FreeIPA certmonger module changed to use D-Bus to communicate with certmonger.
Using the D-Bus API should be more stable and supported way of using cermonger than
tampering with its files.
>=certmonger-0.75.13 is needed for this to work.
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
This patch adds an explicit build dependency to
Without it, the build-time lint would fail.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
Without python-backports-ssl_match_hostname installed, an ipa-client
installation could have failed with:
from backports.ssl_match_hostname import match_hostname
ImportError: No module named ssl_match_hostname
This patch adds an explicit dependency to
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
This patch adds the capability of installing a Dogtag KRA
to an IPA instance. With this patch, a KRA is NOT configured
by default when ipa-server-install is run. Rather, the command
ipa-kra-install must be executed on an instance on which a Dogtag
CA has already been configured.
The KRA shares the same tomcat instance and DS instance as the
Dogtag CA. Moreover, the same admin user/agent (and agent cert) can
be used for both subsystems. Certmonger is also confgured to
monitor the new subsystem certificates.
To create a clone KRA, simply execute ipa-kra-install <replica_file>
on a replica on which a Dogtag CA has already been replicated.
ipa-kra-install will use the security domain to detect whether the
system being installed is a replica, and will error out if a needed
replica file is not provided.
The install scripts have been refactored somewhat to minimize
duplication of code. A new base class has
been introduced containing code that is common to KRA and CA
installs. This will become very useful when we add more PKI
The KRA will install its database as a subtree of o=ipaca,
specifically o=ipakra,o=ipaca. This means that replication
agreements created to replicate CA data will also replicate KRA
data. No new replication agreements are required.
Added dogtag plugin for KRA. This is an initial commit providing
the basic vault functionality needed for vault. This plugin will
likely be modified as we create the code to call some of these
Part of the work for:
The uninstallation option in ipa-kra-install is temporarily disabled.
Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <>
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
Requiring a specific version of Java leads to breakages, like the
one happening on nightly builds in Fedora Rawhide right now.
We should use the more generic 'java' BuildRequires instead of the
versioned one.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
Without nsslapd-allow-hashed-passwords being turned on, user password
migration fails.
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Theme package is contains resources for PKI web interface. This interface
is not needed by FreeIPA as it rather utilizes it's API. As recommended in, remove this hard
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Previous versions of libkrb5 can't handle expired passwords
inside the FAST tunnel. This breaks the password change UI
in FreeIPA.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
- Bump 389-ds-base requires to fix the deref call with new ACIs:
- Bump bind-dyndb-ldap Conflicts to fetch the DNSSEC capability
- Bump selinux-policy to fix the CRL retrieval:
- Remove conditionals for Fedora < 20 as FreeIPA 4.0 is not planned
to be released on these platforms.
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
The code has been moved to its own, separate repository at
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
standalone page for OTP token synchronization. It reuses SyncOTPScreen
widget instead of reimplementing the logic as in other standalone pages.
Reviewed-By: Endi Sukma Dewata <>
Current compiled Web UI layer (app.js) contains every FreeIPA plugin and
not just the UI framework. It's not possible to start just a simple facet.
This commit creates a basis for a layer (core.js) which contains only
framework code and not entity related code.
Reviewed-By: Endi Sukma Dewata <>
This command behaves almost exactly like otptoken-add except:
1. The new token data is written directly to a YubiKey
2. The vendor/model/serial fields are populated from the YubiKey
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
The newly created ipaplatform subdirectories base and fedora were
mentioned multiple times in the specfile, which produced build
Part of:
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
This patch adds support for importing tokens using RFC 6030 key container
files. This includes decryption support. For sysadmin sanity, any tokens
which fail to add will be written to the output file for examination. The
main use case here is where a small subset of a large set of tokens fails
to validate or add. Using the output file, the sysadmin can attempt to
recover these specific tokens.
This code is implemented as a server-side script. However, it doesn't
actually need to run on the server. This was done because importing is an
odd fit for the IPA command framework:
1. We need to write an output file.
2. The operation may be long-running (thousands of tokens).
3. Only admins need to perform this task and it only happens infrequently.
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
For each SAN in a request there must be a matching service entry writable by
the requestor. Users can request certificates with SAN only if they have
"Request Certificate With SubjectAltName" permission.
Reviewed-By: Martin Kosek <>
This will allow us to make vendors' lives easier by embedding a
vendor tag to installation logs.
