To update install/ui/css/patternfly.css you should:
1. clone Bootstrap 3, Font-Awesome, Bootstrap-Select and PatternFly
to the same parent directory as for FreeIPA (or use symlinks)
2. checkout desired versions of each component
3. run install/ui/util/make-patternfly.css
4. when changing component versions, copy xxx/variables.less from each
component to install/ui/less/xxx/ so we can use the variables in our
less files
This commit contain css made from component versions as follows:
- PatternFly: 0.2.5
- Bootstrap: 3.1.1
- Bootstrap-select: 1.4.3
- Font-Awesome: 4.0.3
Reviewed-By: Endi Sukma Dewata <>
Reimplementation of unauthorized dialog into separate widget. It uses RCUE
New features compared to unauthorized dialog:
- reflects auth methods from `auth` module
- validation summary
- differentiates Kerberos auth failure with session expiration
- Caps Lock warning
- form based method doesn't allow password only submission
Reviewed-By: Adam Misnyovszki <>
Load page is a simple facet which is displayed up to 'runtime' phase.
On application start it tells the user that there is ongoing activity.
Reviewed-By: Adam Misnyovszki <>
A widget for showing ongoing activity.
Displays a text with changing dots.
It listens to `network-activity-start` and `network-activity-end` topics.
Reviewed-By: Adam Misnyovszki <>
This is a Web UI wide change. Fields and Widgets binding was refactored
to enable proper two-way binding between them. This should allow to have
one source of truth (field) for multiple consumers - widgets or something
else. One of the goal is to have fields and widget implementations
independent on each other. So that one could use a widget without field
or use one field for multiple widgets, etc..
Basically a fields logic was split into separate components:
- adapters
- parsers & formatters
- binder
- extract data from data source (FreeIPA RPC command result)
- prepares them for commands.
- parse extracted data to format expected by field
- parse widget value to format expected by field
- format field value to format suitable for widgets
- format field value to format suitable for adapter
- is a communication bridge between field and widget
- listens to field's and widget's events and call appropriate methods
Some side benefits:
- better validation reporting in multivalued widget
Reviewed-By: Adam Misnyovszki <>
checkboxes and radio buttons:
- do not change color on hover when disabled
- are focusable and checkable be keyboard again. This uses a little
trick where the real checkbox is hidden under the artificial
checkbox. That way it has the same position and therefore it
works even in containers with overflow set.
Reviewed-By: Adam Misnyovszki <>
This commit changes how fonts are used.
- remove usage of bundled fonts and only system fonts are used instead
- by using alias in httpd conf
- by using local("Font Name") directive in font-face
- removed usage of overpass font
- redefined Open Sans font-face declarations. Note: upstream is doing the
same change so we will be fine on upgrade.
- introduce variable.less for variable definitions and overrides. This file
will be very useful when we upgrade to newer RCUE so we will be able to
redefine their and bootstrap's variables.