The changes include:
* Change license blobs in source files to mention GPLv3+ not GPLv2 only
* Add GPLv3+ license text
* Package COPYING not LICENSE as the license blobs (even the old ones)
mention COPYING specifically, it is also more common, I think
Passing domain and server on the command-line used to be considered as
DNS autodiscovery worked. This was problematic if there was in fact no
SRV records because krb5.conf would be configured without a specific KDC
causing all Kerberos ops to fail.
Now if you pass in a domain/server it still tries to see if they are
discoverable and if so won't hardcode a server, but will fall back to doing
so if necessary.
Also be a lot more aggressive on looking for the SRV records. Use the
search and domain values from /etc/resolv.conf on the chance that the
SRV records aren't in the domain of the hostname of the machine.
An example of this would be if your laptop is in and
your company's SRV records are in Searching and won't find the SRV records but the user
is likely to have in the search list, at least.
ticket 234
- Removing shebangs (#!) from a bunch of python libraries
- Don't use a variable name in init scripts for the lock file
- Keep the init script name consistent with the binary name, so renamed
ipa-kpasswd.init to ipa_kpasswd.init
- Add status option to the init scripts
- Move most python scripts out of /usr/share/ipa and into the python
site-packages directories (ipaserver and ipaclient)
- Remove unnecessary sys.path.append("/usr/share/ipa")
- Fix the license string in the spec files
- Rename ipa-webgui to ipa_webgui everywhere
- Fix a couple of issues reported by pychecker in ipa-python
Configure ipa servers as an ntp server and clients
to (by default) us the ipa server as an ntp server.
Also corrected the messages about which ports should
be opened.
The code is still not perfect and rely on a yet unreleased
nss_ldap package that fix dns discovery problems within nss_ldap
Also the manipulation of krb5.conf need to be improved