Part of the work for:
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
Drop the logrotate file because Apache manages the logs
Drop the systemd configuration because we run in Apache
Import json_encode_binary from ipalib
Fix Requires
Reviewed-By: Nathaniel McCallum <>
This currently server supports only host and hostgroup commands for
retrieving, adding and deleting entries.
The incoming requests are completely unauthenticated and by default
requests must be local.
Utilize GSS-Proxy to manage the TGT.
Configuration information is in the ipa-smartproxy man page.
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
Reimplementation of unauthorized dialog into separate widget. It uses RCUE
New features compared to unauthorized dialog:
- reflects auth methods from `auth` module
- validation summary
- differentiates Kerberos auth failure with session expiration
- Caps Lock warning
- form based method doesn't allow password only submission
Reviewed-By: Adam Misnyovszki <>
389-ds-base implements reordering of sub-plugins based on the
ordering of the main plugin. We need it to make OTP working over
compat tree.
selinux-polic 3.12.1-135 fixes issues which prevented httpd to work
with kernel keyring-based credentials caches.
This change is Fedora 20+.
Reviewed-By: Nathaniel McCallum <>
python-pyasn1 and python-qrcode were imported by ipalib but not
required by python subpackage.
Reviewed-By: Petr Viktorin <>
We use Java classes which are bundled with rhino when uglifying
Javascript sources at build-time, so we need rhino at build-time.
Reviewed-By: Petr Vobornik <>
This plugin prevents the deletion or deactivation of the last
valid token for a user. This prevents the user from migrating
back to single factor authentication once OTP has been enabled.
Thanks to Mark Reynolds for helping me with this patch.
Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <>
This commit changes how fonts are used.
- remove usage of bundled fonts and only system fonts are used instead
- by using alias in httpd conf
- by using local("Font Name") directive in font-face
- removed usage of overpass font
- redefined Open Sans font-face declarations. Note: upstream is doing the
same change so we will be fine on upgrade.
- introduce variable.less for variable definitions and overrides. This file
will be very useful when we upgrade to newer RCUE so we will be able to
redefine their and bootstrap's variables.
Enable Retro Changelog and Content Synchronization DS plugins which are required
for SyncRepl support.
Create a working directory /var/named/ipa required by bind-dyndb-ldap v4+.
The project's history is kept in Git. We used the spec changelog
for changes to the spec itself, which doesn't make much sense.
Downstreams like Fedora use their own changelog anyway.
A single entry is left for tools that expect a changelog.
Since mod_nss-1.0.8-24, mod_nss and mod_ssl can co-exist on one
machine (of course, when listening to different ports).
To make sure that mod_ssl is not configured to listen on 443
(default mod_ssl configuration), add a check to the installer checking
of either mod_nss or mod_ssl was configured to listen on that port.
Nose doesn't pick up directories that don't begin with 'test'.
Rename ipatests/test_ipaserver/install to test_install so that it's run.
Also, merge from ipapython/test into tests/test_ipapython,
so the whole test suite is in one place.
The integration testing framework used Paramiko SFTP files as
context managers. This feature is only available in Paramiko 1.10+.
Use an explicit context manager so that we don't rely on the feature.
This patch fixes:
- too long description for server-trust-ad subpackage
- adds (noreplace) flag %{_sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d/ipa.conf to avoid
overwriting potential user changes
- changes permissions on to prevent it
pollute python subpackage Provides.
- wrong address in GPL v2 license preamble in 2 distributed files
Drops the code from ipa-server-install, ipa-dns-install and the
BindInstance itself. Also changed ipa-upgradeconfig script so
that it does not set zone_refresh to 0 on upgrades, as the option
is deprecated.
Old versions of SSSD do not directly support cross-realm trusts between IPA
and AD. This patch introduces plugins for the ipa-advise tool, which should
help with configuring an old version of SSSD (1.5-1.8) to gain access to
resources in trusted domain.
Since the configuration steps differ depending on whether the platform includes
the authconfig tool, two plugins are needed:
* config-redhat-sssd-before-1-9 - provides configuration for Red Hat based
systems, as these system include the autconfig utility
* config-generic-sssd-before-1-9 - provides configuration for other platforms
In external CA installation, ipa-server-install leaked NSS objects
which caused an installation crash later when a subsequent call of
NSSConnection tried to free them.
Properly freeing the NSS objects avoid this crash.
