let the user continue if
they want.
Add a new option to the del command, --cleanup, which runs the
replica_cleanup() routine to completely clean up references to a master.
This adds two new commands to ipa-replica-manage: list-ruv & clean-ruv
list-ruv can be use to list the update vectors the master has
clean-ruv can be used to fire off the CLEANRUV task to remove a
replication vector. It should be used with caution.
The credentials of the admin user will be used to obtain Kerberos ticket before
configuring cross-realm trusts support and afterwards, to ensure that the
ticket contains MS-PAC information required to actually add a trust with Active
Directory domain via 'ipa trust-add --type=ad' command.
A backtrace is no longer displayed when trying to prepare a replica
file with the local LDAP server down. Also adds --debug option and
no longer displays info messages without it.
When setting up AD trusts support, ipa-adtrust-install utility
needs to be run as:
- root, for performing Samba configuration and using LDAPI/autobind
- kinit-ed IPA admin user, to ensure proper ACIs are granted to
fetch keytab
As result, we can get rid of Directory Manager credentials in ipa-adtrust-install
SOA serial autoincrement is a requirement for major DNS features,
e.g. zone transfers or DNSSEC. Enable it by default in named.conf
both for new and upgraded installations. Name of the bind-dyndb-ldap
option is "serial_autoincrement".
From now on, idnsSOAserial attribute also has to be put to
replication agreement exclude list as serial will be incremented
on each DNS server separately and won't be shared. Exclude list
has to be updated both for new replication agreements and the
current ones.
Minimum number of connections for bind-dyndb-ldap has been rised
to 4 connections, the setting will be updated during package upgrade.
Log to the same file as ipa-ldap-updater --upgrade,
Will output basic stauts information if executed from the command-line.
From IPA version 3.0, the persistent search is a preferred mechanism
to for DNS zone list management. It will be also a requirement for
several bind-dyndb-ldap features, like SOA serial automatic updates
Make this mechanism default in ipa-server-install and ipa-dns-istall.
We were inferring that an agreement existed if the host was present
as an IPA host. This was not enough if the replica installation failed
early enough.
Using ipa-replica-manage del <replica> is irreversible. You can't
turn around and do a connect to it, all heck will break loose. This is
because we clean up all references to the replica when we delete so if
we connect to it again we'll end up deleting all of its principals.
When a connection is deleted then the agreement is removed on both sides.
What isn't removed is the nsDS5ReplicaBindDN so we can use that to
determine if we previously had a connection.
Admin e-mail validator currently requires an email to be in
a second-level domain (hostmaster@example.com). This is too
restrictive. Top level domain e-mails (hostmaster@testrelm)
should also be allowed.
This patch also fixes default zonemgr value in help texts and man
For ssh, VerifyHostKeyDNS option is set to 'yes' if --ssh-trust-dns
ipa-client-install option is used.
For sshd, KerberosAuthentication, GSSAPIAuthentication and UsePAM
options are enabled (this can be disabled using --no-sshd
ipa-client-install option).
ticket 1634
This is done by calling host-mod to update the keys on IPA server and nsupdate
to update DNS SSHFP records. DNS update can be disabled using --no-dns-sshfp
ipa-client-install option.
Let ipa-replica-prepare and ipa-replica-install work without
proper DNS records as records in /etc/hosts are sufficient for
DS replication.
1) ipa-replica-prepare now just checks if the replica hostname
is resolvable (DNS records are not required). It is now able
to prepare a replica file even when the replica IP address is
present in /etc/hosts only.
2) ipa-replica-install is now able to proceed when the hostname
is not resolvable. It uses an IP address passed in a new
option --ip-address to create a record in /etc/hosts in the
same way as ipa-server-install does.
There are two reasons for the plugin framework:
1. To provide a way of doing manual/complex LDAP changes without having
to keep extending ldapupdate.py (like we did with managed entries).
2. Allows for better control of restarts.
There are two types of plugins, preop and postop. A preop plugin runs
before any file-based updates are loaded. A postop plugin runs after
all file-based updates are applied.
A preop plugin may update LDAP directly or craft update entries to be
applied with the file-based updates.
Either a preop or postop plugin may attempt to restart the dirsrv instance.
The instance is only restartable if ipa-ldap-updater is being executed
as root. A warning is printed if a restart is requested for a non-root
Plugins are not executed by default. This is so we can use ldapupdate
to apply simple updates in commands like ipa-nis-manage.
Make sure that the hostname IPA uses is a system hostname. If user
passes a non-system hostname, update the network settings and
system hostname in the same way that ipa-client-install does.
This step should prevent various services failures which may not
be ready to talk to IPA with non-system hostname.
This resolves two issues:
1. The DNS acis lacked a prefix so weren't tied to permissions
2. The permissions were added before the privileges so the member
values weren't calculated properly
For updates we need to add in the members and recalculate memberof via
a DS task.