This adds 2 new groups: activated and inactivated.
If you, or a group you are a member of, is in inactivated then you are too.
If you, or a group you are a member of, is in the activated group, then you
are too.
In a fight between activated and inactivated, activated wins.
The DNs for doing this matching is case and white space sensitive.
The goal is to never have to actually set nsAccountLock in a user directly
but move them between these groups.
We need to decide where in the CLI this will happen. Right it is split
between ipa-deluser and ipa-usermod. To inactivate groups for now just
add the group to inactivate or active.
- Change sort functions to be on entities, so can use on the view pages too
- Fix bug: empty ajax search on useredit blows up
- Filter illegal characters from suggest uid/email methods
- Rename first/last name fields
- Make default font family sans-serif
- Speed up effect appear/fade rendering
- Add buttons to top and bottom of pages
- Make grouplist sortable
- Add noscript warning to welcome page
- Members of groups are clickable
- Combine name and uid into a single column in find users
- Remove license plate from searching
- Mailto links on user emails
- Add timelimit to finds. This is experimental...
- Fix usersearch to only search on objectClass=Person
- Change search to use get parameter