There was already a dependency in server package, however,
the correct place for such dependency is in freeipa-python,
since the relevant code using keyutils resides there.
Both freeipa-server and freeipa-client require freeipa-python.
Features of the new policy:
- labels /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish as pki_tomcat_cert_t which is
writeable by PKI and readable by HTTPD
- contains Conflicts with old freeipa-server-selinux package to avoid
SELinux upgrade issues
Provides a pluggable framework for generating configuration
scriptlets and instructions for various machine setups and use
Creates a new ipa-advise command, available to root user
on the IPA server.
Also provides an example configuration plugin,
Spec file modified so that /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish/ is no
longer owned by created with package installation. The directory
is rather created/removed with the CA instance itself.
This ensures proper creation/removeal, group ownership
and SELinux context.
Add methods to run commands and copy files to Host objects.
Adds a base class for integration tests which can currently install
and uninstall IPA in a "star" topology with per-test specified number
of hosts.
A simple test for user replication between two masters is provided.
Log files from the remote hosts can be marked for collection, but the
actual collection is left to a Nose plugin.
Part of the work for:
Integration tests are configured via environment variables.
Add a framework for parsing these variables and storing them
in easy-to-use objects.
Add an `ipa-test-config` executable that loads the configuration
and prints out variables needed in shell scripts.
Part of the work for
Running server upgrade or restart in %post or %postun may cause issues when
there are still parts of old FreeIPA software (like entitlements plugin).
Replica information file contains the file `cacert.p12` which is protected by
the Directory Manager password of the initial IPA server installation. The DM
password of the initial installation is also used for the PKI admin user
If the DM password is changed after the IPA server installation, the replication
To prevent this failure, add the following steps to ipa-replica-prepare:
1. Regenerate the `cacert.p12` file and protect it with the current DM password
2. Update the password of the PKI admin user with the current DM password
This daemon listens for RADIUS packets on a well known
UNIX domain socket. When a packet is received, it queries
LDAP to see if the user is configured for RADIUS authentication.
If so, then the packet is forwarded to the 3rd party RADIUS server.
Otherwise, a bind is attempted against the LDAP server.
Introduce new command, 'trust-resolve', to aid resolving SIDs to names
in the Web UI.
The command uses new SSSD interface, nss_idmap, to resolve actual SIDs.
SSSD caches resolved data so that future requests to resolve same SIDs
are returned from a memory cache.
Web UI code is using Dojo/Deferred to deliver result of SID resolution
out of band. Once resolved names are available, they replace SID values.
Since Web UI only shows ~20 records per page, up to 20 SIDs are resolved
at the same time. They all sent within the single request to the server.
Upgrading from d9 -> d10 does not set up the RESTful interface
in dogtag, they just never coded it. Rather than trying to backport
things they have decided to not support upgrades.
We need to catch this and report a more reasonable error. They are
returning a 501 (HTTP method unimplemented) in this case.
nss-pam-ldapd in 0.8.4 changed the default to map uniqueMember to
member so it is no longer needed in the config file, and in fact
causes an error to be raised.
Add a Conflicts on older versions.
There were cases where a base64-encoded cert with no header/footer would
not be handled properly and rejected. This was causing the CA install
to fail.
Make sure /etc/ipa is created and owned by freeipa-python package.
Report correct error to user if /etc/ipa is missing during client installation.
Require samba 4.0.5 (passdb API changed). Make sure that we use the
right epoch number with samba so that the Requires is correctly
Require krb5 1.11.2-1 to fix missing PAC issue.
Also fix backup dir permissions.
Find out Kerberos middle version to infer ABI changes in DAL driver.
We cannot load DAL driver into KDC with wrong ABI. This is also needed to
support ipa-devel repository where krb5 1.11 is available for Fedora 18.
Pulls the following fixes:
- upgrade deadlock caused by DNA plugin reconfiguration
- CVE-2013-1897: unintended information exposure when rootdse is
This required target is no longer needed as systemd from version 38
has its own journal which is also in the basic set of service unit
This patch includes several cleanups needed for Fedora 19 build:
* ipa-kdb is compatible with both krb5 1.10 and 1.11 which contains
an updated DAL interface. Remove the conflict from spec file.
* Fix ipa-ldap-updater call to produce errors only to avoid
cluttering rpm update output
* Remove httpd_conf constant which was not used
Default value "1" is added to replicated idnsZone objects
if idnsSOASerial attribute is missing.
