When trust is not configured trust-config page is raising an error. Trusts search page won't find anything either -> no use for the pages -> hiding.
Permission details page was incorrectly evaluated as dirty (update button enabled) right after load when permission type={subtree,filter} and some attrs are set.
Can be reproduced by opening 'Modify Automount maps' permission.
The culprit is that attrs widget is populated and dirty-checked even targets where it doesn't belong.
Fixed by running target_mapping action only for visible targets.
ipakrbauthzdata accepts [null, 'NONE', 'MS-PAC, 'PAD']
New nesting feature of radios/checkboxes was used to handle mutual exclusivity between
['MS-PAC', 'PAD'], 'NONE' and ''.
New component: option_widget_base. It's not a regular widget but it share some of its characteristics. It should extend regular widget or it can be nested in itself alone.
checkbox_widget, checkboxes_widget, radio_widget were modified to use it.
Built as a prerequisite for:
rhino-1.7R4-2.fc19.noarch dropped -main flag which made the build fail in rawhide (F19).
We can't use the same command for rhino-1.7R3-6 (F18) and rhino-1.7R4-2 (F19).
This patch adds check if rhino supports '-require' option. If so it calls rhino with it if not it calls rhino with -main option.
Following pages were added to Web UI:
* certificated details
* certificate search
Certificate is not regular object so it gets no metadata. Therefore artificial
metadata were created for it to allow usage of search and details facet.
Search and details facet were modified to allow removing of add/remove/update/
reset buttons - certificates have no mod operation and they are not added by
standard means.
User can revoke and restore certificated in details facet.
This patch adds 'nfs:NONE' as an allowed entry for the global
authorization data type in the CLI and WebUI. This is an ad-hoc solution
to make sure that the new default value for the NFS service is not
removed by chance.
This patch should be removed if a more generic solution is implemented
to modify service:TYPE style values of the authorization data type.
Added blacklists section, with ipantsidblacklistincoming and
ipantsidblacklistoutgoing multivalued textbox fields, into trust details page.
There was an incorrect check for no_update flag. Check was performed as
if the flag was an attribute of object not an item of array. Hence, the
flag never caused any effect.
Editable combobox didn't update it's dirty state correctly. CB had it's own
internal value changed event, which was incorrectly used. It was removed and
widget's value_changed event was used instead.
Combobox can be controlled just by using keyboard.
When value list is closed, user can:
* use UP and DOWN error to open list, it will focus the list and
select previous/next value
* when CB is non-editable, user can start typing, first character will open
list, second will be entered into search input. Note: I wanted to copy the
first char to the search box as well, but I did not figure out reliable
method for converting keycode to char for non ASCII keyboard layouts
* ESCAPE, ENTER, TAB keys are handled to allow keyboard operations in a
When value list is opened:
* CB tries to keep focus on either search input or a select
* when focus is lost, the value list is closed. So user can click anywhere
on a page to close it - two comboboxes can't be opened on the same time
* hitting TAB key switches between search and select
* if CB is not searchable, hitting TAB will close the value list and select
input textbox
* hitting ESCAPE on will close the value list
* hitting ENTER on search input will invoke search operation
* hitting ENTER on select will close the value list
* hitting UP/DOWN arrows will select previous/next values
Additional modifications:
* opening arrow and search button were made non-focusable. It fixes the
'wrong focus area' bug and simplifies keyboard usage. It doesn't affect
mouse usage.
This is to prevent a fatal name clash wih the new common "messages" Output.
Since i18n_messages is an internal plugin, the change does not affect
our public API.
freeipa.profile was updated accordingly to contain all modules in dojo layer.
This change removes expected errors during the build and therefore it won't confuse others during rpm build. It also helps during development because developer will notice real dependency errors (those not specified this way).
One can specify module ids provided by other means (already built layer file) in providedMids array of build profile file's package section. Builder then ignores dependency errors for specified modules. This allows to build layers without source codes of their dependencies, with no expected errors raised.
name: "freeipa",
location: "freeipa",
providedMids: [
Develop.js contains code useful only for debugging. It is not part of FreeIPA
Is loaded by typing require(['freeipa/develop']); in browser JS console.
It adds IPA global variable and provide easier way of loading AMD modules into
window.ipadev[providedNameOrModuleName] variable.