Signed-off-by: Petr Spacek <>
- Automatically add a "Logging and output options" group with the --quiet,
--verbose, --log-file options.
- Set up logging based on these options; details are in the setup_logging
docstring and in the design document.
- Don't bind log methods as individual methods of the class. This means one
less linter exception.
- Make the help for command line options consistent with optparse's --help and
--version options.
Design document:
dogtag opens its NSS database in read/write mode so we need to be very
careful during renewal that we don't also open it up read/write. We
basically need to serialize access to the database. certmonger does the
majority of this work via internal locking from the point where it generates
a new key/submits a rewewal through the pre_save and releases the lock after
the post_save command. This lock is held per NSS database so we're save
from certmonger. dogtag needs to be shutdown in the pre_save state so
certmonger can safely add the certificate and we can manipulate trust
in the post_save command.
Fix a number of bugs in renewal. The CA wasn't actually being restarted
at all due to a naming change upstream. In python we need to reference
services using python-ish names but the service is pki-cad. We need a
translation for non-Fedora systems as well.
Update the CA ou=People entry when he CA subsystem certificate is
renewed. This certificate is used as an identity certificate to bind
to the DS instance.
certmonger may provide new CAs, as in the case from upgrading IPA 2.2
to 3.x. We need these new CAs available during the upgrade process.
The certmonger package does its own condrestart as part of %postun
which runs after the %post script of freeipa-server, so we need to
restart it ourselves before upgrading.
Rhino is needed for Web UI build. Rhino needs java, but from package perspective
java-1.7.0-openjdk requires rhino. So the correct BuildRequires is
Updated makefiles to comply to new directory structure and also to use builder
for building Web UI.
FreeIPA package spec is modified to use the output of the builder.
The configuration code has been modified to use the ConfigParser to
set the parameters in the CA section in the deployment configuration.
This allows IPA to define additional PKI subsystems in the same
configuration file.
PKI Ticket #399 (
The new merged database will replicate with both the IPA and CA trees, so all
DS instances (IPA and CA on the existing master, and the merged one on the
replica) need to have the same schema.
Dogtag does all its schema modifications online. Those are replicated normally.
The basic IPA schema, however, is delivered in ldif files, which are not
replicated. The files are not present on old CA DS instances. Any schema
update that references objects in these files will fail.
The whole 99user.ldif (i.e. changes introduced dynamically over LDAP) is
replicated as a blob. If we updated the old master's CA schema dynamically
during replica install, it would conflict with updates done during the
installation: the one with the lower CSN would get lost.
Dogtag's spawn script recently grew a new flag, 'pki_clone_replicate_schema'.
Turning it off tells Dogtag to create its schema in the clone, where the IPA
modifications are taking place, so that it is not overwritten by the IPA schema
on replication.
The patch solves the problems by:
- In __spawn_instance, turning off the pki_clone_replicate_schema flag.
- Providing a script to copy the IPA schema files to the CA DS instance.
The script needs to be copied to old masters and run there.
- At replica CA install, checking if the schema is updated, and failing if not.
The --skip-schema-check option is added to ipa-{replica,ca}-install to
override the check.
All pre-3.1 CA servers in a domain will have to have the script run on them to
avoid schema replication errors.
New servers that are installed with dogtag 10 instances will use
a single database instance for dogtag and IPA, albeit with different
suffixes. Dogtag will communicate with the instance through a
database user with permissions to modify the dogtag suffix only.
This user will authenticate using client auth using the subsystem cert
for the instance.
This patch includes changes to allow the creation of masters and clones
with single ds instances.
python-crypto package is not available everywhere, use m2crypto instead.
Originally we thought to extend python-krbV to provide krb5_c_encrypt()
wrapper but m2crypto is readily available.
FreeIPA 3.0 is being released to Fedora 18 only. Since we only support
Fedora 17 and Fedora 18 in FreeIPA 3.0+, compatibility code for older
Fedoras can be dropped. This should clean up the spec file and make it
more readable.
Dogtag10 Requires were fixed. Without this patch, there is a conflict
on dogtag-pki-common-theme.
Tar requirement was added to avoid crashes in ipa-replica-prepare on
some minimal Fedora composes.
bind-dyndb-ldap allows disabling global forwarder per-zone. This may
be useful in a scenario when we do not want requests to delegated
sub-zones (like in zone to be routed
through global forwarder.
Few lines to help added to explain the feature to users too.
We check (possibly different) data from LDAP only at (re)start.
This way we always shutdown exactly the services we started even if the list
changed in the meanwhile (we avoid leaving a service running even if it was
removed from LDAP as the admin decided it should not be started in future).
This should also fix a problematic deadlock with systemd when we try to read
the list of service from LDAP at shutdown.
If ipa-server-trust-ad is installed after the ipa server is installed
and configured, httpd needs a restart for additional python modules to
be loaded into httpd on IPA initialization.
Requires(pre) only guarantees that package will be present before
package scriptlets are run. However, the package can be removed
after installation is finished without removing also IPA. Add
standard Requires for these dependencies.
Remove PRE version number from VERSION. This update and following
is done on a top of IPA 3.0.0 GA.
Report errors just like with ipa-ldap-updater. These messages should warn
user that some parts of the upgrades may have not been successful and
he should follow up on them. Otherwise, user may not notice them at all.
ipa-upgradeconfig now has a new --quiet option to make it output only error
level log messages or higher. ipa-upgradeconfig run without options still
pring INFO log messages as it can provide a clean overview about its
actions (unlike ipa-ldap-updater).
Our code strictly depends on 1.10 as the KDC DAL plugin interface is not
guaranteed stable and indeed is different in 1.9 and will be different
in 1.11
So we cannot allow upgrades to 1.11 until we can provide a plugin that matches
1.11's interface.
Since use of winbind on FreeIPA server that is configured with trusts is
conflicting with krb5 locator based on winbind, use alternatives mechanism
to turn off the locator plugin by symlinking it to /dev/null.
Currently, CRL files are being exported to /var/lib/pki-ca
sub-directory, which is then served by httpd to clients. However,
this approach has several disadvantages:
* We depend on pki-ca directory structure and relevant permissions.
If pki-ca changes directory structure or permissions on upgrade,
IPA may break. This is also a root cause of the latest error, where
the pki-ca directory does not have X permission for others and CRL
publishing by httpd breaks.
* Since the directory is not static and is generated during
ipa-server-install, RPM upgrade of IPA packages report errors when
defining SELinux policy for these directories.
Move CRL publish directory to /var/lib/ipa/pki-ca/publish (common for
both dogtag 9 and 10) which is created on RPM upgrade, i.e. SELinux policy
configuration does not report any error. The new CRL publish directory
is used for both new IPA installs and upgrades, where contents of
the directory (CRLs) is first migrated to the new location and then the
actual configuration change is made.
browserconfig.html was changed to use new FF extension. The page is completely Firefox specific therefore the title was changed from 'Configure browser' to 'Firefox configuration'. Instruction to import CA cert in unauthorized.html are FF specific too, so they were moved to browserconfig.html. Unauthorized.html text was changed to distinguish FF config and other browsers. Now the page shows link for FF (browserconfig.html) and other browsers (ssbrowser.html). Ssbrowser.html should be enhanced by more configurations and browsers later [1].
Old configuration method was moved to ssbrowser.html.
Unauthorized dialog in Web UI now links to http://../unauthorized.html instead of https. This change is done because of FF strange handling of extension installations from https sites [2]. Firefox allows ext. installation from https sites only when the certificate is signed by some build-in CA. To allow custom CAs an option in about:config has to be changed which don't help us at all because we wants to avoid manual changes in about:config.
The design of browserconfig is inspired by Kyle Baker's design (2.1 Enhancements_v2.odt). It is not exactly the same. Highlighting of the steps wasn't used because in some cases we can switch some steps.
This patch is adding a build of kerberosauth.xpi (FF Kerberos authentication extension).
Currently the build is done in install phase of FreeIPA server. It is to allow signing of the extension by singing certificate. The signing might not be necessary because the only outcome is that in extension installation FF doesn't show that the maker is not verified. It shows text: 'Object signing cert'. This might be a bug in"Signing-Cert", "Object Signing Cert", ca_db)) The value is in place of hostname parameter.
If the extension is not signed, it can be created in rpm build phase, which should make upgrades easier. Current implementation doesn't handle upgrades yet.
In order to keep extension and config pages not dependent on a realm, a krb.js.teplate file was created. This template is used for creating a /usr/share/ipa/html/krb.js file in install phase which holds FreeIPA's realm and domain information. This information can be then used by config pages by importing this file.